Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 518 Setting a record comes too fast like a tornado

No matter how advanced the weather monitoring system is, it cannot achieve 100% control, so weather observers are deployed at the highest point of the tower to make up for technical deficiencies with human observation.

Li Zhan set a record since the start of the Flying Shark training, but now the officers and soldiers in the flight control tower had no time to celebrate and quickly judged the small tornado reported by Li Zhan. Organizing a flight day is not easy and requires the investment of a lot of resources. Whether to suspend, cancel or continue requires rigorous judgment to make a decision.

In other words, there must be sufficient basis for making this decision.

The weather observer at the top of the tower could not see the small tornado that appeared on the farmland at the north end of the runway. In fact, under the circumstances at that time, except for Li Zhan's position in the air, the rest of the field was basically invisible. Those that were picked up by the wind There are not many fallen leaves, and it is difficult to detect them with the naked eye from a distance.

Old Chentou has rich experience in command training. After quickly judging the changes in wind strength and direction, he decisively ordered Shi Moying to suspend the ongoing training. The other J-15 that had already taxied to the take-off position taxied again after receiving the order. Returned to the original position and stood by.

To the naked eye, there is no change in this field, but in fact the low-air flow has changed a lot, especially the strong crosswinds with a height of more than ten meters, which is a very serious threat to the landing of fighter planes. Such changes are not formed alone, but changes in the surrounding environment. Specifically, the most obvious sign is that a rotating cloud layer several kilometers wide is forming on the southeastern sea.

However, it was only around nine o'clock in the morning. This weather change would not last long and would eventually return to normal.

Li Zhan drove the No. 588 J-15 fighter back to the parking bay. Zhang Xueyang, Tang Leile and another unknown pilot ran over happily. As soon as Li Zhan opened the cockpit cover, Tang Leile shouted, "Captain! Grand Slam ! It’s awesome! It’s a record!”

Li Zhan raised his right hand wearing a white labor protection glove and waved it. He took off his oxygen mask and disconnected it. Finally he unbuckled his seat belt and stood up. He said with a smile, "It's all luck. I was hit by a strong crosswind two seconds after landing."

Zhang Xueyang was also very happy, but at the same time he had a hundred questions in his heart.

The pilot standing next to him was of similar age, and was from the same batch of flying sharks as Zhang Xueyang. Zhang Xueyang said to Li Zhan who came over, "Let me introduce, Deputy Commander Cao Fufei, Cao, who came in the same batch as me, turned out to be in the Red Flag Division. "

"Hello, Chief." Li Zhan smiled and saluted Cao Fufei.

Cao Fufei quickly returned the gift and said with a wry smile, "Captain Li, please say goodbye. I am also a student. Besides, I am a relatively poor student in front of you."

This person is quite interesting. Li Zhan joked, "Which go-around is the go-around? Is it the go-around of the go-around?"

He pointed to the No. 588 J-15 behind him.

Everyone laughed, Cao Zoufei looked like he was constipated, and nodded awkwardly, "Yes, it's a go-around. The name is unlucky, but my parents gave it to me."

Fuck, go-around.

Whoever wants to fly around is certainly unlucky.

Cao Fufei said distressedly, "Captain Li..."

"Old Cao, since we are all students, don't call us names. Besides, my captain has already been masturbated." Li Zhan said with a smile.

"That, that, Lao Li!" Cao Fufei gritted his teeth and called him that. He learned about Li Zhan's great achievements from Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leilei, and was so impressed that he fell into admiration. Not to mention the deputy commander, the division commander was like this He didn’t dare to put on airs in front of the legendary pilot.

Once the plane reaches Li Zhan's altitude, the pilot's influence will be military-wide.

Cao Fufei said, "Old Li, you are a real hit. Not only did you hit the ground running, you also turned us veteran students into scum..."

"Old Cao, let's get down to business. Old Li just came down and he hasn't rested yet." Zhang Xueyang reminded.

Cao Fufei quickly stopped sighing and said with some embarrassment, "It's like this, Lao Li, I'm not very good at landing a ship. I wonder if you can do it. I just want to learn how to fly this subject well from you."

So that’s it. Li Zhan smiled and asked, “Go-arounds often?”


Zhang Xueyang and Tang Leile couldn't help but laugh again. Tang Leile said, "Everyone joked that Brother Cao could solve the problem by changing his name."

Li Zhan laughed, "Good idea."

But Cao Goufei has gotten used to it, and his name has long become the most widely known joke of the Flying Sharks training team.

"Old Cao, let's discuss it in the consulting room later." Li Zhan stopped joking and said.

Cao Fufei was immediately overjoyed, "Okay! I'll fly in the afternoon, just in time to strike while the iron is hot."

It is obvious that Li Zhan intends to directly explain today's Grand Slam as an example. Hooking the second blocking rope seven times in a row is definitely not as simple as luck. In other words, Li Zhan has very reliable insights and experience. skill based. It is undoubtedly the best to study in the morning and use it immediately during training in the afternoon.

