Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 582: Someone gives me a nickname printer

Chapter 582 Someone gives me a nickname printer

A communication pod was carefully unloaded from a Y-8 medium-sized transport aircraft. People from the base's confidentiality department and ground staff protected it and moved it to the parking bay. Two unsmiling staff officers also arrived on the same plane. , a major, a captain, and two manufacturer technicians.

"Who's the pilot?"

The staff major followed the escort of the communication pod and asked loudly before anyone arrived.

Li Zhan, who was checking the engine with the mechanic, ran over quickly when he heard this, "I am!"

The major staff officer was stunned, then stood at attention and saluted, "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel."

"Hello, my name is Li Zhan." Li Zhan returned the greeting and nodded slightly. From the two staff officers in front of him, who were wearing 07-type woodland camouflage uniforms and headquarters armbands, he could see a familiar style and smell a familiar smell from them.

The staff major introduced the two technicians and said, "Lieutenant Colonel Li, they taught you how to use the equipment. No offense, but you must strictly follow the operating procedures."


Li Zhan didn't talk nonsense and followed them to a secluded place. Two technicians squatted on the spot and opened the computer with a military green casing and began to explain quickly. After confirming that Li Zhan could recite the operating procedures backwards, one of the technicians handed a smart tablet to Li Zhan and said, "Connect this tablet to the backup communication interface and operate the communication pod from here. Lieutenant Colonel Li, please You must remember to use this tablet to operate.”

"I understand clearly that the communication pod can only be operated through this tablet." Li Zhan repeated his request, secretly surprised that he had met a big shot this time.

The communication pod is used for ultra-short-wave short-distance data transmission with the Great Wall boat. It is required to be used only within a range of 500 meters. Thirteen encryption procedures are set up, which means that the received data information passes through the communication pod. After being processed by the encryption program, what is stored is gibberish like a book from heaven. If the Great Wall boat sends a bunch of garbled codes, then the communication pod will eventually store a bunch of garbled codes that are even more garbled than the Bible.

Li Zhan didn't dare to guess what data information required such complex encryption.

Moreover, it is required that transmission can only be carried out within a distance of 500 meters. The power of the transmitting device of the Great Wall boat is definitely limited. Beyond this distance, the communication pod cannot receive the signal, which makes interception impossible.

After the technicians' work was completed, they decisively avoided it.

The staff major handed over a satellite phone and said in a deep voice, "In emergencies, you can use this phone to contact the Great Wall boat, or you can directly contact the base."

The captain's staff officer handed over a piece of paper and said, "These are the prescribed communication terms, Lieutenant Colonel, you have to write them all down."

Although the opponent was not high in rank or rank, he had an aura that was very overwhelming. People who have worked in special units for a long time will have such an aura. When he was in the air gunship unit, Li Zhan had many contacts with this type of people.

Li Zhan memorized it silently in front of the two of them. The content of a few hundred words was all very strange and irrelevant code. There was no logic at all. It was like A saying "You are a bitch" and B replying "Weather." Very good”, which makes people confused. It would be really difficult for other pilots to learn this in such a short period of time. It is obvious that the superiors gave this task to Li Zhan because he had experience in this area.

Li Zhan memorized everything in a few minutes. The captain and staff tested it several times on the spot. Li Zhan's answers were fluent and crisp, which surprised the captain and staff.

The sky was getting slightly brighter, and the sunrise would be visible in ten minutes, and the time reached 6:05.

The maintenance staff mounted the communication pod, two medium-range blank bombs and two combat bombs, and also filled the aviation artillery magazine with 30mm artillery shells. After confirming that all preparations were completed, Li Zhan took the tablet and carried the flight bag aboard. Machine. His No. 533 J-15 recently activated the fire control function and became combat capable.

A rare scene appeared on the tower. The two bosses, Mo Ren'an and Lao Chentou, were both there.

After receiving the order, Li Zhan drove the No. 533 J-15 loaded with ten tons of aviation fuel to the take-off line, took off from north to south using the long-distance taxiing take-off method that he rarely used, and then turned left to the 060 direction. Flying roughly towards the sunrise.

At this time, his sleeping relatives did not know that he had taken off and sailed to a distance of 1,800 kilometers. No one knew what would happen in that unfamiliar airspace.

Li Zhan climbed to an altitude of 13,000 meters and flew at cruising speed. This was the best way to avoid civil aviation routes and save fuel. Being accustomed to supersonic speeds, he was really not used to the slow speed of a thousand kilometers per hour. This mission is to avoid any interference as much as possible, and success will be achieved by successfully bringing back the data information of the Great Wall boat.

