Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 274 Soaring

"The engine stopped."

Li Zhan reported again.

This is really a disaster. The engine stops during a stall and tail spin. This is a nightmare for a single-engine fighter. If there is power, there is still hope of recovery. Without power, the only way to fly is by parachuting.

"Try to start the flight once!"

no response.

"Try to start the aeroengine a second time!"

"Try to start the aeroengine for the third time!"

"Try to start the aviation engine... Is our fate, old man, over?"

You can clearly see the mountains spinning towards you. What's even more frightening is that it is difficult for pilots to accurately grasp the altitude of the aircraft in a stall and tail spin state. The sensor instruments of the aircraft will produce a large delay when the aircraft descends at a high rate.

Life or death is a matter of seconds.

Li Zhan will not pull the ejection handle until the end if he does not give up.

He tried to drive, tried to drive, and tried to drive again. Without motivation, everything is just a cloud, but there is not much time left for him.

"Bring it on, old man!" Li Zhan yelled and tried to drive again.

The engine tachometer needle moved.

Li Zhan clearly felt that the fighter plane had the desire to break free. He was overjoyed and pushed the throttle lever all the way. Any attempt at this time was considered exploration, or it was like treating a dead horse as a live doctor.

No. 037 J-7E actually accelerated and dived downwards. However, the flight attitude stabilized, and Li Zhan felt the feeling of regaining control of everything from the feedback of the joystick!

Amidst the roaring sound, the auxiliary fuel tank under the belly of the fighter plane almost pulled up against the top of the mountain, drawing a beautiful and thrilling "U"-shaped line in the air like a roller coaster. After Li Zhan confirmed that the fighter plane was in level flight and the main systems were normal, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lan Zhi, I've corrected, I've corrected. I'm over the mountainous area, ready to climb. Your radar will help me confirm the position. It's over." Li Zhan reported.

There was no reply from Lan Zhi.

Li Zhan reported again, "The orchid refers to the orchid. I am the third turn of the cave. I corrected it. Prepare to climb over the mountainous area. You have to determine the altitude and course. It's over."

There was still no reply from Lan Zhi.

Li Zhan called again, "Lanzhi? Dongsanguai calls, Dongsanguai calls, over."

Still no reply.

Li Zhan quickly recalled the position before stalling, and quickly judged the current approximate position - above Guangyuan. During the 2008 earthquake, strong electromagnetic interference occurred here many times, and the weather at that time was also very bad.

At this time, Li Zhan was flying under the clouds. The visibility was very poor. The surroundings were gray, including fog and low cumulonimbus clouds that contained infinite dangers. Flying in the direction of about 300 degrees should be the Longnan area, where the terrain and weather will be more complicated.

The most critical thing is that Li Zhan doesn't know the civil aviation routes and route distribution in his area, so it would be dangerous to make a hasty choice.

"Central Sichuan Air Traffic Control, Beikudong Sanguai call, Central Sichuan Air Traffic Control, Beikudong Sanguai call, completed." Li Zhan adjusted the communication frequency to the channel of the Southwest Military Region Air Force air traffic control duty room and called.

Since it was a cross-military flight, Li Zhan broke away from the tower command after taking off and directly contacted Lan Zhi, who coordinated the flight route from the military region command post. Li Zhan was not sure whether his contact with Lanzhi was interrupted due to terrain effects or electromagnetic interference. In this case, he had to adopt a backup communication plan to call the Southwest Military Region Air Force Air Traffic Control Office.

However, there was still no reply.

At this time, Li Zhan was certain that he lost contact with the communication channel due to terrain or electromagnetic influence. It seems that electromagnetic interference factors can be eliminated when everything is normal with the instrument. However, as we all know, atmospheric radio waves are very complex and there are many factors that affect communication. Electromagnetic interference cannot be simply eliminated.

Without too much hesitation, Li Zhan quickly made the decision to climb higher. Only by going up high can you get rid of the impact of mountainous terrain on communications.

He remembered that there were several air routes crossing the airspace, most of which were concentrated in the airspace layer between 8,000 meters and 12,000 meters. But he couldn't remember the specific route clearly. Going up altitude means intruding into the airspace layer that civil aviation routes pass through.

The Air Force has priority in the use of airspace, just as the military has the highest priority in the use of ground roads.

The problem is that Li Zhan is in a state of communication loss at this time. He has no way to contact the command post, and there is no way to let the civil aviation aircraft in the airspace avoid him. Having said that, if you can contact the ground command post, you can also get guidance to avoid civil aviation routes.

This risk must be taken, otherwise Li Zhan will be a headless fly and the only option is to make an emergency landing.

