The headquarters of the Navy, Marin Fandor, is the headquarters of the Navy.

It directly rules the living forces of the first half of the entire great voyage.

In the first half of the Great Route, the naval power was unprecedentedly strong.

Here, the lives of the navy can be greatly guaranteed.

Under normal circumstances, pirate groups that cannot defeat the pursuit of naval warships will be chased everywhere.

Most of those who have fought and pursued naval warships will not be too swaggering!

Don’t dare to kill too many navies, so as not to usher in a leapfrog hunt by the navy!

In addition, the advanced warships, the improvement of the medical system, the supply points everywhere, some safe special routes, the timely intelligence, the availability of support and other factors.


The mortality rate of the Navy in the first half of the Great Route was not ~ outrageous.

However, the next thing they are going to is the Advance City, which may enter the battlefield and fall into war.

What is war? That’s the meat grinder!

What’s more, the opponent may be a vicious criminal in Advance City!

Anyway, these navies feel quite sudden!

There is some confusion in the heart!

It’s just that he was soon guided by the general who summoned him.

Naval hero Karp, Admiral Sengoku, Admiral Zefa and other high-level combat forces.

Such a powerful combat force actually went together, it was like moving over the headquarters of the navy!

This is what used to lie flat!

The victory is in hand!!

Soon they were optimistic again.

Advance City.

The criminals on the first, second, and third floors are all rioting.

Many jailers who were not under Sisso’s control were trying to stop him.

However, the trend of riots could not be stopped.

Many criminals began to set off towards the fourth floor.

There are also those who set off towards the ground and want to escape and push into the city on their own.

It’s just that they were soon taught to be human by the jailer beasts who gathered on the ground floor.

Of course, there are also people who run out while they are in chaos.

But in the face of a bombardment of close to twenty warships.

Many of the commanders on these warships were hypnotically controlled by Siso.

But they pretended to be normal and began to direct their soldiers to enter the ground floor to help guard.

Only the necessary soldiers were left to control the warship away from the port for artillery support.

Soon some criminals couldn’t stand it.

They had been tortured for a long time and were very weak.

There is no room for strength at all, and now there is no backbone when escaping.

They are all self-careful, and they don’t care if others live or die.

In this case, the battle on the ground level is instead the jailer and the navy, who have the advantage.

On the basement floor, blue orangutans take turns with axes to chop people everywhere.

Many beasts on the second basement floor are also chasing after each other and directly adding meals.

So many prisoners couldn’t help but think of what they said when they were released by those strange jailers.

Head to the fourth basement level, where you’ll have a life-saving chance to escape.

Many people have learned their lesson and finally began to go to that floor spontaneously.

If you have to head iron, the death of the people next to them warns them!

Four basement floors.

Near the kitchen and granary passage.

It was a dense crowd of prisoners.

At this time, there were constantly jailers carrying all kinds of dry food items to distribute.

And these prisoners began to gobble up.

In addition to the infinite hell, other hells inflict all kinds of torments on the body.

I don’t know how long I haven’t eaten enough.

In this case, they are very depleted.

At this time, there was food, and it was like seeing a satyr and seeing a beautiful woman.

Gnawing wildly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“What a bunch of poor guys!”

Looking at these prisoners who were like starving ghosts, Siso looked compassionate.

Some criminals who were close to him showed a touched look when they heard his words.

Shouting words like long live Lord Siso!

Many of the prisoners who came here have already heard about it.

It was the man in front of him who single-handedly planned this prison escape that shook the entire Advance City.

The monsters of the entire Infinite Hell followed behind him.

Infinite hell, a hell that many criminals have never heard of.

But just because it is located six floors underground, you know how terrifying it is under the extreme cold hell.

The extremely cold hell is already holding hundreds of millions of pirates, and it is hard to imagine how powerful the criminals imprisoned in the infinite hell are.

It is precisely because of this that Siso’s aura shines in the eyes of this group of prisoners.

Hiliu next to him felt speechless.

This guy is about to send everyone to be cannon fodder!

Sorry to play someone here? It’s shameless!

Feel the contempt in the eyes of Xi Liu next to him!

Siso didn’t care.

He reached out and took the food brought by a chef.

Start to taste it slowly.

These days Siso wanders in this great prison.

Constantly use the magician’s hypnotic ability to control some jailer personnel and commanders stationed in the navy.

Fortunately, hypnosis has no load on Siso itself, and only needs to consume mental power and a little physical strength when using hypnosis.

It can be said that this large-scale operator is the result of these days.

It’s just that this ability still has shortcomings.

The higher the strength, the easier it is to break free, not to be too stimulated, blowed, etc., and hypnosis also has a time limit.

In a day or two, many people hypnotized in this advancing city will wake up.

This is the result of brief hypnosis.

But even if it’s only short-term, it’s enough for Siso.

With the passage of time.

There are also more and more criminals gathered on the fourth floor.

There are nearly 50,000 or so.

In addition to some who are still advancing around the city, they are constantly roaming and fighting.

There are also quite a few that have not been released.

After all, Siso can’t do it all.

But it doesn’t matter to him.

With these guys in front of you, they are enough to set off a grand banquet.

Looking at the happy looks of these guys, Siso turned around and revealed a weird smile.

I don’t know how long it took.

Siso stood up in the kitchen.

As he moved, the criminals of the Infinite Hell gathered in the kitchen and the criminals of the Extreme Cold Hell gathered their eyes on him.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Siso licked his lips, revealing a perverted Yan Yi.

“The time has come, sinful scum! Start jailbreaking! ”

Hearing his words, almost everyone in the kitchen cheered.

To the cheers of the crowd, Siso took the lead.

Everyone also got up and followed.

The biggest riot in the history of the city has officially begun!

PS: The new book sets sail, I kindly ask you to collect a big wave plus some free tickets and flowers to support the big one.

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