Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 548? Horizontal bombing

Chapter 548 Horizontal Bombing

The iceberg five kilometers downstream of Jiangcheng County is completely different from the iceberg that Li Zhan bombed in Beiku. The iceberg is basically a single piece, just like a mountain. You either can't blow it up, but if you blow it up, , destroying its own balance, it will collapse itself.

Bingling is completely different. For example, Bingling is ice hills. They are not very high but are chaotic and not connected to each other. If you blow up some of them, other parts will remain unchanged because their own balance has not been destroyed. .

Therefore, the best way to deal with large areas of ice is carpet bombing. The Air Force chose this method very directly after receiving the mission. The Air Force carried out such a mission many years ago, and carpet bombing has the best effect - —Since there are no joints, I will cover them all for you, very rough.

The situation Li Zhan faced was very difficult.

The river surface, which is hundreds of meters long and dozens of meters wide, is covered with ice, which is as strange as the bamboo shoots growing out of the river bottom. There are several forms of ice. The most common one is hanging down like a door curtain. When there is a heavy rain in the winter in the north, the rainwater flows down the eaves. When the temperature suddenly drops below zero, the water flowing down quickly freezes. ice.

The ice on the Huajiang River is formed by the freezing of the river water. As the water from the upper reaches continues to flow down, ice is formed layer by layer, and finally the large ice berg that is now higher than the dam is formed. The most peculiar thing is that not all of the river is frozen. The water is flowing slowly between the ice flakes. There is even a thin layer of transparent ice on the surface of the river, and the water flows underneath, just like ice cream, with a hard outer layer. Ice, which is a mixture of solid and liquid.

The ice is melting, but the natural melting speed is too slow!

In fact, if the local area could pay attention and take measures to deal with the ice in the early stages, this situation would never happen. The natural environment required for the formation of ice is too special, and the local temperature continues to rise. With certain precautions, it is impossible for such large ice to block the entire river to form.

It can only be said that the relevant local departments are a little slack.

Li Zhan circled around 500 meters above the ice, then adjusted the direction of the plane's nose to fly at ultra-low altitude and slow speed along the river bank from west to east. The relative height was thirty meters, the river was on the left wing, and the fighter plane was basically flying over the right bank embankment. In order to see more clearly, Li Zhan put up the speed brake to keep flying near the minimum speed critical point.

He is an expert and daring person, and very few pilots would dare to do this, especially at such a low altitude. Encountering wind shear would be a disaster, and even a slightly stronger crosswind could bring danger.

The situation was urgent and he didn't have much time to worry about. According to the flow speed of the flood peak, it would only take ten or twenty minutes to hit the ice. He had to determine the attack plan in the shortest possible time.

But after flying back and forth, Zhang Xueyang's brows knitted together and he said solemnly, "It's difficult to handle. The shortest position is more than two hundred meters. We have no idea how far this aerial bomb can go."

An aerial bomb of more than three tons seems like a lot, but when faced with ice of all sizes on a river two to three hundred meters long, it seems a bit overwhelming.

Li Zhan turned around over the county town. He had already seen Hong Feng entering the western suburbs of the county town, and now he wanted to race against Hong Feng. If there is only one flood peak, that's fine. Even if it pours into the county, the impact will not be big. The problem is that Li Zhan saw at least seven flood peaks just now. I don't know if there are more upstream locations.

The water level itself is very high. If there are seven consecutive flood peaks rushing over, the sudden influx of floods will directly turn the county town into a water city. It is impossible to expect that the sewer system of the county town, which is like a prostate enlargement, can play any role.

It may be that people in the county have been at ease for a long time, and their sense of crisis has weakened. The transfer work did not go smoothly. Many people felt that there was nothing wrong and even started guerrilla warfare with government staff and army officers and soldiers. I saw that there was no water in the river. It's more or less nothing!

It is true that the river section in the county is calm and the water level is higher than usual, but floods are no weaker than wildfires. If you look at the distance and think it's okay, maybe you will be right in front of you in the blink of an eye. By that time There is no chance to run away!

The general informed Li Zhan about the transfer of the county seat, and Li Zhan became even more anxious.

"No more hesitation, carry out a front-line horizontal bombing along the center line of the river. Quickly determine the bombing interval and give me high speed!" Li Zhan gritted his teeth and said.

Zhang Xueyang didn't talk nonsense and quickly calculated. To ensure that all aerial bombs land evenly on the center line of the river, it is necessary to consider the flight altitude, airspeed, acceleration and inertial distance of the fighter aircraft, and a very complex calculation formula. If it is the latest H-6, these can be handed over to the automatic bomb delivery device, but the J-15S does not have this thing. The aerial bomb is an ordinary touch fuse. The pilot releases the aerial bomb, and the aerial bomb falls freely, and it will fall freely under the influence of inertia. Under the influence, it moves in the direction of the fighter plane's flight, and explodes after hitting the ice.

However, these were not difficult for Zhang Xueyang. He quickly came up with the results. After Li Zhan completed the U-turn, he said, "The flight height is 550 and the speed is 370!"


Li Zhan quickly adjusted the flight parameters.

