After Lua occupied the Sky Island and became the territory of their D clan, he immediately redeployed the entire upper and lower layers of the Sky Island!

...... of them

The White Sea, the first sphere of influence at an altitude of 7,000 meters, and the countless small empty islands in the Sky Sea around it, will be fully opened from now on!

Lure allows and even welcomes people from other seas!

He wants to turn the first layer of the White Sea into a world-class trade center!

After all, ......

If you want to truly revive their D family, in addition to being powerful, you must also have money, and Sky Island has its unique geographical advantage

No one in the world, including the World Government, has any jurisdiction over it;

The future ......

It can definitely be the freest island in the whole sea!

Located at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the second layer of the White White Sea belongs to the private territory of their D family, and the aborigines still live on Angel Island

The Island of the Gods was renamed the Island of D;

Lua lives here with all his wives and concubines and children!

This place was once called the kingdom of the gods, and their D-clan was the natural enemy of the gods, so there was no kingdom of the gods after the empty island;

Only ......

The Land of D!

Of course ......

Between the White Sea, which is located at an altitude of 7,000 meters, and the White Sea, which is located at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Lua must set up an impregnable ......

Gate D!

On the one hand, Lua will try to establish a fast passage from ordinary waters to the White Sea, so that more people can enter the empty island;

On the one hand, there are many obstacles between the White Sea and the White White Sea;

No one is allowed to enter the White Sea from the White Sea at will!

In short;

Lua is to let more people in the ordinary sea area enter the white sea of the empty island, and the real white sea of the empty island will become a legend of the world!

Not ...... though

This is just Lua's initial idea of the Sky Island, the first territory of their D-Clan, and it needs to be continuously improved to achieve this idea!

Good thing ......

The geographical location of Sky Island is unique, and in a short period of time, no matter how much trouble they make, they don't need to worry about the threat of other forces!

For example, ......

World Government!

Since Lua took the Kingdom of Alabastan and made Vivi publicly announce her resignation from the World Government and become a vassal state of their D-Clan;

Including Lord Yimu, the king of the Celestial Dragons, the five old stars of the supreme ruler of the world government, they don't want to pull out the nail of Lua for a day!

Now ......

Lua not only found the legendary Sky Island, but also defeated the Sky Island God, and even occupied the entire Sky Island to become the territory of their D-Clan

Message ......

Walk away!

Lord Im, the king of the Dragons of the Heavenly Heavens, and the Five Old Stars, the supreme rulers of the World Government, heard the news, and they couldn't help but feel like they were all in their throats!

After all, ......

The term "D" is definitely the biggest taboo for the Draconians, who have regarded themselves as descendants of the gods for generations

The D-Ones are called the natural enemies of the gods!


Holy Land Marichoa!

Lord Im, the king of the Draconians, sat on a high Void Throne, even though he was like the supreme ruler of the World Government, the Five Old Stars, still knelt on the ground

"Damn! The remnants of a mere D-class clan have made such a big commotion! Five old stars, this king doesn't care what method you use;

Let him disappear forever!".



Even the Five Old Stars couldn't see clearly the face of Lord Yimu, the king of the Celestial Dragons, on the Void Throne, and could only hear her insolent laughter!

The first thing for the five old stars to withdraw from the Void King Palace;

They immediately got together for a little meeting!

"The matter cannot be delayed any longer! Monchi Dlua must be dealt with immediately! Otherwise, he will be the number one henchman of our world government in the future!"

"Are all the Navy Headquarters vegetarians? Call Marshal Sengoku immediately and ask him what he wants to do with this matter!"

"Ladies and gentlemen, this matter still can't be completely handed over to the navy! After all, Karp, who claims to be the only hero of the navy, has already been there and returned in vain!"

"Karp, bastard, even if his son became the founder of the Revolutionary Army, do you still want his grandson to become our enemy?"

"Indeed, although the Navy Headquarters is subordinate to our World Government, we can't trust it all! We must let the World Government take direct action!"

"Call the World Government's Commander-in-Chief of the Three Armies immediately, even if Monchi Dlua now owns the legendary Sky Island Territory;

It's almost impossible to enter the Sky Island and capture him!

But we can also start with those close to him, and we will do whatever it takes to nip this seed in the bud!"

After receiving the order, the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the world government, Steel Gukong, did not say a word, and first made a phone call to the marshal Warring States and scolded him

Immediately afterwards, he found the ...... of the secret spy agency directly under the world government



CP9, a spy agency directly under the world government, set off directly and secretly infiltrated the Kingdom of Alabastan, seemingly planning a big conspiracy!

At the same time;

The Supreme Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Sengoku was scolded again, and he also immediately found his old buddy Karp and released his resentment to the fullest:

"Karp, look at the good things you Monchi have done! Your eldest grandson Lua has occupied the empty island as a territory, what's the matter?

After scolding;

Sengoku directly threw a few of the latest bounty orders in Karp's face, and Karp picked them up and looked at them, and the first one was the new bounty order ...... his eldest grandson Lua

500 million Bailey!


Karp laughed out loud without hesitation, as if his eldest grandson had come out, not ashamed, but proud, and the Warring States face was angry!


At the same time;

Xiao Luna has rushed back to the kingdom of Alabastan, and brought her second mother and third mother, second sister and third sister, and all the concubines of her father Lua;

Come to Sky Island!


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