The group of people got on the commuter bus and walked to the dormitory. Zhang Xueyang frowned and asked, "Lao Li, it's hard to believe that you don't have relevant experience. I asked the foreign teacher before coming here, do you know what he said?"

They all looked at him.

He said, "The foreign teacher thought we had hired another foreign teacher, one who might be better than him."

Li Zhan immediately said modestly, "No, no, it's not such an exaggeration."

"Seriously, have you practiced before?" Zhang Xueyang asked seriously.

They are not fools. It is not easy to achieve a Grand Slam no matter how talented you are. Moreover, Zhang Xueyang has been carefully analyzing the real-time video data with the foreign teacher. The foreign teacher is very sure that the pilot must be experienced and landed on the seventh ship. This is particularly evident at times.

Li Zhan raised his eyebrows slightly and shut up.

Zhang Xueyang didn't ask any more questions, and waited patiently until Li Zhan exchanged his flying equipment and returned to the dormitory, and then said, "Tell us what you can tell us."

"You can tell." Li Zhan took a sip of hot water, motioned for the three of them to sit down, and said, "Before coming to Feishak, I was conducting actual combat test flights of the J-16. Oh, I partnered with Chen Fei. That guy is now in the 99th Division of Hainan Airlines. A senior pilot."

Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief, right? How could they be so proficient without practicing? They, the veteran students who came in earlier, felt better.

After Li Zhan recounted the confrontation drill with emergency reinforcements in the southern part of the South China Sea, he said, "I didn't think much about it at the time. I just thought about it and there was no other way to prove our victory except for the landing gear tires touching the ship." , of course, at the same time, we also had to give a severe blow to the arrogance of the Blue Army. So it happened just once. The rear landing gear tire touched the ship and slid away for about 100 meters, so I pulled it up and took off."

Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei were as confused as if they had heard the legendary story. How could they still operate like this!

Tang Leilei is relatively calm. Everyone who has come out of Beiku knows Captain Li's style. A go-around is nothing. There are even more extreme ones than this, and they are still firing live ammunition.

It took a while for Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei to come to their senses. Cao Fufei looked at Li Zhan as if he was in a trance.

"Just once?" Zhang Xueyang raised his index finger with his eyes wide open and asked.

Li Zhan nodded, "Well, just that once."

"With just one experience that can't be considered a real landing, you can fly a Grand Slam today?" Zhang Xueyang's face was filled with disbelief.

In his imagination, Li Zhan had at least dozens of relevant take-off and landing experiences, and they were even sure that Li Zhan flew at the flight test institute. The land-based carrier-based aircraft takeoff and landing training runway at the Flight Test Institute is the first simulation training ground, and the Flight Test Institute is relatively close to Beiku. Special pilots like Li Zhan have almost complete exposure to carrier-based aircraft takeoff and landing training.

He had no idea that Li Zhan's so-called experience was just a whim during a confrontation exercise.

Tang Leilei said at this moment, "Didn't Brother One go straight to the air the day he left the army? Brother One is different from other pilots."

It’s obvious what he means – the gap between people is so big!

Zhang Xueyang was speechless. He recalled the first day when Li Zhan's troops arrived at the Second Division. At that time, two incidents occurred at the same time. It also coincided with a large number of transition training in the division, and it happened to be the time when the old pilots retired and the new pilots retired. During the entry season, there was a shortage of pilots who could perform missions in the air. The then division political commissar Qi Hong boldly activated the new pilot Li Zhan. From that day on, Li Zhan became known as the "first brother".

It seems that since that time, everyone has gradually become accustomed to the miracles brought by Li Zhan, so much so that they have a kind of numb consciousness - that's how it should be!

After seeing each other for three or two years, and revisiting the history of the Second Division, Zhang Xueyang slowly accepted the reality, "Yes, the first brother of the Second Division, the mad dog of Nanhai, and the warrior of Beiku, really can't Measured by conventional standards.”

Li Zhan has long been accustomed to other people often sighing and lamenting about what he has done. In fact, anyone who has won eight first-class merits will probably have this mentality.

He said, "On the way back from the emergency reinforcement confrontation drill, there was aerial refueling. Chen Fei demonstrated it, and then I completed the aerial refueling. I'm not saying that I'm awesome, despite the fact, I mean I'm learning I have a strong understanding of this aspect, so basically once is enough.”

These words made Zhang Xueyang and Cao Fufei feel even more complicated and ashamed. Look, I, a bunch of regimental pilots, have been training with their heads stuck in their belts for several months but they still haven't been able to master the landing and landing. In other people's eyes, it's just a simple "one time is enough" action. How can they not make people feel embarrassed?

The key is that you have to be convinced. There are eight first-class merits, first-class merits!