Not only must the issue of uniform impact points of the aerial bombs be considered, but also the fighter aircraft must be ensured to be at a safe distance when the aerial bombs explode. The two data given by Zhang Xueyang basically meet the minimum safety standards. You must take risks. Only in this way will the effect of horizontal bombing be the best.

The first bombing point is very important, and the cooperation between the pilot and the weapons operator is very important.

"Five seconds countdown!" Zhang Xueyang shouted.

"Keep the speed!" Zhang Xueyang reminded.

"Three, two, one, drop the bomb!"

Zhang Xueyang put down the first set of aerial bombs, and the weight of the fighter was reduced and the fighter gently lifted up. Li Zhan quickly stabilized his posture. Zhang Xueyang accurately determined the interval between bombs, and then put down the second set of aerial bombs. The fighter gently lifted up again. Li Zhan quickly stabilized the posture of the fighter. Such cooperation was quite a tacit understanding.

Just as the third set of aerial bombs was lowered, a huge explosion came from behind. The shock wave was like a big hand pushing the fighter plane. The fighter plane staggered forward a few steps. Li Zhan was well prepared and quickly restored the fighter plane's attitude. , and then when the fourth set of aerial bombs was released, the second set of aerial bombs exploded. Judging from the interval, the bombing point was very accurate!

If you stand on the river bank and look over, what you see is a fighter plane flying levelly along the river, and then continuously dropping aerial bombs like a hen laying eggs. The aerial bombs' impact points are almost at the same interval, and the exploded ice is turned into ashes. The water mist mixed with the explosion smoke was like throwing a firecracker as thick as an arm into a lime pond.

After all twelve groups of aerial bombs were dropped, Li Zhan quickly turned around and flew to the county seat. When he turned around over the county seat, he observed that the first flood peak had already entered the county seat, and the people in the county seat began to panic. A large amount of river water has overflowed the river bank, but the river section ahead still has capacity, and the main force of the flood peak continues to advance eastward.

Li Zhan sped up and completed a U-turn, flying at an ultra-low altitude along the river bank to observe the bombing effect. Zhang Xueyang was more nervous than him. After all, this was his first actual combat, even though the target was Bing Ling.

"Not ideal! Did you see that herringbone-shaped piece of ice? It's too stubborn!" Zhang Xueyang said in a deep voice.

Horizontal line bombing, the explosion points are arranged neatly forward along the center line of the river. The effect is not very obvious, because if the aerial bomb hits the ice, the effect is worse than if it falls into the river, it is very difficult to destroy the ice with prefabricated fragments. Difficult, mainly because of the powerful impact caused by the explosion, and the best effect is to fall into the river.

The most conspicuous thing is the relatively large chevron-shaped ice in the middle of the ice, which is stuck there like a urethral stone. There may be a large piece of stubborn ice under the invisible water.

"I'll use the machine cannon to fire it a few times and see!" Li Zhan quickly pulled up and entered the attack route from the east. Now he can shoot whatever he can. Fortunately, the cannon is fully stocked with 250 rounds of shells. As for the effect, It’s hard to say how.

Li Zhan also had some considerations in choosing to enter the attack route from the east. The water flows eastward, which pushes the ice to the east. Li Zhan wants to hit the east bottom of the herringbone ice, hoping to be able to defeat this stubborn piece of ice under the impact of the flood peak. The ice will collapse.

Nothing happened to Zhang Xueyang next, he was responsible for observation and lookout.

The rear cabin seat of the J-15S is higher than that of the J-16 and J-11BS. The rear cabin weapons officer has a better view. In level flight, he can even see the control stick between the thighs of the front cabin pilot. Vision is very important for fighter attack aircraft performing sea strike missions.

Therefore, Zhang Xueyang could see the entire county in front of him, but the night had gradually drawn down and the visibility was getting lower and lower. He could not see clearly what was going on in the county.

At this time, Li Zhan used the low-light night vision device.

After the nose of the aircraft was aimed at the herringbone iceberg, Li Zhan made full use of the excellent low-altitude performance of the J-15S and controlled the attack speed at 230 kilometers per hour. After the aiming point was determined, Li Zhan determined the impact point when it was 500 meters away. , and then decisively pressed the launch button.

Thirty-millimeter aviation cannon shells were continuously fired. In the dim night, flames were spitting out from the muzzle of the aircraft cannon. Every two rounds were tracer bullets, which provided a good indication of the trajectory for the shooter. The alloy slug hit the waterline of the herringbone icy ice, just like a small supersonic fist raining down on a two-meter-tall giant weighing three hundred kilograms.

The posture of the fighter plane will be destroyed during shooting, so it is completely impossible to hit all the shells at one point, but an excellent fighter pilot can control the impact point of the bomb within a small range. This is the impact of aircraft guns on the ground. attack. When attacking aerial targets, the test is the pilot's prediction of the target's movements, and the shells fired are arc-shaped.

Li Zhan's ground target shooting performance with the No. 037 J-7E is still a record of the Second Division. His marksmanship is absolutely accurate. What's more, we are now driving the J-15S, which has much better low-altitude and low-speed performance. It can aim and shoot more calmly.

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