“Crackle, crackle.” With a sound of wings flaring, a white dove appeared in the courtyard.

“Great King?” Yue Buqun looked at the creed tied under the pigeon’s leg and then looked at Hui Hui and gestured.

“Bring the pigeons, I guess it’s a war report.” Winhui said calmly.

“King, give.” Yue Buqun stepped forward and caught the pigeon and handed it to Huan Hui.

As for Hui Hui’s commanding tone, Yue Buqun directly chose to acquiesce. He is still a bit forced to be a person, what is the identity of Winhui? What is his identity? Even if he was teaching the martial arts of Winghui now, it was not enough to make up for the identity between them.

“It looks like the war is doing well.” Winhui took out the creed tied under the pigeon’s leg, and said with appreciation after seeing what was written on it.

“Looks like it’s time to feel like it’s time to fix these guys.” Huan Hui frowned, looked at a sentence written in the letter, and said to himself.

“Head Yue, you said that if you want to rectify the entire martial arts and let them obey the orders of the imperial court, what can be done?” Huan Hui asked Yue Buqun.

“Uh, that’s the question.” Yue Buqun’s brows suddenly furrowed when Hui Hui asked this, and he said with a squeak.

“Since it is a war report, it can be seen from his expression that the results of this war report are very good, then it means that the other party has launched an attack on other provinces after rectifying the entire Jiangnan Province.”

“But after reading a certain paragraph, he asked himself the question of rectifying the martial arts, which means that when his army attacked other provinces, he was stopped by the local martial arts sect, and even assisted the Daming court to deal with this subordinate.”

Yue Buqun couldn’t help but analyze in his heart through these short scenes of Hui Hui.

“Great King, if you want to rectify the entire martial arts and make those martial arts sects submit, there is only one way.” Yue Buqun thought about it, his eyes became fierce and said to Huan Hui.

“Oh, what can be done?” Winhui asked curiously.

“The army presses the realm and destroys its Daoist system!” Yue Buqun said calmly.

“Hiss.” Hui Hui looked at Yue Buqun and couldn’t help but feel a little shocked by his ruthlessness.

He originally thought that Yue Buqun would say something good, but he didn’t expect that the method he said was so cruel, and he wanted to directly destroy other people’s Daoist system at every turn.

However, hehe, it suits your own appetite!

Hui Hui looked at Yue Buqun’s eyes and became satisfied.

His original idea was also to directly press the army, he didn’t believe that these guys could resist the army.

If they could really resist the army, then those careerists would have directly counterattacked the imperial court, after all, who wouldn’t want to be able to become the master of the entire world? But they honestly stayed in cultivation, or they fought directly, but none of them thought of rebelling.

“Then Boss Yue, give you an army of 10,000 under it, can you solve it perfectly?” Hui Hui looked at Yue Buqun with appreciative eyes.

“Boom.” Yue Buqun was instantly blinded by this sentence.

Let yourself lead an army of 10,000…………

“King Qiyu, Wei Chen is willing!” Yue Buqun said with a firm face.

If you don’t agree to this, then you are really a fool, Yue Buqun is not a fool, he is shrewd.

If he imparts all his skills, I am afraid that he will lose any role, and if there is a role, then it is estimated that it is also to protect the safety of Winhui and act as a bodyguard-like figure.

But if he becomes a general who commands the army, it will be different.

According to intelligence, this king has an existing army of 200,000, but now he directly allows himself to lead 10,000, even if he can’t become their core figure, but the high-level figure can still be.

His own identity, that is 108,000 miles.

Huan Hui took out a jade pendant from his arms, handed it to Yue Buqun and said, “You take this jade pendant to the bottom of Song Mountain and ask General Li for 10,000 troops, and I think you should know what to do for the rest.” ”

Huan Hui looked at Yue Buqun and couldn’t help but say.

“Obey.” Yue Buqun nodded cautiously and firmly grasped the jade pei handed over by Huan Hui.

“Let’s go!” Huan Hui waved his hand and said.


After a few days of travel, Yue Buqun carried the only few disciples on Shu Mountain to the bottom of Song Mountain, and with the glow of jade pei, he soon saw General Li stationed at the bottom of the mountain.

“In that case, then tomorrow morning you will lead an army of 10,000 to act according to the orders of His Highness!” General Li looked at the jade pei in his hand, and after making sure that it was correct, he returned the jade pei to Yue Buqun and said.

“Thank you, General!” Yue Buqun forcibly endured the excitement in his heart, and after calming down, he thanked General Li.

After Yue Buqun came out of the tent, he saw several disciples waiting for him outside, and instantly returned to the appearance of Master Yan.

“Master, so you have become a general who commands an army of 10,000!” One of the disciples said excitedly to Yue Buqun.

“That’s right, now your division has become the main general of the 10,000-strong army, the commander!” Yue Buqun understood his disciple’s mood and said with a smile.

“Congratulations Master!” After getting an accurate answer, the disciples who followed Yue Buqun congratulated one after another.

It’s just that Ling Huyan, who came with him, had a hint of dissatisfaction in his eyes. However, due to the majesty of his master and the grace of nurturing and imparting grace, Ling Hu Chong could only press the dissatisfied thoughts in his heart and remained silent.

“Repair well today, and lead the army to rectify the martial arts with the division tomorrow!” Yue Buqun waved his hand and said.


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