Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 544: It’s too dangerous for me to go back to the army

Chapter 544 It’s too dangerous for me to go back to the army

Baskets of gold jewelry.

How big is the basket?

The style that has been used in local rural areas for decades is roughly circular in shape, with a diameter and height of about 60 centimeters, and is made of flat bamboo strips. You can’t just buy baskets for holding betrothal gifts, you have to buy special baskets for holding betrothal gifts. In fact, they are the same thing, but with the improvement of living standards, people are becoming more and more particular about it. If there is demand, there will be a market.

This basket is filled with gold jewelry. Although most of them are bracelets and the like, and the space and weight are not as good as those of gold bricks, the quantity is too much. The basket is full. Li Zhan can feel it when he unloads it. At least thirty pounds! How much gold shop inventory would have to be emptied!

Just this basket of gold jewelry, if resold at 20% off the current lowest gold price, the money would be enough to keep a family comfortable with food and clothing - at least three to four million!

Li Jianguo and Ye Huihua attach great importance to their eldest son's marriage!

Now that I have money, I really implement the local custom of "carrying gold and carrying silver" to an exaggerated level, so there is also a basket. It can never be a single basket, it must be in pairs. The items in the other basket are not so exaggerated, they are some relatively expensive items that are used in daily life, such as scissors, needlework, cloth and so on.

The shock was so great that the village chief's face changed several times, and he immediately asked the militia company commander to organize a few more honest young adults to start patrolling Yingbao's family. Are you kidding? It's not impossible to attract robbery!

Ying Baoquan and his wife were so frightened that they couldn't speak clearly, and they didn't react for a long time. Ying Wanjun said something to them, but she didn't know what she said, and the two elders slowly came back to their senses. Li Zhan could guess without asking that it was just these gold jewelry that he was going to take with him when he got married, so the two elders didn't have so much pressure.

After the wedding banquet was finished, Li Zhan and Ying Wanjun took away the gold jewelry intact. If placed in the countryside, it is like a bomb that may explode at any time. But they couldn't bring Li Zhan's family back, so they took him directly to the bank, opened a safe and deposited it, and it will be under Ying Wanjun's control from now on.

Ying Wanjun actually has no feeling for these things. Li Zhan's family is too rich. When others are rich, they refer to assets. The cash balance after including various loans and other things may be negative. The bigger the business becomes, the more so. But because of his father's extremely conservative character, Li Zhan's family always had millions in cash lying around on their books. Now that Blue Sky Garden has basically been sold out, tens of millions in cash are just sitting there earning interest. The rent for the two buildings is being paid in every day. The balance is increasing every day.

What is certain is that as long as they do not gamble or take drugs, even if they are prodigal or do nothing, even their third generation will not be able to spend all the money and stable income in rent.

Finally taking care of the most important thing, Li Zhan bought a direct flight to Dalian the next day, and then transferred a train to Mufu Island from there. He called the army in advance, and the army would arrange a car to pick him up at the train station.

After dinner that night, Li Zhan was discussing the August 1st Army Day mass wedding with Ying Wanjun. Lin Dingwei called him and said there was something important, and Li Zhan hurried out.

Cao Pao, Xiao Zhenghong were all there, and even Fu Yongying was there. They were drinking tea quietly in a teahouse with a better environment, but everyone looked strange.

"What happened?" Li Zhan asked. It was not clear from their expressions whether it was good or bad.

Cao Pao blinked and said, "Brother Zhan, you really don't know?"

"What do I know?" Li Zhan wondered.

Several people looked at me and I saw you blinking, obviously not believing it.

Li Zhan took a sip of tea and said, "Hey, what's going on? What kind of riddles are you trying to make?"

Xiao Zhenghong couldn't help it at first. He lowered his voice with a strange expression and said, "Gu Junjie is in trouble."

"Who is Gu Junjie?" Li Zhan asked with a frown.

Fu Yongying spoke quickly and said, "Liu Minyan's husband was arrested."

"Oh, huh?" Li Zhan understood. "Is this the important thing you are talking about? How could you be caught so easily?"

"Who can tell?" Xiao Zhenghong looked at the others, "Zhengwei, tell me, you know the situation best."

Lin Dingwei moistened his throat and spoke.

Things were dramatic.

Gu Junjie and Liu Minyan, who seem to be loving each other, are actually not happy in their married life. Gu Junjie has a woman outside, and Liu Minyan has a man outside. Of course, Gu Junjie is the stronger one. Liu Minyan knows that he has raised a baby outside, but he doesn't know. Liu Minyan also has a lover. Not long after the party that night, Gu Junjie discovered the clues. This guy was also a ruthless person. He tortured and interrogated her at home, really tortured her, and beat Liu Minyan to death. Finally, she confessed the "case". Now it was over. Gu Junjie I can't wait a minute and I'm going to deal with that man right away. Liu Minyan ran away while other members of her husband's family were taking her to the hospital, and ran directly to the man's residence. The man seemed to be really in love with Liu Minyan, and she collapsed when she saw Liu Minyan's bruised appearance. The evidence collected about Gu Junjie's violation of laws and disciplines was exposed. On the Internet, the Discipline Inspection Commission, everyone who could criticize him. When Gu Junjie found out, he immediately collapsed. He somehow found the man's residence, went up with a knife and stabbed him randomly. He didn't kill anyone. Liu Minyan was seriously injured, and her face was cut into noodles, but things were completely messed up. Big.

After listening to this, Li Zhan's eyes widened and he kept gasping. This kind of thing may not be a big deal to some people who have been baptized by relevant TV series. The drama in the TV series is even more exaggerated, but in Li Zhan's eyes It's really like listening to a story.

It has only been a few days since the party, and something so twisty has happened.

In fact, the specific situation is even more outrageous, but they are unable to understand it.

"Liu Minyan's life is over." Fu Yongying lamented, "I heard that Gu Junjie has a very bad temper and domestic violence is commonplace. Even though they are loving each other outside, it is actually just a business. Hey , it’s better for us ordinary people to live our own lives without so many grievances.”

At first, they analyzed that there was Li Zhan behind it. How could it be such a coincidence? There were conflicts at the party that night and things started to happen the next day. But after understanding it in detail, I found that it really had nothing to do with Li Zhan. I can only say that if you do too much injustice, you will be killed.

Cao Pao said with a weird expression, "The most outrageous thing is that the man took a lot of videos, and I didn't know that these videos were also posted online."

"What video?" Fu Yongying asked.

Cao Pao twitched his lips, "That video of him and Liu Minyan. Oh, I heard that man is a lawyer."

Lin Dingwei and Xiao Zhenghong couldn't help but imagine the video with Liu Minyan...

Fu Yongying was stunned, stared and said, "Liu Minyan tried her best to stand in front of him, otherwise she wouldn't have been the most seriously injured, but he was!"


Li Zhan felt that his three views were about to be subverted, and his heart was trembling. No, I want to return to the army, it is too dangerous here.

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