The two four-star level Devil Fruits that Lu Ya currently has on hand, no matter which one is used to strengthen the other, they will definitely be able to reach five stars!

Not ...... though

He hadn't thought about which one to strengthen before!

The main thing is that he has two children who are about to be born! Now the problem has been solved! His second daughter Lu Qi and third daughter Lu Wei have been born one after another!

...... of them

The second daughter Lu Qi was very interested in swords when she was born, and her natural ability is also a royal object, so she is estimated to be a sword hero when she grows up;

Truly powerful swordsmen will not eat the fruit;

Like Sauron!

Like Eagle Eye!

That's why;

Lua doesn't need to prepare fruit for her for the time being!

And so on;

This multiple-choice question, which was originally difficult for him to choose, turned into a question and answer question, what is the most suitable ability of the third daughter Lu Wei?

There is no doubt about it;

Swallow the fruit!

Compared to an ordinary natural fruit, the special ability to swallow the fruit is simply devoured by the unique talent of the third daughter Lu Wei;

Complement each other;

The perfect combination!

I'm afraid that in this entire sea, I won't be able to find the first Devil Fruit that can match the talent of the third daughter Lu Wei so well!

This fruit;

It's exactly like it was made for her!

Of course ......

If you can, when this superhuman devouring fruit is strengthened to five stars, it can also appear the same mutation as the previous eldest daughter Luna;

After the mutation;

It can make this fruit advance to the sub-god level;

At the same time......

You can still keep all the power you originally had!



Thinking of this;

Lu Ya no longer had any hesitation, and directly used the natural sand fruit in his hand to strengthen the other superhuman sand devouring fruit!

Since both of these fruits are four-star level;

Hence ......

Lua is fully sure that he will be able to fuse five stars!

Sure enough;

As he expected!


You get your second five-star Devil Fruit!

[Ding!Navy Type 6's current experience points increased by 10%!].

[Ding!Three-color domineering current experience points increased by 10%!].

【Ding!Sword Skill Avoidance Current Experience Points Increase by 10%!】


[Swallow Fruit]: Superhuman system! After eating, you can swallow anything to become a part of your body, or synthesize something new;

You can even gain your opponent's abilities by devouring them!

Fruit Potential: 5 stars (highest level)!


And that's not all!


[Ding! Congratulations, host, you have successfully strengthened the second five-star level fruit!The system will reward you with another chance to mutate the fruit!].


This time, he expected it again!Just like the last time the first five-star fruit was strengthened, the system once again gave the fruit a chance to mutate!

You must know that the last time the mutation was carried out, the five-star explosive fruit directly evolved into the form of an animal-based bird bird fruit phantom beast species red dragon!

The animal is in the form of a bird, a bird, a fruit, a phantom beast, and a red dragon, but it is comparable to the form of the four emperors Kaido's animal, fish, fish, fruit, and phantom beast, and the green dragon

Even stronger!

Second only to God!

That being the case;

What are you waiting for?

Lu Ya didn't say a word, and once again used the fruit mutation without hesitation, and in an instant, this swallowing fruit that had reached five stars was radiant!


Congratulations, host, you have successfully used a fruit mutation! This 5-star level devouring fruit has successfully transformed into a ......

Animal department, sheep and sheep fruit, phantom beast species, gluttonous form!].


"Animal Department, Sheep and Sheep Fruit, Phantom Animal Species, Gluttonous Form?".

In an instant;

See here;

Lua couldn't help but be overjoyed, this animal system, sheep and sheep fruit, phantom beast species, gluttonous form is not only a sub-god-level existence;

What's more, gluttony is a fierce beast in Chinese mythology, with a sheep body and human face, tiger teeth and dragon claws, with a symbol of being able to swallow the sky and the earth!

This gluttonous fruit can be regarded as a super advanced version of the swallowing fruit, and for his third daughter, Lu Wei, it is simply not too perfect!

Right now;

Without saying a word, Lu Ya immediately took out this golden gluttonous fruit, although Xiao Lu Wei had just been born, her appetite was already amazing;

Ordinary milk is no longer enough to satisfy her appetite;

It just so happened that Lu Ya came to her with this golden gluttonous fruit, and Xiao Lu Wei snatched it and stuffed it into his mouth without even looking at it!


After eating;

Xiao Luwei patted her little belly and burped!

Lua is stupid!

You must know that Devil Fruits are extremely unpalatable, and even the stronger the fruit, the more unpalatable it is, even if you are a big foodie, Luffy can't eat a whole one!

However, ......

Xiao Luwei finished it in one bite, and even enjoyed it a little!


He's a ruthless man!

Since then;

In the foodie world;

If Xiao Luwei admits the second, no one dares to admit the first;

Including Luffy!



At the same time;

Lua did not give up the natural rustling fruit, although it has been melted, its bloodline factor has been preserved;

Lua immediately used his artificial Devil Fruit technology to directly reproduce an artificial natural rustling fruit, plus the previous ......

Artificial animals are cattle fruits;

Artificial superman is a devouring fruit;

and ......

Robin's artificial superhuman flower fruit, Chopper's artificial animal human fruit, and even Luffy's artificial superhuman rubber fruit;

A total of six artificial Devil Fruits!

Xiao Lu Na and Xiao Lu Wei's two sub-god-level phantom beast species, with his current artificial devil fruit technology level, cannot be reproduced for the time being!

If Luffy's artificial superhuman rubber fruit is used, it can only reproduce the power of its rubber fruit, and it cannot awaken the power of its sun god Nika!

Not ...... though

Even so;

These artificial fruits are also rare for their D-class people! After all, didn't Lua just take in twenty-two concubines a few days ago?

The future ......

In addition to the children born to the four wives he currently has, he will definitely have more children born to concubines!

Use these artificial Devil Fruits to his concubines to create an army of artificial Devil Fruits, which are all made up of his offspring

Absolutely windy!

Speaking of which, due to the fact that Xiao Luqi and Xiao Luwei were born one after another in the past few days, Lu Ya didn't care about it, and he just married the twenty-two concubines;

Now that the two daughters have been successfully born, it is time for Lua to spread out more and truly develop their D family!


PS: Special thanks to [Silver Someone] for providing the animal line sheep and sheep fruit phantom beast species gluttonous form!

If you have any fruit that you want to provide to the author, you can leave a message on the top post in the book review area, which can be used by the protagonist or children, and the best use is selected, thank you for your support!

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