Great Power Technology

Chapter 73 Remarks on the launch

Seeing that others have written testimonials for the release, I will write one too.

Thank you everyone for your love and support of this book until now, especially friends who rewarded and voted for it. Thank you for accompanying this book through the most difficult period.

I saw a comment before that said that truly capable people are working hard to study and research. To realize the great rejuvenation of the nation, ordinary people have no choice but to read novels and get spiritual support. Actually, I think that is not the case.

At that time, I originally wanted to comment and reply, but then I thought about it, forget it, so I wrote Chapter 73 to respond to this point of view.

Everything I wanted to say is at the end of that chapter.

Questions about updates.

After being put on the shelves, the minimum number is 10,000 words or 4 updates per day, and the fan base will announce it after it is put on the shelves.

I actually really don’t know what to write in my speech, because I don’t know how to be miserable and I don’t know much about sensationalism.

I hope I can conquer you with words rather than the author's personality.

I will work hard to write wonderful content, and readers will support me by subscribing. That is enough.

I feel that I am quite logical when writing a book. I really write whatever comes to my mind when I write this.

A bit of a mess.

By the way, some people asked before why it was "Human Yongchang" and not "Huaxia Yongchang".

In fact, it is very simple. The pattern needs to be enlarged. The first wave of updates after it is launched will begin to answer this question.

It’s really hard to look up information, but the communication aspect is okay. After I got to the engine, reading papers every day made my head hurt.

I have already charged more than 300 yuan on my CNKI card. I started losing money even before it was put on the shelves. Has anyone reported it to me?

Just kidding, I’ll make my money back in two days.

I've been sleep deprived lately. Is there any way to sleep less without feeling tired?

Needless to say, Da Vinci sleep, I tried it and it didn’t work.

The goal of this book is to quickly become a high-quality product. If the first order can exceed 1,500, I will add an update every time it exceeds 100.

If it can't reach 1500, then what can I do? I can't update it at a discount.

But I don’t have many saved manuscripts, so I can only add them slowly.

It is forbidden to swipe the first order, and the swiped ones will not be counted!

By the way, I heard that you need to prevent theft when you put it on the shelf, for example, update some junk content first, and then change it to official content after a few minutes.

I won't do it.

I hope everyone will consciously support genuine reading, otherwise I will starve to death.

Also, I would like to advise those pirated websites to steal my books and be careful not to destroy your website.

I'm not half a million.

Everything in the book is public information. Don’t ask me if I know anything. I definitely don’t.

Some people say that rewards should be increased. What is the appropriate amount of rewards? The largest one I received was 5,000. I feel that 5,000 plus would make me exhausted even more.

Forget it, that’s all.

My head hurts from thinking about the plot these past two days, but fortunately, the outline doesn’t require major changes.

Oh, yes, in the following content, technology will slowly begin to surpass this era, such as those written in the introduction.

Yes, I think about it, why do we need to quickly rush to the top products? Because there will be a science fiction star award that will be judged every month!

If you can get it, the thief will have face.

I really work in finance, and the miscalculations and figures in the book were all deliberately written by me to deceive the comments.

If you find out I'm wrong and laugh at me, you've been fooled.


Available on Friday! Today is a speech!

Friday update 5 chapters 15,000!

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