“You led fifty thousand heavily armored infantry to ambush on the left.” Winhui ordered to another general-level figure.

“You also led fifty thousand to ambush on the right side.” Huan Hui said directly to a general on the other side.

“As long as I and that Daming are at war together, the two of you will directly lead the army to pinch on the left and right.” Winhui instructed the two generals he had appointed to ambush.

“The rest of you are directly fighting head-on with Gu, I want to see what the strength of Daming will look like in a thousand years, I want to fight the prestige of my Daqin and the might of my Daqin in this battle!” Huan Hui looked directly at the remaining generals and said deeply.

“No.” One voice after another came to mind in this camp.

“Very good, trim today, fight directly tomorrow.” Huan Hui waved his hand and said.

Originally, the Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao was not far from the Yangtze River, and he was already very close, so he waited there for some time, gathered hundreds of thousands of troops, and gathered 600,000 troops before he began to attack him.

Therefore, Huan Hui estimated that the army led by Zhu Houzhao would soon arrive at the capital of Jiangnan Province, where he was located.

Since this is the case, Winhui chose to fight directly in place, and his soldiers can rest well today. Second, the soldiers on the side of Daming, the physical strength of running over in this episode of guns is already exhausted, and if you want to catch up with the big war, then there will definitely be a little weakness.


The next morning, the sun’s rays shone on the entire earth, and the whole world ushered in a bright day.

“Woohoohoo.” The wind is whistling.

“Your Highness, the enemy is less than a hundred miles away from us.” A spy respectfully reported to Winhui.

“The whole army is ready to fight!” Sitting on a white war horse, Winhui waved his hand and ordered directly.

100 miles of road, that is, 50 kilometers, plus these hours on the way back from this detective, which means that the other party is at most 20 kilometers away from here, and this distance is time to fight.

“Boom!” The Daqin soldiers who were sitting on the ground to rest sat up directly from the ground after receiving Huan Hui’s order, took up weapons and began to straighten out their military appearance.

“Expedition!” Hui Hui directly waved the weapon in his hand, slashed into the sky, and roared loudly.

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao, who was on the Daming side, looked at the instructions on the map and immediately ordered the whole army to repair it.

“The whole army began to fight for an hour.” Zhu Houzhao gave a direct order.

The position he is in is already very close to the capital of Jiangnan Province, and his position is estimated to have been discovered by the spies of the other party long ago, and at most it can be reached according to the normal march in two hours.

Therefore, Zhu Houzhao felt that it was better to let the whole army rest for a while, after all, if there was not enough physical strength to fight later, it would be in a weak position.

……… Lines of communication…………

“Presumably you are Daming Emperor Zhu Houzhao!” Hui Hui looked at the front of the Daming army a few miles away, and a guy wearing bright yellow armor directly used the internal force in his body that had not been cultivated much and began to say loudly.

At the same time, Zhu Houzhao on the Daming side also heard the other party’s words.

“Presumably you belong to the so-called King of Qin of Daqin!” Not to be outdone, Zhu Houzhao also began to use the internal force in his body that had been cultivated for many years and began to shout loudly.

“It seems that he is the emperor of Daming.” Winhui said with more certainty.

“It seems that he is the so-called King of Daqin’s rebel thief.” Zhu Houzhao said calmly.

At the same time, the two sides were silent for a while, and then immediately said in unison.



“Boom!” Not to be outdone, the armies of both sides that received the order began to run towards each other.

If you forget it from the sky, you can find that there is a stream of people all black on this plain, and another variety of people can collide directly.

“Shoot!” The guy in charge of the Shenji Battalion on the Daming side looked at the soldiers on the Daqin side who were getting closer and closer, and directly ordered.



The first gunshots rang out, followed by a continuous stream of gunfire that began to rang out on this battlefield.

However, if you are careful, you can find that the fire system launched by the Divine Machine Battalion on the Daming side does not have any real lethality for the soldiers on the Daqin side.

Most of the damage was directly resisted by the black armor worn by the Daqin soldiers, so the real damage caused to the Daqin soldiers was minimal.

“Let it go to me!” Since the Daming side has a long-range attack divine machine battalion, then on the Daqin side, it must also have the same long-range attack method.

The Daqin soldiers who received the order stood directly in place and pulled out the bows and arrows in their hands.


With a bang, one by one, the bows and arrows were directly shot out by the soldiers of Daqin.

On the other hand, the soldiers in the Da Ming characters, looking at the rain of swords formed by bows and arrows in the sky, suddenly trembled their legs in fear, and some people even more exaggerated directly lay on the ground, trying to resist some damage with those soldiers who were still running.

Obviously, the bow and arrow attack of the Daqin side directly took away a large number of Daming soldiers, but the contract attack of the Daming side only took away a few soldiers from the Daqin side.


After the tentative means of long-range attacks on both sides were exhausted, the soldiers in front finally collided together and began the most primitive combat state, you give me a sword, I give you a knife in the primitive battle……….

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