Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 305 The most failed success in filling the hole in history

"Our attempt to use transport aircraft to transform aerial gunships dates back to X years ago. At that time, Liu Guojian was responsible for the actual combat testing and training of this project. I won't mention the unit number, but it is gone anyway. The station they were often stationed at at that time was Duda Depot."

In the office of the political commissar of the Air Force Hospital, Xue Xiangdong listened to Fang Chenghe's voice clearly transmitted through the secure line phone as if listening to a story, and he did not dare to be afraid of affecting Fang Chenghe's thoughts.

"Liu Guojian, as you know, is a celebrity in the military and a big lunatic. He specializes in high-risk subjects. After receiving the aerial gunship test project, he went to Xi County to recruit pilots and discovered Li Zhan, a young man with great flying talent. , brought it to the training base and flew it directly. It only took Li Zhan three months to obtain the qualification to fly the Yunba. When Sanhe was fighting the flood, Wang Shigui, a transport pilot, used the Yunba to pull a company of Marine engineers over. At that time, I asked Li Zhan to take command at the tower, because he knew Yunba better than all of us. At the same time, there were six newcomers who were training with Li Zhan, all of whom were good young people of all ages. Liu Guojian’s style of doing things You know that in just half a year, all seven young people have become masters of the Lucky Eight."

"You may wonder why we don't choose people from Lao Fei. Because we have done a practical test before, Lao Fei has many restrictions on his technical habits and other aspects. I don't know the specific situation. According to Liu Guojian, it is in the air The gunship is not as simple as installing artillery and cannons on a tactical transport aircraft. It requires pilots to get used to the usage habits and skills of this aerial monster from the beginning. Liu Guojian acted in extreme ways, so he came up with the idea of ​​directly recruiting and selecting people, regardless of age. He was really fooled by the range. They started flight training with a modified Y-8 gunboat."

"The seven new pilots received another six months of C130 gunship training, and then transferred to the Duda station. A force specializing in actual combat testing and training of aerial gunships was established there. It was a battalion. Two aircraft, two artillery squads. Guo Beimu, the current chief of staff at the station, was the first and last battalion commander. Liu Guojian stayed as a technical adviser until the unit designation was cancelled. That was the year Li Zhan came to He entered Huaqing University as a pilot. At the end of 2008, I took him from the training base to the Second Division. I can tell you that these were all arranged by Liu Guojian. At that time, Liu Guojian took Li Zhan to the training base for a year, and was later transferred to the training base. He was transferred to take charge of other projects, so Li Zhan was handed over to me."

Xue Xiangdong asked, "What happened to his injury?"

"They were all injured. He and his senior sister were the only ones who survived among the seven pilots. You should have seen her before. She is also a legendary female pilot. After the army was disbanded, she switched to civil aviation. She cannot disclose this history in any form. The time limit for getting out is fifty years. So Old Xue, it’s better not to know these things than to know them. I can’t help it, you jumped in on your own initiative." Fang Chenghe said with a wry smile.

"The other five gunship pilots died?" Xue Xiangdong's vision was blurry.

Fang Chenghe said in a deep voice, "Yes, both planes crashed. It is their good fortune that Li Zhan and Zhu Qingying survived. It is a miracle that they survived under such circumstances. It is God's blessing that they can still fly." Liu Guojian said It was clear that he felt very guilty and wanted to return Li Zhan's dream of flying, so he made such an arrangement so that he could fly normally like other pilots. It's a pity that that boy was the lone star of the evil god who descended to earth, and when he There must be no good things going on there. In less than a year in my second division, I got into four special dangers. It's just a pity that Zhu Qingying, a late-blooming flying genius, couldn't let go of that period of history in the end, so she switched to civil aviation."

"I'm not afraid!" Xue Xiangdong said resolutely, "No one can hope to transfer Li Zhan away from me!"

"I'm afraid it's not up to you." Fang Chenghe said with a sneer, "Do you think you could have held Li Zhan just because of your shabby king division in the west? If Kong Si hadn't spoken, I would have taken him back. Who do you think you are? ah!"

Xue Xiangdong calmed down instantly, "Old Fang, do you mean Li Zhan has to leave?"

"Liu Guojian said that at the end of the year, Li Zhan will participate in the Flying Shark training and be selected to convert him into a carrier-based fighter." Fang Chenghe revealed a piece of bombshell news.

Li Zhan never told Xue Xiangdong this matter.

Xue Xiangdong became angry, "Is Liu Guojian going to let it go? What qualifications does he have..."

He swallowed the rest of the words himself.

Liu Guojian is really qualified and can definitely do it - it was only after Liu Guojian intervened that Li Zhan went from the north to the south.

"Li Zhan only worked in our second division for nine months, and worked in yours for more than a year. You can just have some fun! Don't be ignorant of your blessings. How did you get to the rank of full master? Where did the brigade commander come from, and your partner who is even more stubborn than you. Don’t you know what’s going on? Seven fucking first-class meritorious services and two first-class honorary titles. I don’t think such soldiers should be placed in your brigade. I get angry when I get up!" Fang Chenghe was buried in fire.

Xue Xiangdong lost his temper. He had no temper at all.

