Great Power Technology

Chapter 43 If you catch them all, you won’t catch the wrong ones

In a small office in Shanghai, several three-screen computers are neatly arranged on the desk. Four men are sitting in front of the computers wearing slippers, nervously waiting for the pre-market bidding to begin.

"Old Xiao, we are playing a bit big this time. It has only been three trading days and we have already lost half of our principal. If we continue like this, we will go bankrupt before we can make money. .”

The speaker was a man wearing a bright red T-shirt. He held a cigarette in his hand, and the ashtray in front of him was already full of cigarette butts.

"What are you afraid of, Lao Yuan? Your family still cares about these 18 million? Listen to me and hold on for two more days. When the market sentiment has completely fermented, we will slowly buy again."

"The news that the use of Yinglong EDA has been restricted has not really affected Huaxin's stock price. We must quickly add fire to drive down the stock price."

"Have you seen that the mood has been rising in the past two days? If you hit a lower limit today at any cost, it will definitely be followed by a lower limit. When the time comes, we will slowly buy in and short all the money in our hands. We are guaranteed to make profits. A big one."

"After finishing this, we can basically retire."

The speaker is Xiao Haidong, a very famous retail speculator in China. His style has always been fast, accurate and ruthless, and he is famous for his courage. He dares to chase the high limit that others dare not chase, and he dares to copy the low limit that others dare not copy. That's it. His unique trading style and incredible luck allowed him to accumulate hundreds of millions of wealth in just a few years.

However, if domestic retail investors come to this conference room to visit, they will know that no one relies on luck to trade stocks.

The so-called luck shown is actually nothing more than a conspiracy carefully planned by a small group of people.

"Old Xiao, is this news reliable? There is such an important news, but there is no reaction at all from the outside?"

It was still the old Yuan who asked the question.

"Don't worry, I'll give you my best assurance that the news is true, otherwise I wouldn't be able to gamble all my worth. I don't want to tell you too much about the specifics, but just remember one thing: this matter is related to the fate of the country."

"You should think about the power of this for yourself. I am going to do it anyway. If you are afraid, just swallow the losses of these two days. It is not too late to withdraw now."

"It's too late! I've already lost so much, I can only keep doing it."

The man sitting in the corner raised his head from behind the screen and interrupted Xiao Haidong's words.

His name was Liu Xiao. Unlike the other three, he was wearing a crisp suit and his hair was neatly combed. He seemed to be a professional practitioner.

"Old Liu is right. There is no way out now. If you want to do it, just do it to the end. However, is it true that nothing will happen if we do this? If we are caught, it will not be just a crime of manipulating the securities market. "

After hearing this man's words, the other three fell silent for a while. After a long time, Liu Xiao finally spoke:

"I don't know about you. Anyway, I have thought about my future. After this deal is done, I will run abroad immediately. I have already applied for the visa and bought the air ticket. No matter what happens or not, I have to leave."

"Can you walk?"

Xiao Haidong asked in surprise.

"I found Blackstone, and they promised to help me go through the procedures. When I get there, I can join the job directly without being affected by the country."

Blackstone Fund is the most well-known investment institution in the United States. Its influence on Wall Street is unmatched, and it even has many hidden connections in the political circles.

"Old Liu, how did you talk to Hei Shi? Is there any way? How about I go there too?"

"I can't say, anyway, you can guess those things. If you want to go, you can contact them yourself."

Hearing Liu Xiao's words, Xiao Haidong frowned.

"You are being a bit unkind. We are just trying to make money, but we never promised you to sell the country."

Liu Xiao sneered and said slightly sarcastically:

"What do you mean I sold the country? What do you think you are doing? Steal secrets, seek personal gain for yourself, and cut off the leeks of individual households. How noble are you?"

"Don't forget, the most accurate news comes from me. To put it bluntly, you are just following the soup. Since you are drinking soup, don't worry about the heat used by the person who made the soup. Just take a sip. That’s fine.”

Everyone was silent again. After a few seconds, Lao Yuan spoke:

"How about we just wait and wait until the official news comes out? The stock price will naturally rise by then, and our money can last until then. Isn't it three months? It doesn't matter if we make money later, right?"

The man who had been silent until now asked.

"You have to wait for yourself. Anyway, I can't wait any longer. You also know how I got the money now. With such a large sum of money, if I don't quickly fill the hole, I won't have to think about making money anymore. , just go in."

"Don't say these useless things. I will smash the market one last time today and start buying tomorrow. Then I will arrange for people to slowly release the news. As soon as the news spreads and the fact that Huaxin purchases Yinglong is hyped, the officials will have to Make progress public in advance.”

"When the time comes, if we pick up the money and run away, who can catch us?"

"This isn't the first time I've done this. Have you ever seen me get caught? Just keep it in your stomach."

Seeing that it was time for the opening bidding, Liu Xiao immediately operated the mouse and placed a large sell order of 2,000 lots. Xiao Haidong immediately followed up with the buy order. Almost instantly, the stock price of Huaxin Group was hit to the limit.

"It shouldn't be possible to open the market today, the trading volume is shrinking, and we have begun to slowly control the market."

Xiao Haidong leaned back relaxedly. The cigarette in his hand was almost finished, so he immediately added another one.

"I hope the market will not be opened today. There are a lot of orders closed now, and the mood has basically risen. The problem should be"

However, before he could finish the last two words of "it's not a big problem", there was a knock on the office door.

The door of this conference room was locked from the inside, and Liu Xiao had told the front desk not to disturb him. In theory, no one should knock on the door.


Lao Liu asked warily.

"Economic Investigation Department, open the door."

The four of them looked at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Old Liu, is there something wrong with your money?"

Xiao Haidong asked in a low voice.

"What the hell, it's not time to check the accounts today. Don't worry, the economic investigation will come to check occasionally. Most of them are trivial things. It's okay. Just log out of the account and log in to the fake account."

After that, he calmed down, walked to the door of the office and opened the door.

Standing outside the door were three uniformed economic investigation police officers.

"Liu Xiao, right? Come on, come with us and cooperate with the investigation. Everyone else, take your hands off the keyboard and put your hands behind your back!"

There was no doubt in the voice of the leading policeman, and the three people in the office stood up subconsciously.

The other two police officers walked around the office, briefly checked the screen, and nodded to their superior at the door.

Just when Liu Xiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the policeman at the door suddenly frowned and asked:

"Why are you still standing there? Pack your things and come with us. Just put on your clothes!"

Liu Xiao glanced at him doubtfully and asked:

"Leader, what's going on? You can't just let us go with you if you don't know everything? Could it be that you got the wrong person? We have always abided by the law."

The policeman smiled and replied:

"Don't worry, we may catch you wrong every time, but this time, we will definitely not catch you wrong."

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