Forty minutes later, he arrived at the first turning point, contacted the first navigation station to confirm the heading, and then turned right to 160 degrees. Ten minutes later, he contacted the second navigation station and confirmed the heading again. At this time, Li Zhan left. Land and air entered sea and air. Next, he had to contact the tanker waiting in the airspace where the second turning point was located for the first aerial refueling.

An IL-78 tanker belonging to a certain division of the Air Force was already waiting in the airspace at the second turning point. They stuck the time very accurately and entered the scheduled airspace only ten minutes ahead of Li Zhan. Their superiors required them to stay here for five hours, so they only loaded 20 tons of available fuel, and the rest of the weight was used to load their own aviation fuel in order to maximize the time in the air.

Theoretically, their time in the air at this time has reached eight hours, so there is no need to worry about returning early due to insufficient fuel. The twenty tons of fuel it carries are enough to fill up a J-15 carrier-based fighter twice.

It can be seen that both the Space Division and the Hai Division are very aware that there are too many uncertainties in this mission, and they have prepared for the worst.

It was already dark when Li Zhan saw the tanker. He called the tanker, "Nanny, wet nurse, here is the most handsome son in the family who is getting married. I see you and am going to enter from behind you. Are you ready?" ?complete."

The captain of the tanker quickly replied with a calm middle-aged male voice, "The most handsome son in the family who is getting married, I see you too, keep the flight high, the weather here is good, you can dock at any time, over."

"Understood, keep at a sea altitude of 8,000 meters, prepare for docking, over." Li Zhan replied with a smile.

The captain of the tanker said, "I'll ask the tanker to contact you. The frequency remains unchanged. It's over."

"The frequency remains unchanged, over."

Then a woman's voice called Li Zhan, "The most handsome son in the family who is getting married, here is the refueling attendant. I see you, ready to release the oil pipeline, over."


It was a very young female voice. Li Zhan felt much better immediately, and said with a grin, "Understood, I will enter gently, over."

The refueling officer was a female officer in her twenties. She rolled her eyes when she heard this. While releasing the fuel pipe at the tail according to the control requirements, she couldn't help but retorted, "I was afraid you couldn't insert it in one go."

"Don't worry, I'll get it right the first time. I'm very experienced." Li Zhan laughed.

The cone of the fuel filler pipe looks like a blooming chrysanthemum.

The female sergeant no longer matched Li Zhan's dirty accent and concentrated on the operation.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with these conversations, it’s just that everyone is dirty and will think wrong when they hear such words. It is really not easy to be an adult, and you must force a smile and move forward with a heavy load.

"The most handsome son in the family who is getting married, the fuel pipe is in place. It's your turn to insert it. I'll wait for your condition. It's over." The female sergeant said seriously, and then muttered, "It's not good to choose a code name. I have to make one." So long.”

Li Zhan chuckled, "Don't you look good?"

The crew couldn't help it anymore, and the communication channel burst into laughter.

While joking to adjust his mood, Li Zhan's movements were not sloppy at all. He quickly pounced on the female sergeant with swift movements that he had never seen before. The buried fuel pipe on the left side of the nose had been released. He thrust straight into the drogue.

The female sergeant was startled and said subconsciously, "You are too fast! Don't be so rough!"

"Calm down, calm down." Li Zhan said easily. It would be more cool if he had a toothpick in his mouth. "Do you know what the simulated blue army troops said about me? My flying skills are extremely superb, my flying style is extremely rough, my flying Extremely rude language. I've never failed to do that."

The female sergeant's eyes widened, "Are you Li Zhan, the most handsome and skilled super ace pilot in the aviation force of the entire army? Is that you? Are you Li Zhan?"

"Sister, you should call the most handsome son in my family who is preparing for a fake marriage." Li Zhan said proudly.

The female sergeant rolled her eyes and said, "Are all men who are planning to get married so presumptuous, seizing the last moment to talk tough?"

"Uh." Li Zhan was speechless and inserted.

"Okay, you can give me gas."

The female sergeant saw it. She had never seen such a rapid approach. Moreover, she clearly saw that the fighter plane stabilized at the last moment and there was almost no difference between the speed and the tanker. The fuel pipe did not shake at all and was very stable. The refueling drogue is inserted.

