The town of Rogue is at the entrance to the Great Voyage!

In the midst of the storm;

The Merry is rippling like a leaf!

"Sister-in-law, what the hell is going on? Our ship looks like it's going to be capsized! We're not all going to die at the bottom of the sea, are we?"

Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp looked unusually nervous, and only Lua was still lying on the deck to take a nap!

Right now;

Nami saw a light not far ahead;


"Hey, everyone, look at the light ahead!".

"Is this the so-called guiding lamp?"

"The great voyage is at the end of that light!".

In an instant;

Everyone present was dissatisfied, and their faces were excited!

"I'm here to be the King of the Sea!"

"In order to become the world's number one swordsman!".

"In search of the legendary ALLBlue!".

"To be a brave warrior of the sea!".

"For a real map of the world!".

"For the revival of the great D-Clan!".

As soon as the words fell;

"Let's go!".

The Merry headed straight for the Great Voyage!

However, just as the Merry was about to rush into the great voyage to ride the wind and waves, everyone present looked back and saw a small warship behind her!

Suddenly ......

A huge wave swept across the sea;

Nami relied on her superb seamanship skills to manage to save the Merry, but the small warship behind her was directly killed

A big wave turned it upside down!

There was only one person on board the small warship;

The second sister-in-law, Dusty, fell straight into the sea!

"Brother, look, it seems to be the second sister-in-law!".

"The second sister-in-law actually followed us to the sea!".

"Brother, what should I do, do you want to save it?".

"Of course!".

Lu Ya immediately got up without saying a word, and at the same time, at this moment, a sea king beast appeared behind the second sister-in-law, Dasqi;

It opened its bloody mouth towards Dusty!

"Damn! I must not die here!".

In an instant;

In the face of such a behemoth;

The second sister-in-law, Dasty, was full of horror on her face:

"Lua, I won't let you go!"

In her last mind, it was all Lua!

At the same time;



It's too late, it's fast, and at this critical moment, the two brothers can be described as full of tacit understanding, and Luffy directly stretched his hands into a long bowstring;

Lua didn't say a word and stepped on Luffy's arm without hesitation, and with Luffy's fierce force, his whole person shot out like an arrow;

It just happened to fall next to the second sister-in-law, Dasty!

Facing the behemoth that has bared its fangs;

Lua took Dusty into his arms!

"Get out!".

Lua turned his head sharply and glared at the beast;

The domineering aura of the overlord color instantly permeated the surroundings;

The frightened Neptune turned around and fled!

Not ...... though

Since Lua's overlord color is not skilled;

He is not yet able to achieve precision strikes;

Dusty also fainted in his arms!


Lua hugged Dusty tightly in his arms;

shouted Luffy's name again;

The tacit understanding between siblings has reappeared!


At the last moment of entering the great voyage;

Luffy's outstretched arm appears just in time;

Luya Daschi made it back to the Merry!


After the storm;

The entrance to the great voyage on the calm sea!

"Brother, is this the Great Voyage?".

"It's really a magnificent sea!".

"Are we going to conquer this kind of place?".

"It's a lot more fun than a little East China Sea!"



Luffy sat on the high mast and looked around, Zoro leaned on the string of the boat to catch up on sleep, Sanji diligently prepared dinner, and Usopp shouted

Lua was still lying on the deck, basking in the sun

Nami snuggles up in Lua's arms and enjoys the sea breeze!


Suddenly ......

Nami clutched her stomach and screamed!

"What's wrong, Nami?".

"Lua, it looks like there's a little guy kicking me in my stomach!"


In an instant;

Hear here;

Lua immediately turned around and stroked Nami's belly


It's only been a few days?

Are all the children in Nami's belly already able to kick people?

What freaks?

So powerful!

It's really the hope for the future of their D clan!

Lua was overjoyed and at the same time full of anticipation!

"Hey, brother, what kind of villain did you just say?".

Luffy also seemed to hear their conversation, and when he learned that he was about to have a nephew or niece born, Luffy was very excited!

"Haha, brother, it's really you, is it going to revive our D-clan so soon?What will a nephew or niece look like?".

"I'm looking forward to it!".

"The second sister-in-law is awake!".

Right now;

Usopp rushed over, and behind him, the second sister-in-law, Dusty, stood up violently, her eyes swept over all of them

Finally fixed on Lua's body!

"Lua, I've finally caught you!".

"Wait! Where is this? How can I be on your pirate ship? I'm a navy! I'm not going to be with you pirates!".

"I remember I fell into the sea!".

"Lua, you saved me, didn't you?".

"You guys, I must get out of here!"

"Second sister-in-law, this is the great route!".

"You can't leave if you want to!".

"Second sister-in-law, you are from the elder brother!".

"Welcome to our Straw Hat Pirates!".

"What did you say?".

Dusty stepped back in disbelief: "Hey, what do you call me? Second sister-in-law? I'm not your second sister-in-law! I'm a navy


"Second sister-in-law of the navy!".

Luffy took the lead and shouted extremely loudly;

Dusty's whole person collapsed directly!


A few days later;

Dusty finally accepts the reality that she is trapped in the pirates, and at the same time spends time with Lua every day, which makes her feel like before!

Even for the second sister-in-law's title;

Dusty is also starting to get used to Xi!


[Female Navy Dusty's dependence has been increased!].

[Navy Type 6's current experience points increased by 10%!]

[Three-color domineering current experience points increased by 10%!]

[Sword Skill Avoidance Current Experience Points Increase by 10%!]


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