Draco Sanctuary Mary Joya!

The high Heavenly Dragon King, Lord Imu, sat on the Void Throne, but as the supreme leader of the World Government, the Five Old Stars fell to their knees!

"Damn! Alabastan dared to openly quit the World Government and become a member of the D-Clan, and sure enough, he was a descendant of Lily's slut!".

"Lord Imu, please stop your anger!".

As the supreme leader of the world government, the five old stars all seem to be quite religious: "It's not a matter of just one Alabastan!".

"Five Old Stars, even a fly is an eyesore flying around in front of you all day, you should know how to do it, right?"



As soon as the words fell;

When the five old stars walked out of the Heavenly Dragon King's Void Hall, without saying a word, they immediately contacted the commander-in-chief of the three armies of the World Government, Kong Da, and reprimanded him!

The commander-in-chief of the three armed forces of the world government has just put down the phone bug on his first foot, and he has not hesitated to contact the supreme marshal of the Navy Headquarters and scolded the Warring States without hesitation!

The Warring States who was scolded to the point of being bloody was really angry, and he picked up the phone bug on his desk and found Karp, and as soon as he connected it, it was a roar:

"Karp, look what your two precious grandsons have done? Not only did they defeat Klockdahl, who was the king of the Seven Martial Seas;

Your eldest grandson Lua also married the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan, and directly put the princess of the Kingdom of Alabastan on the throne of the queen!

If only that's all there is to it!

Your eldest grandson, Lua, has also asked Queen Vivi to publicly announce that Alabastan will withdraw from the World Government and become a vassal of your D-Clan!".


On the other side of the phone;

Karp, who had already sailed into the great voyage, had long been Xi to the roar of the Warring States, and he did not listen to him at all, but put the phone bug aside!


Sengoku continued to roar: "What do you D-clan want to do? What kind of vassal country do you want to make? Do you want to go to heaven?".


"Karp, did you listen to the old man? Did you put the phone bug aside again? Pick up the phone for the old man!"

Until this moment;

Karp was extremely reluctant to take the phone: "Sengoku, my old fellow, you can rest assured! The old man will leave for Alabastan;

The old man must have hit those two stinky boys and called them grandpa!".

"Karp! I hope you don't disappoint the old man again this time! Otherwise, even if it is your grandson, the old man will have to take action himself!"


Karp hung up the phone with a nonchalant face, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, his Navy warship also sailed straight towards Alabastan!


At the same time;

Drum Kingdom!

After Blackbeard Tich obtained the Dark Fruit, he fled to the Drum Kingdom as soon as possible, with the purpose of devouring the Fruit of Valpo!

Blackbeard, who has seen the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, has been longing for Valpo's devouring fruit, and it is definitely his best choice!

It's just a pity;

When Blackbeard Tiki came to the Drum Palace, he took a look

Big disappointment!

"Hey, hey, hey, hey! Lao Tzu is actually a step late! There are people who can take the fruits of others like Lao Tzu, and even heroes see the same thing!".

Blackbeard Tiki gritted his teeth and laughed wildly

"Don't let Lao Tzu know who did it! This guy really has an appetite for Lao Tzu! After finding him, Lao Tzu must let him live as well as die!"

"Hey, hey, hey!".

Right now;

Blackbeard's younger brother, Lafayette, stepped forward:

"Boss, ever since you killed Thatch, the fourth captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, has been chasing you closely!

I heard that Ace, the second captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, is also a Devil Fruit ability, and he is also known as the strongest natural ability;

Why don't you think about her burnt fruit?".

"Hey, hey, hey, the dogs don't eat the burnt fruit!".

Blackbeard Tiki blurted out unabashedly!

This is going to make Ace cry and faint in the toilet when he hears it!


"Boss, I also learned an important news, as one of the Seven Martial Seas of the King, Sand no Klokdal has been pulled off his horse!

And so on;

There is one vacancy in the position of the Seven Martial Seas under the king!

This is our chance to make a name for ourselves!"

"Hey, hey, hey!".

Hear here;

Blackbeard laughed wildly again: "Is the king the Seven Martial Seas?In that case, I'm sorry!Ace, I can only use you as my stepping stone!".

As soon as the words fell;

Blackbeard turned the bow of the ship without saying a word, he had been evading Ace's pursuit before, but now he was sailing straight to Alabastan to meet Ace!


At the same time;

In the great desert of the Kingdom of Alabastan;

Ace had been walking alone here for a few days and nights, and just as he was about to fall, he finally found a tavern!

Ace plunged into it without saying a word, and even dried more than a hundred plates of food and more than 20 barrels of wine, and fell asleep after drying!

The scared bartender thought he had died on the spot!

Wake up;

The whole tavern is empty!

Just as Ace patted his forehead helplessly, wondering where to find Blackbeard, he suddenly noticed a newspaper on the table

At the top are the two Lua and Luffy brothers!

"Hahaha! You actually killed a king of the Seven Martial Seas quietly, Lua and Luffy, you two guys are pretty good!".

Ace was happy for them from the bottom of his heart:

"Okay, since we can't find Blackbeard for a while, Lua Luffy, why don't I go to the Alabastan Palace to meet you first!"


A few days later;

Just when Ace finally found the Alabastan Palace, the old man Karp also sailed into the sea near the Alabastan Palace

Even ......

Including Blackbeard is approaching the palace!


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