The visibility was very poor. Li Zhan climbed up carefully, wishing that his eyes could turn into radar, so he turned on the radar. The radar starts up quickly, and the search action is very fast, giving people a clean and crisp feeling. Li Zhan finally gained some confidence and kept looking ahead at the radar screen. The entire cockpit has been completely changed. There is a large screen in the middle and two small screens on the left and right. Other instruments and buttons have also been redesigned. Li Zhan even suspected that Cheng Loma had transplanted the entire cockpit of Xiaolong. Come over.

But Li Zhan had no time to admire the new cockpit at this time, because the radar detected seven targets flying in various directions ahead. Judging from the reflected signals and parameters, it was either a large civil aviation aircraft or a large Air Force aircraft. After quickly determining the altitude and course speed of these targets, Li Zhan immediately had his own planned route in his mind.

He adjusted the heading altitude to carefully enter the airspace layer where the civil aviation route was located, and at the same time adjusted the communication frequency to the Lanzhi channel and called continuously.

The weather was so bad and the electromagnetic interference was so loud that it was difficult to hear the instructions clearly even if there was an echo.

Li Zhan can also choose to use the international common communication frequency to conduct a blind launch and ask the aircraft in front to avoid him. However, radar detection has been used to open the way, so there is no need for Li Zhan to disrupt the civil aviation flight plan.

He carefully and sneakily passed through the ascending altitude between several commercial airliners. Many passengers on those flights saw a fighter jet with a light gray paint job flying past them and flying higher until it was no longer visible. .

It is estimated that the Civil Aviation Control Center is already in chaos by now.

? ? ?

what's the situation?

Why is there a signal without a serial number?

After reaching an altitude of 13,000 meters, Li Zhan breathed a sigh of relief when he resumed level flight. At this time, communication with Lan Zhi was re-established.

Lan Zhi also kept calling Li Zhan, and he breathed an even bigger sigh of relief after reestablishing contact.

"Dongsanguai, I see you, adjust the heading to 300, maintain the altitude, it's over." Lan Zhi gave the guidance instruction.

Li Zhan repeated the instruction and asked for instructions, "Lan Zhi, can I go down to the cruising altitude? I'm afraid there is not enough fuel. Over."

"Keep the height on the three turns of the hole. It's over."


Obviously, lowering the altitude would intrude into the airspace of civil aviation, so Lanzhi rejected Li Zhan's request.

There was enough fuel, and Li Zhan had all three auxiliary fuel tanks. It was a pity that he had not released them beforehand, otherwise he would have really prepared for the landing. It's just that Li Zhan wanted to save some fuel to race when he returned to Beiku. He hadn't raced at supersonic speeds for a long time, and he felt uncomfortable all over and couldn't sleep or eat well.

What's the difference between flying a fighter jet and not flying at supersonic speeds?

Only now did Li Zhan have the time to recall the strong air flow he had just encountered. He judged that he had just entered the space where hot and cold air masses met. The strong side airflow should have come from top to bottom. It overturned the fighter in an instant. The wingtip stall state of the lift body was destroyed, and the fighter quickly entered the space. Tail spin. If it were the SU-27, there would definitely not be such a big reaction. Although the J-7EGG is a modified version of the J-7, its double delta wing aerodynamic layout is the same as that of several other models, and the lifting body is also the same.

Another reason is that the J=7EGG is a light fighter after all and has no advantage in terms of weight. Under the same strong airflow, if it was a civil aviation twin-engine mid-to-long-range passenger aircraft, it would probably be a strong turbulence.

Li Zhan recalled the disposal process and found an interesting point.

After being unable to recover from the situation, the aircraft recovered from the spin after the engine was stopped and restarted.

Is it conceivable that in the extreme situation where the tail spin cannot be rectified, the pilot can take the initiative to turn off the car and drive the aircraft out of the tail spin?

This approach is extreme, and it is unclear whether it is a special case or is widespread.

Li Zhan secretly made a note to see if he could conduct an experiment in the future. With the flying data, all the situations at that time were based on facts.

After flying at cruising speed for more than an hour, Lanzhi asked Li Zhan to descend to an altitude of 3,000, and then handed over command to Beikut Tower. At this time, Li Zhan had entered the desert in the basin and was familiar with Uulun Lake and the National Forest Reserve to the north of the lake. He also saw the short runway of Nankuchang Station.

Feeling like he was home, Li Zhan was in a good mood. He asked Nie Jianfeng, who was on duty at the tower today, for instructions, "Tower, let me go supersonic to test the high-speed performance of the fighter jet after the overhaul. Over."

Nie Jianfeng smiled and said, "Three turns in the hole. Pay attention to the fuel remaining. You can fix it appropriately. It's over."

"Understood, over."

