Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 501 The old subordinates and old cars are here

At 4 o'clock in the morning, four J-11Bs painted by the Falcon Group landed at Duda Station, and were immediately taken to the maintenance hangar for inspection and five-star red flags were sprayed on both sides of the cockpit.

To spray paint the flag.

What particularly attracts attention is that one of them is Li Zhan’s original plane No. 01 J-11B. The tactical number 01 can be traced back to an SU-27SK that fell apart due to overload maneuvering. It was originally the car of Qi Hong, commander of the Second Division, and was later handed over to the original 101st Regiment and taken over by Li Zhan. During a temporary live-fire training, Li Zhan After entering at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour and performing a super invincible Cobra maneuver to get rid of the opponent, the fighter body reached the end of its life and finally disintegrated on the spot after making an emergency landing on Highway 4.

Later, after the J-11B was modified, the tactical number 01 was re-sprayed on Li Zhan's plane. As the plane of the captain of the Falcon Group, he was also the first leader of the group. After Li Zhan left the Falcon Brigade, the aircraft was flown by Nie Jianfeng, the second Falcon Brigade.

After receiving an order that the boss captain wanted to fly out for military exchanges, Nie Jianfeng sent the No. 01 J-11B over without saying a word.

Han Hongjun, Li Zixin, Lin Fei, and Wu Zhen took the commuter bus directly to the combat conference room and reported to the team leader with high spirits.

Li Zhan was also very excited to see his old subordinates again, and went to the flight briefing room to have a meal with everyone. According to the flight plan, the station's catering support department quickly prepared a nutritious meal with reasonable and rich dishes and sent it to the flight briefing room. It was used as a temporary residence for the military exchange group. Chen Fei and others had already started eating.

After Li Zhan introduced it to everyone, he chatted with his four old subordinates while eating. Li Zhan was very concerned about the situation of the old troops.

"Last week the Jiaodong Mad Eagles came again. This time they fought in a more organized manner. It took us a lot of effort to defeat them." Han Hongjun swallowed his food and said.

"I heard that the eagle in Jiaodong has a strong will to fight. After two more attacks, he will probably figure out your way, so you must not relax and must constantly improve your tactics." Li Zhan warned.

Han Hongjun said, "Captain, don't worry. Brigade Nie will lead us to conduct research on tactics every three to five. It's not as simple as making two gestures on the ground. It's done with real swords and guns. It's a completely free confrontation, so we can explore it." "

"Very good." Li Zhan was very satisfied.

The Falcon Brigade has very well inherited the style he had when he was in office, playing less hypocritical and more real. All in all, burning aviation fuel crazily is the right way, and all tactics that remain on theory and paper are shameful. At this time, there are still some troops who only rely on aviation fuel for training. There is no way around the lack of funds. An army is like a small society, and there are too many places to spend money. The 101st Brigade, which is at the forefront and is responsible for the largest air defense area alone, spends the most money on combat training. The improvement in combat effectiveness is naturally obvious to all.

Lin Fei asked, "Captain, when will you return to Beiku?"

Li Zhan shook his head slightly and said, "The original plan was to go back in December, but it has been postponed again and again until 2012. I guess whether I can go back is still a question."

"The brigade commander said that there will be a competition in March. The order has been sent to the base and preparations have begun." Lin Fei said.

"March..." Li Zhan sighed slightly, "There's really no way to guarantee it. The actual test flight of the J-16 is only halfway through, and I estimate that the rest of the work will not be completed in two months. The new flying shark training in March will also be held To unfold.”

Wu Zhen said, "If you don't go back, I'm afraid our Eagle Falcon won't get good results, and the brigade commander and political commissar will also be worried."

"What are you talking about? You must have confidence in yourself." Li Zhan said, "You have played several trump cards before, and you are still afraid of just one big competition."

"Of course I'm not afraid, but I feel a bit uneasy when you're not here." Wu Zhen said.

The four in front of him are all top pilots in the Falcon Brigade, all led by Li Zhan. Li Zhan can understand their mood.

Li Zhan said slowly, "I have said before that for combat pilots, the truth is in their own hands, and how to pull the next shot depends entirely on themselves. Subjective consciousness is the most important in aerial combat, especially in aerial combat. . In short, when you are faced with a life-or-death situation, you can only rely on yourself."

The three of them lowered their heads slightly and nodded slowly. Everyone doesn’t understand this truth, but it’s hard to let go. From the impoverished King of Rags to the current top ace in the entire army, the Simulated Blue Army, these people have come together hand in hand, and their relationship is deeper than ordinary comrades-in-arms.

Li Zhan finished his meal and said, "Okay, let's talk about this military exchange. Han Hongjun and Li Zixin are the ones I asked for by name. Lin Fei and Wu Zhen, you won't be able to go this time. Wait until you get here. Arrangements will be made to send you back to Beiku. There will be no shortage of similar military exchange activities in the future. If possible, I will try my best to give more places to the old troops so that you all have the opportunity to contact and learn from foreign troops."

Lin Fei said, "Captain, don't worry. Before coming here, the brigade commander specifically explained that the Red Army and Zi Xin are shouldering important tasks. We and other comrades at home have no complaints."

"Yes, captain, you don't have to worry about us. At dawn, the station will send us to the airport to take civil aviation back to Beiku." Wu Zhen said.

Li Zhan nodded slightly, "Okay."

After lunch, someone came to pick up Lin Fei and Wu Zhen. Their task was to fly over the plane that Li Zhan and Chen Fei needed, and then return the personnel to Beiku through the civil transportation system. It is several hours away from Duda Station to Duda Airport, so the station will send them off now and take the earliest flight to Beiku to return to the team.

Even after the two of them wanted to say a few more words to Li Zhan, they had no more time.

That's what it's like to be a soldier. Sometimes, even though there's only a wall between us, we can't even see each other or say a few words for several years.

Li Zhan and others were all on standby in the flight briefing room, firstly waiting for orders from the flight controller, and secondly waiting for the maintenance crew to complete the maintenance and necessary painting of the fighter jets.

Using the time on standby, everyone continued to make preparations. Li Zhan introduced the details to Han Hongjun and Li Zixin. The four pilots occupied an independent space.

"This is Chen Fei, a regimental-level pilot of Hainan Airlines and an old comrade-in-arms of my former Second Division." Li Zhan introduced Chen Fei first, and Han Hongjun and Li Zixin did not dare to neglect and quickly stood up and saluted.

After returning the courtesy, Chen Fei gestured for them to sit down and said, "I am also an ordinary pilot, so you don't need to treat me differently. We don't need these red tapes when we come to Basij. Our pilot group only has the leader, Comrade Li Zhan."


Li Zhan waved his hand, "Let's get back to the subject. Let's talk about the background first. Yesterday morning, Chen Fei and I conducted an actual air-ground combat test flight. During the process, we encountered many accidents and fought against two fighter jets, the F-16 and the Mirage-2000. …”

PS: Fourth update, the basic update is completed today.

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