“Ask for flowers”, “Ask for tips”, “Ask for collection”, “Ask for monthly pass”, “Ask for automatic subscription”

“What?! It worked?! ”

After Hui Hui, who was cultivating, connected his mobile phone, he heard the words of the ninth uncle, and instantly felt a burst of joy.

“I’ll come right away, you guys wait for my arrival.”

Winhui said happily, and then hung up the phone directly.

“Hahaha, it worked!”

While directly using all his strength to start rushing towards the airport quickly, Huan Hui said excitedly.

In order to wait for the zombie army to be formed, they are basically processing documents in this world on the technology side, firstly, you can see where the world has reached, and secondly, the main purpose is to wait for the birth of the zombie army.

After waiting hard for a few days, he finally got the result he wanted!

The meaning of the fully formed zombie army, since he knew what it represented as the emperor of Daqin.

Then it means that Daqin will truly have a god-like existence that belongs to Daqin.

Although these are just a zombie army that has just formed, he is confident that the zombie army he is about to see will be turned into a legion of the Megatron Heavens.

Zombies that can be powerful by directly sucking blood are the best legions for a wide range of people like him who fight in different worlds.

And zombies, creatures can become creatures as long as they suck blood, which is suitable for an emperor like him who has fought all his life.

Then, under the waiting of Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes, after a while, Winhui took a plane to the Kangaroo Continent.

“Your Majesty, here.”

Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes couldn’t help but wave their hands and said happily.

For this million zombie legion, the two of them are afraid of it, for fear that these emotionless, bloodthirsty zombies will suddenly riot and kill the two of them directly.

If the two of them are killed, it is really called every day is not working, and the earth should not be called.

So after the emperor of the empire came, they couldn’t help but subconsciously breathe a sigh of relief, after all, this majesty knew that if they couldn’t control these zombies, then the consequences were not at all that the entire Daqin could bear, but they still forced them to practice zombies means that this majesty must have the means to control all zombies.

“This is my zombie legion, right?!”

Winhui looked at the neat zombies standing on a vast plain and said without leaving shock.

“Take a step forward!”

Hui Hui looked neat, and the zombie legion standing on this wilderness couldn’t help but think for a while and directly ordered.

Now he is going to experiment with his idea, before this group of zombies did not take shape, the Daqin soldiers were 100% loyal to him, so now he wants to see if these Daqin soldiers after turning into zombies will still obey his orders as if they did not become zombies before?

The breeze gently blows on this vast plain.


The neat and unified voice is playing out on this plain.

“This, this, this.”

The Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes, who were standing behind Hui Hui, looked at the scene they saw in shock, and said with a swallow.

They thought that His Majesty would use some special means to control these zombies, at least such as forcing a trace of blood from the body, directly dripping into the forehead of each zombie to let it be absorbed, and then they could further control the entire zombie.

However, this time, His Majesty did not follow the method they had in mind at all, but only said a bland word.

Then there was this bland sentence, but it directly affected up to a million zombies.

The burly man who was wearing black armor and an object without the slightest heartbeat took a step forward quietly, as if a muffled thunder sounded on this plain.

“Very good, hahahahaha!”

“Very good!”

Seeing that his order could still be useful to these Daqin soldiers who had turned into zombies, Huan Hui couldn’t help but shout loudly with excitement.

A million-strong army that is not afraid of swords and guns, especially if it does not need to breathe at all, is now completely owned by him, and if he improves his strength, he only needs to suck blood, this kind of thing that sounds terrifying, for him it is really just like that.

“You guys, you’re doing a great job.”

Winhui encouraged the two people behind him.

“The empire will not forget your efforts, and you have made great contributions to the empire this time.”

Hui Hui looked at Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes and praised.

These two people are simply talents in his heart now, the kind of real talents.

“It’s all as it should be.”

Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes looked at each other and said in unison.

“Let’s go, go to your world, there are some things that should be solved.”

Hui Hui looked at the million zombie army behind him and said lightly.

Now these zombie legions are his strength!

When there was no zombie army before, he was confident that he could occupy the zombie world of the ninth uncle, not to mention that he now had a million zombie army.

Now she doesn’t want to say that she is fighting on multiple fronts, if she comes to another world, of course, the premise is that he can carry out three-line combat in a world that is similar to the zombie world of Ninth Uncle and the world of Hokage!

“Let’s go!”

Winhui directly summoned a crossing door and smiled calmly at the two guys behind him.


Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes said happily when they saw the familiar light gate.

Although they eat and drink in this world, and even enjoy things that they have never thought about in their previous lives, this feeling of luxury gives him an extremely unreal feeling, so the calm and somewhat downtrodden life of their original world still seems a little real to them.

So how could they not be happy to be able to return to the original world now?

Then Ninth Uncle and Four Eyes glanced at each other, and then walked directly into the door of light together, and then disappeared into this world.

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