He could imagine what it was like when Liu Guojian carefully selected seven flying geniuses from all over the country. Having flown for more than twenty years, he, like Fang Chenghe, knows flying very well. Some people can only be mediocre pilots throughout their lives, while some people will be accompanied by brilliant flights throughout their lives, and many more people will not even have the opportunity to sit in the cockpit of an airplane.

Only two of the seven flying geniuses survived. You can imagine what a painful blow it was.

He can even understand why Li Zhan's flying style is so rough and fierce. For those who fly gunships, roughness is synonymous with fierceness and is the label. With the artillery firing wildly at the ground, it takes such superb flying skills to fly such a large tactical transport aircraft more stably than a heavy cargo plane and as flexible as a fighter jet.

Fang Chenghe was right, the entire 73rd Division should feel lucky to have a pilot like Li Zhan. All such people are dead, except him.

"If you have anything else to ask, hurry up and tell me. I have a meeting later." Fang Chenghe urged.

Xue Xiangdong hesitated and asked, "Then, isn't Li Zhan's file fake?"

"What is true and what is false? The one with the official seal is true and the one without the official seal is false? Old Xue, Old Xue, you have been a soldier for more than 20 years, why do you ask such a childish question? Do you have to say it out?" Fang Chenghe asked back.

After lamenting for a while, Xue Xiangdong said, "These things are really shocking to me. He is only 27 years old this year, and he did not expect to experience things that most of us have never thought about."

"Li Zhan often said that revolutionary soldiers are like bricks that can be moved wherever they are needed. This is his sincerity and my sincerity. Every soldier has his place. You can go wherever the party and the people need you. I think You should be in whatever position you should be in. When you wear this military uniform, you must have this consciousness. This is what Li Zhan often said. Don't think that he just opens his mouth like a political worker, it's all in his heart words." Fang Chenghe said seriously.

Xue Xiangdong said, "I understand. I promise not to interrupt him again if he says these words in the future."

"Then, how should I treat him in the future?" Xue Xiangdong asked.

Fang Chenghe said, "What was in the past will be what it is in the future."

For more than half an hour, Fang Chenghe basically talked and Xue Xiangdong listened, so Xue Xiangdong became a person who needed to shut up about certain things for fifty years.

Until he appeared in Li Zhan's ward, he could not fully digest the information. Li Zhan easily saw many clues from his expression, and after analyzing it combined with other things, he made an accurate guess.

Xue Xiangdong went to go through the discharge procedures, and Li Zhan put on the blue camouflage uniform brought by Nie Jianfeng and went to Huang Xiaoyue's office to say goodbye.

"Dr. Huang." Li Zhan stood in front of Huang Xiaoyue and apologized sincerely, "I'm sorry that you have been wronged because of my affairs."

Huang Xiaoyue stood up and stroked her hair from her earlobes, forced a smile and shook her head, "No, you are right, I was wrong."

"Ignorant is not guilty, you are right." Li Zhan said.

Huang Xiaoyue sighed and said, "During this period, I also figured out that I am not suitable for a combat unit. An academic research environment is where people like me should stay."

"Let me tell you something." Li Zhan said with a smile.

"What?" Huang Xiaoyue's heartbeat accelerated for no reason.

Li Zhan kept smiling and said, "You can play a greater role in the hospital than in the Second Division, and you will have more brilliant achievements."

"That's all?" Huang Xiaoyue was stunned and disappointed.

Li Zhan said, "Yes, really, believe me."

"I believe it." Huang Xiaoyue said with a strong smile.

Li Zhan asked again, "Yes, you have checked my body. Is it okay to fly?"

"No problem, it's better than many pilots." Huang Xiaoyue said, "You just have to pay attention to it, after all, you have old injuries..."

"I understand, I've always paid attention to it." Li Zhan nodded slightly and said to himself, at most, he would not fly ten G overloads in the future, but just eight or nine.

"Okay, bye then."


Li Zhan turned around and left. Huang Xiaoyue wanted to say something else, but opened her mouth, but finally didn't say anything.

Outside, Nie Jianfeng was waiting with his backpack. Originally thinking that he would have to stay in the hospital for a while, Nie Jianfeng packed up all Li Zhan's personal belongings, so his backpack was full.

When Li Zhan was about to take over, Nie Jianfeng pushed him and said, "It's up to you. How was the negotiation? Is there any chance to renew our relationship?"

"Why renew our relationship? I have a girlfriend, and Dr. Huang and I are comrades-in-arms." Li Zhan said with a glare.

Nie Jianfeng laughed and said, "When you were in Beiku, you refused to admit that Ying Wanjun was your girlfriend. Now you refuse to admit that you were in a relationship with Dr. Huang now. You are a scumbag in the sky."

"There is no relationship between Dr. Huang and I." Li Zhan defended.

Nie Jianfeng said, "Dr. Huang used to sneak into your dormitory in the second division and you pretended that no one knew about it?"

"Damn, how wronged I am."

PS: The sand sculpture readers didn’t guess correctly, which is disappointing; holding it in for months is like having constipation for several months, which is uncomfortable; choosing this place to fill in holes for future plans, it’s fun; those who stay up late waiting for updates are still guessing, haha!

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