
They looked at the black cavalry and the black burly warrior and instantly understood everything.

That is, that Daqin really called, which means that the Great Prince they gave hope to is gone.

“Draw the bow, release the arrow!”

Yue Buqun looked at the grassland people who were holding their war horses and preparing to escape, and calmly ordered.


With Yue Buqun’s order, the Daqin soldiers directly pulled the bows and arrows in their hands, and one arrow after another was released by them.

“Brush brush brush.”

The pitch-black bow and arrow seemed to be like a dark cloud in mid-air.

But under this dark cloud, there is a terrifying lethality hidden.


As the dark clouds in the sky fell, one arrow after another finally revealed their terrible lethality.

Those arrows shot down by the Daqin soldiers directly pierced the fleeing steppe people.

Many grassland people were instantly hit by this pitch-black red arrow, and at the same time, one after another grassland people collapsed to the ground. Their bodies were covered with pitch-black bows and arrows, and flowers like blood red bloomed on them.


Yue Buqun immediately ordered after watching this wave of bows and arrows fall.


After receiving Yue Buqun’s order, the soldiers armed with bows and arrows put the artifacts back on their backs, picked up the weapons they had placed on the other side, and headed directly towards the Golden Family’s clan land.


But as the Daqin soldiers entered, those grassland people who were shot were directly stabbed in the neck by the Daqin soldiers without death, ending their painful appearance.

“These guys seem a little weird.”

Yue Buqun looked at the empty place of the Golden Family Clan Land and couldn’t help but feel a trace of strangeness.

Without him, there are too many people in this empty place. More than he could have imagined.

And looking at these dead guys, it seems that everyone in this golden family, including young and old.

“Could it be that something has changed in the golden family of this grassland?” Yue Buqun said to himself suspiciously.

“Forget it, anyway, the golden family of this grassland has been removed from today onwards.”

Yue Buqun directly shook his head slightly.

He cares about him so much, anyway, his task is now completed, and the next thing is to join the other two generals.

In the end, like the entire grass people, they launched an attack and directly divided their territory into Daqin.


“Hahaha, I caught a big fish for two.”

Li Wei shouted excitedly as he looked at the two guys waiting for him in the tent.

“Oh, what makes you so happy.”

Yue Buqun looked at Li Wei, who was so excited, and couldn’t help but say suspiciously.

Li Suo, who was on the other side, also looked at Li Wei with a puzzled face, he was also very puzzled about this, and he also wanted to know what made Li Wei, who was usually silent, so excited.

“Haha, don’t hide the two, this time I really caught a big fish.”

Li Wei looked at the two guys with doubts on their faces, and did not fight the lawsuit, and said directly.

“On my way to join you, I caught the second prince of the Golden Family of the Grassland Nation, which is now the last direct bloodline of the Golden Family!”

Li Weideser said.

“I don’t know if this is a big fish.”


“The second prince of the Golden Family, this is really a big fish.”

After Yue Buqun listened to Li Wei’s words, he nodded slightly and said.

“Haha, with this big fish, our next actions are estimated to reduce casualties a little.”

Yue Buqun couldn’t help but stroke the beard on the chin and said with a smile.

“Rest for one night, tomorrow morning we will attack the entire grassland, before the attack, we will directly put this so-called second prince in the front, see if we can persuade those grassland tribes, if we can, we can get some mature cavalry, and we can reduce our casualties, which can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.”

Yue Buqun suggested.


Li Suo and Li Wei nodded and said.

Anyway, this second prince has no role in their hands, it is better to use it to see if it can persuade those grassland tribes loyal to the golden family.

It’s best if you succeed, but you won’t be disappointed if you fail.


Yue Buqun couldn’t help but answer.

In this way, the originally noble Second Prince of the Grassland, the last bloodline inheritor of the Golden Family, was thus planned for the last use value in his life.



Yue Buqun and Li Suo and Li Wei behind him said together.

Then the mighty cavalry directly began to attack the entire steppe.

Because they occupied the Golden Family’s clan land, they took over the Golden Family’s horses, and it just so happened that they and the remaining hundreds of thousands of infantry could now ride all on their war horses.

This is undoubtedly a good thing for them, from the situation of more steps and less riding to the current full-riding combat power has not only doubled.

In this way, hundreds of thousands of cavalry troops went from the golden family’s clan land to the north.

Their target is the entire grassland, all the tribes of the entire grassland, facing the tribes of these grasslands, the Qin army they chose the most cruel means, not one left!

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