When the female sergeant saw the light turning from red to green, she immediately turned on the fuel pump, and fuel was injected into the No. 533 J-15's fuel tank at a rate of 2,300 liters per minute. The amount of oil to be added has been communicated and set beforehand, so you only need to wait until the oil delivery contact cone head is locked.

The two fighter planes were flying at an altitude of 8,000 meters at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour. They were traveling in the same direction and at the same airspeed. There was a certain height difference between them, but the distance between them was only 26 meters. The refueling process is very dangerous, and a slight mistake can lead to a collision.

Crosswinds, the wake of the tanker, and the pilot's control may all cause disasters. During this process, everyone had no intention of joking. They were all focused on where they should be staring, wishing they could finish refueling in a few seconds.

Li Zhan had to replenish four tons of aviation fuel, so the panic lasted for less than two minutes. The female sergeant touched the cone head lock and gave Li Zhan the instruction to escape. Li Zhan turned the joystick to the right, and the fighter jet dropped steeply to the right and quickly separated from the tanker. Then it adjusted its course and accelerated toward the mission airspace.

"The most handsome son in the family is getting married. I'm waiting for you here. I wish you success!" the captain of the tanker called Li Zhan.

Li Zhan replied, "Nanny, see you there, it's over!"

Everyone seems to have forgotten that Li Zhan had never received systematic aerial refueling training, because the quality of his completion of this subject was higher than that of many instructors. It even has the ability to refuel in the air at night. The world's most difficult subjects are as simple as pulling a lever for him, so much so that people take them for granted and whether they have received systematic aerial refueling training becomes a dispensable evaluation criterion.

The female sergeant watched J-15 No. 533 from a distance. Her field of vision was very good, until she could no longer see it. She began to pray silently in her heart. She must come back intact, she must. All officers and soldiers involved in this mission can guess what difficulties the fighter jets will encounter when receiving data information. In an unfamiliar airspace so far away from the motherland, there is no support, no ground guidance, nothing, and even long-distance communications become extremely fragile.

There is a high possibility that a fighter plane performing a mission will turn into a kite with its string cut off.

Of course the female sergeant didn't know Li Zhan, but Li Zhan's name even spread to Lao Lu's infantry unit. If in the past, pulling the lever became a little prince who frequently encountered dangers and became an expert in dealing with dangers, it was only spread among the Air Force and Naval Aviation Forces. Then after returning from military exchanges abroad, who in the entire army did not know that the Air Force produced a legendary pilot? Single-handedly destroyed half of the aircraft carrier battle group and legally shot down two Japanese air self-propelled fighters in a friendly competition?

Sanjay, who was tortured and went crazy, gave Li Zhan another nickname: printer!

The maintenance staff once said that he planned to label his landline with "printer", but Li Zhan immediately refused. Are you kidding? How could such a nickname be added to the fuselage casually? Besides, what the hell is a printer? There is nothing to do with airplanes and printers! It's completely illogical!

After flying 800 kilometers in the direction of 030 and confirming the position via radio, Li Zhan was convinced that he had entered the mission airspace. He immediately performed a circling maneuver and turned on the communication pod. The communication pod will emit ultrashort waves at a specific frequency. After the communication device on the Great Wall boat receives it, Li Zhan can determine the location and receive data information at a closer distance.

However, the Great Wall boat must surface, and the communication mast needs to be exposed to the water to receive signals normally. At the same time, the distance between the two must be within the ultra-short wave signal coverage of the communication pod. Of course, this will not be a big problem.

Therefore, when Li Zhan was performing a hovering maneuver at high altitude, even an error of tens of kilometers would not affect his confirmation of the position of the Great Wall boat.

However, he circled three times but failed to receive a reply from the Great Wall boat.

There are two possibilities. First, the Great Wall boat is not within the ultra-short wave communication distance of the communication pod. This is almost impossible. With only passive reception, the Great Wall boat can receive signals even if it is two hundred kilometers away from Li Zhan.

The second possibility is that the Great Wall boat did not surface.

A malfunctioning submarine that didn't surface?

Li Zhan became solemn.

PS: Fasten your seat belt and get ready for takeoff. Last month, everyone worked hard to get into the top 50. I recalculated today. Based on the principle of preferring more to less, a total of 22,000+30,000 updates are needed. The basic update is 4,000 every day. The cumulative number of all words is calculated, so it is now 4,000/52,000. . The sincerity is quite sufficient, brothers, here comes the guaranteed monthly pass!

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