Li Zhan threw the three empty auxiliary fuel tanks into the desert, and then turned the throttle lever to the full afterburner. The engine nozzle of the No. 037 J-7E spewed out hot tail flames, which was very eye-catching in broad daylight under the clear sky.

The weather in the Beiku area is very good today. The snow has melted to an extent, and the ground temperature is between two and three degrees. It is a quite comfortable winter day.

The fighter jet quickly broke through the sound barrier. Li Zhan was counting the time silently, and the time it took to accelerate to break the sound barrier was shortened a lot. This shows that the thrust of the Singapore Airlines engine that Lockheed Martin replaced with No. 037 J-7EGG has significantly increased, and the thrust is heavy. Bigger than that. Could it be RD93? You can't install that thing, can you?

It is estimated that it is another improved version developed by Lockheed Martin R\u0026D.

Could it be related to the skills that senior sister brought back last year when she made an alternate landing at Beikuchang Station?

The airspeed quickly approached Mach 1.5, and it would be difficult to increase the airspeed further in the air of 3,000 meters. Li Zhan pulled the lever to climb, still using full throttle. At this time, the fighter's empty weight reached its optimal state, and the airspeed was still increasing even as it climbed.

In terms of acceleration capabilities, the J-7 considers itself second and no one dares to claim first, let alone the J-7EGG. Li Zhan fully experienced the thrill of supersonic flight and was very satisfied with the condition of the No. 037 backup aircraft after the overhaul. From now on, it's good to look through her brand from time to time. It's really vulgar to ask for a lever fee or not.

It's just that every time she goes on a date with Unit 037, something goes wrong. Today, she encountered a strong air current. Others bumped a few times when encountering strong airflow, but the No. 037 aircraft stalled directly and entered a tail spin to hit a mountain.

Li Zhan had already discovered that it was not that he had bad luck, but that Unit 037 had a bad luck constitution.

After passing the last landing navigation point, Li Zhan asked the tower for instructions, "Tower, I will conduct a low-altitude and high-speed penetration. The course remains unchanged. It's over."

"Okay, pay attention to the attitude of the aircraft, that's it." Nie Jianfeng agreed readily.

This is the golden partner. If someone else takes command from the tower, he will definitely be cautious about the future.

Li Zhan turned off the afterburner but held off the accelerator. Instead, he directly pressed the stick and dived down. The No. 037 J-7EGG, which maintained an airspeed of Mach 1.5, quickly gained huge energy in the dive state, and the airspeed climbed rapidly to almost Mach 2.

Li Zhan stared at the ground. Below was a familiar small town, which was the nearest residential area to Beikuchang Station. It was thirty kilometers away, and its name was Sanshili Town. The town is also an important landmark in this training airspace. A newly built two-lane first-class highway runs from south to north along the flat desert through the town to the Beiku Mountain Scenic Area. The main buildings have the new highway as the central axis. Distributed, the target characteristics are very obvious.

At an altitude of 200 meters, Li Zhan stopped the fuel and pulled up. The fighter plane soared over the town at supersonic speed. When turning left, Li Zhan saw many people running out of the town and waving wildly at him. The people were very enthusiastic. Li Zhan raised his right hand wearing a white glove to salute, regardless of whether the people on the ground could see it or not.

Li Zhan was very familiar with the terrain here. After informing the tower, he drove the No. 037 J-7EGG into the Beiku Mountains. After soaring in the mountains for a while, he rolled directly across the mountains and came out. The entire aircraft It hit the three-turn route.

The duty officer at Beikku Tower suddenly saw a fighter plane being thrown out from the Beikku Mountains due north. Then it turned around and aimed directly at the runway like a wild boy. The landing gear tires had not yet touched down. The parachute was released, and the parachute was dragged in the air. In the end, it only reached the speed standard for leaving the runway after gliding for more than 400 meters.

Captain Falcon is back, and it’s that familiar smell.

"Dong Sanguai, you go directly to the maintenance shop. Your superiors require a comprehensive inspection of the aircraft and the transfer of flight parameters." Nie Jianfeng instructed Li Zhan.

Obviously, Lan Zhi's notification came. Stall and tail spin, communication interruption, these need to be investigated clearly. Check the aircraft, check the pilot, check the ground radar station and navigation station, none of them are missing, it's just a normal procedure.

"Dong Sanguai understands."

Li Zhan smiled helplessly before leaving the aircraft factory and then entering the maintenance shop. When will the ill-fated No. 037 J-7EGG become a normal aircraft.

The headache that gave him was still to come. At this moment, two Great Wall pickup trucks rushed out of Sanli Town. The enthusiastic people were rushing to Beikuchang Station. There was a chicken on the left and a duck on the right. The fish and water situation between the military and civilians...

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