"Lao Li, we are comrades-in-arms and classmates. I sincerely hope to learn from you. If there is anything I can do to help in the future, just say it. I, Lao Cao, will never suffer from diarrhea!" Cao Xufei sat up straight and said seriously. explain.

Zhang Xueyang came back to his senses and said, "Lao Li, there is no need for us to talk. Let's learn from each other and make progress together."

Li Zhan smiled and said, "I still have to learn from you. It's not just Lao Zhang and Xiao Tang who lead me in training these days."

"We will teach you first, and then share with us when you have gained experience." Zhang Xueyang quickly thought of a way.

Cao Fufei felt strange, but it was true. Isn't that right? Li Zhan knew nothing about a certain subject. If he was taught it once, he would learn it and his level would easily surpass that of the teacher...

Li Zhan said seriously, "When I just flew, I felt that the low-air flow will become very complicated tomorrow. Although it is a short-term change, it shows the variability of the low-air flow in this season. You should pay more attention when flying. "

"Understood." Cao Youfei also became serious, "When I originally chose this place to build a flight training base, I took a fancy to the changeable airflow here. It is very similar to the situation at low altitudes in the open sea. The cyclone wind is similar to the airflow at the tail of a ship to a certain extent."

Zhang Xueyang said, "Actually, this is a natural obstacle deliberately set up by Mr. Chen and others. Just look at it. If the low-altitude crosswind is not serious, training will resume soon."

While they were chatting and waiting for the flying parameter data to come out, Shi Moying resumed training because all weather data returned to within the specified value. After completing the extraction of flight parameter data and ground support for the No. 588 J-15 that Li Zhan drove, another student drove it to the ski jump take-off position to start training.

The Flying Shark training adopts a training method of analyzing one flight at a time. Each pilot will take out his flight parameters and analyze them once after each flight, striving to deeply learn the lessons learned from each training session. After receiving the notice from the flying ginseng room, Li Zhan and others quickly rushed to the flying ginseng room. When they looked up, they saw an acquaintance.

"Director Qin?"

It was Qin Ming, the former director of the Second Division's Flying Training Office.

"Li Zhan, welcome." Qin Ming smiled and shook hands with Li Zhan, "I heard that you have arrived, but I can't be separated here, otherwise I would have caught up with you earlier."

Zhang Xueyang smiled and said, "Director Qin asked me not to tell you."

Li Zhan was surprised and said happily, "Director Qin gave me a surprise."

Qin Ming smiled and said, "You gave us the surprise. Come, let's take a look at the analysis results of Fei Shen."

He invited everyone to go to the small conference room and immediately started a discussion on the analysis results of the flying parameter data. Qin Ming is a second-generation pilot. The pilots of his generation are most familiar with second-generation aircraft such as the J-7 and J-8, so Li Zhan was surprised to find that Qin Ming had a very deep understanding of the J-15. It is not easy to be transferred from the Second Division to serve as the director of the Flying Shark Army's Flying Reference Office. It is definitely not possible without rich and solid experience.

After the small analysis meeting, Li Zhan learned that Qin Ming had gone to the Flight Test Institute not long after he left the Second Division. He often went back and forth between the Flight Test Institute and the manufacturer to analyze the flight parameter data of the J-15, which meant that he participated in the later development work. It can be said that he is one of the most knowledgeable people about the J-15.

What Qin Ming saw was the perfect flight parameter data of the No. 588 J-15. Compared with the landing requirements, they were almost all consistent. It can be seen that Li Zhan's control was almost perfect.

But he also had a small question. He pointed to the end of the thrust curve of the last landing and asked, "Xiao Li, you made a small movement of pushing the throttle lever about 1.5 seconds before hooking the arresting cable. Is this action intentional or is it a control error?"

Very subtle changes in thrust reflect subtle changes in the position of the throttle lever, and they recover very quickly.

The other three people all pricked up their ears. If Qin Ming hadn't pointed it out and they couldn't detect such a small change, maybe this was Li Zhan's unique secret book?

Li Zhan asked, "Director Qin, can we check the weather data at that time? It is mainly the change of wind strength and direction in the second training area. My action is related to the crosswind at that time. Two seconds after I landed, There was a strong crosswind and there was significant wing sway."

The wings of the already landed fighter plane swayed significantly, which was an obvious basis for judging the wind strength. The instantaneous wind strength should have reached level 8.

"I'll get it right away." Qin Ming immediately got up and called the meteorological department to report relevant data.

Li Zhan said to Zhang Xueyang and the others, "This action is not replicable. Judging from my experience of flying today, there is actually no shortcut. However, I have thought of a training method that may be more effective. The most important thing is that this method is not It takes up valuable training areas and the J-15.”

The mere fact that it “doesn’t take up precious training areas and the J-15” is very attractive.

Li Zhan came up with a training method that no one would have thought of, and the training content is very familiar to any pilot.

PS: I am writing blindly while trying to ensure that my common sense is correct. I would like to thank a veteran Air Force cadre (reader Feng Chime) for his technical support.

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