Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 199 There is a long way to go

It wasn't completely dark outside yet, but it was already eight o'clock in the evening. The summer and autumn festivals have long days and short nights. If you want to watch the sunrise, you have to watch the sunrise at eight or nine in the morning. If you want to watch the sunset, you can still have time to sit on the rooftop and smoke a few cigarettes after dinner.

In the conference room of the regimental headquarters building, all the officers and soldiers of the Destruction King Brigade were present. The flight instructor team and the maintenance instructor team sent by the Second Division were also among them, and some of them were whispering in low voices.

"I heard that the devil's little girlfriend is joining the team. She is a college student from Xi'an Jiaotong University. Does she look good?" Wu Zhen asked Li Zixin in a low voice.

Thinking of the brigade captain's attempt to force the match, Li Zixin said vengefully, "She's the fiancée, the brigade captain's fiancee. She's only nineteen years old. She'll probably get married next year when she reaches the legal age. I've never met her, so I don't know what she looks like. .”

"Pei Lei has seen a very beautiful and innocent sister-in-law." Han Hongjun wanted to say the word "little sister-in-law" with an accent.

"Hey, what about the young lady from Sichuan Airlines last time? I think that young lady is a perfect match for the captain. She is tall enough, well-educated, and flies a heavy-duty cargo plane. Hey, our captain is now a double-engined heavy-duty man. Very good. Matching Miss Chuanhang." Wu Zhen laughed softly.

Li Zixin said coldly, "It makes sense."

"Don't make any more trouble. The captain finally has a situation. I'll let you guys get over it later." Lin Fei, who was sitting in front, said.

Lei Yiming next to him also turned around to look at Han Hongjun and Li Zixin and warned in a low voice, "Especially you two, you are so obedient even when you get an advantage. The captain worked hard to feed you with jet fuel. I told you about my wife, but you secretly arranged for her to have two different things."

"Yo yo yo, isn't this the Flying Thunder Group? I mean, you two brothers, I know that you are facing the captain, isn't it because the captain gave you two the right to use a family room for a month during the Spring Festival?" Han The Red Army counterattacked, "We don't have a team leader. Strictly speaking, he is single now. Miss Sichuan Airlines is probably also a single young woman, and so is my sister-in-law here. They are both single, so it's not necessarily clear who is compatible with whom." "

"Look, you're not planning this." Lin Fei pointed at Han Hongjun with his chin.

On the other side, Nie Jianfeng was also chatting in a low voice with Tang Leilei, "So Lao Li really got along with that little girl. Well, let's just say that what happened before was not too bad. At least he has a little wife."

"That's what Xiao Pei said. He feels that the relationship between the two is not very close, but it's like living a natural life." Tang Leilei said in a low voice.

Nie Jianfeng's brows twitched and he said, "It seems that the decision to stay in the 73rd Division was correct. Through Ying Wanjun, Lao Li can introduce us to female teachers and students from Xi'an Jiaotong University, and live a two-seat life. Just around the corner.”

"Captain Nie, your thinking is quite impressive." Tang Leilei was convinced.

It’s not that people can’t reach the same place along the way.

"Sit down!"

Nan Lianghong, the attendant, stood at the door. She saw the group leader coming from a distance, and immediately strode in to organize the meeting. The large conference room suddenly became quiet, and everyone straightened their backs and took up standard sitting postures.

Xue Xiangdong and Bao Guanhua were walking and talking in low voices, followed by Yang Jinshan, Wang Anguo, Ma Feng and Li Zhan. Basically, all the main leaders of the regiment are here to participate in the Destruction King Brigade's real-machine flight training mobilization meeting tonight.

The leaders filed into the large conference room and found their names in a row in front of the team and sat down. Li Zhan sat at the very edge and did not have a name tag. He presided over the mobilization meeting.

Nan Lianghong began to organize the team, and then reported to Xue Xiangdong. After the process was completed, Li Zhan began to chair the meeting, "Comrades, the actual training will officially begin tomorrow. Before that, a mobilization meeting will be held to unify our thinking and strengthen the unit's combat capabilities." With the awareness of combining training and training, it will take one month for the whole brigade to fly solo, and it will take two months to form initial combat effectiveness. Now let’s give a speech to the regiment leader.”

Warm applause.

Han Hongjun asked Li Zixin in a low voice, "The captain doesn't seem to be staying in the dormitory these days?"

"Will he stay in the dormitory when his girlfriend comes? She'll probably stay at the guest house." Li Zixin said in a low voice.

Han Hongjun looked at him carefully and whispered, "Look at him, he hasn't changed at all."

"Don't talk about me, you won't be much better." Li Zixin defended, and Li Zixin smiled enigmatically.

"Oh, you dead virgin." Han Hongjun cursed in a low voice.

Xue Xiangdong said loudly, "... Comrades, our regiment is the first unit of the military region's air force aviation unit to modify third-generation aircraft, and it shoulders the important task of exploring modification experience for the military region's air force aviation unit. At the same time, you are a simulated blue army unit of the entire army. We are the research team of Project 228 again. They are very courageous! I have only one request for your team leader and you. No matter how you conduct training, you must ensure safety. If a safety accident occurs, I will find you. Your captain! Okay, I’m done.”

"The leader's speech was from a high point...emphasized...pointed out...believed..."

Li Zhan continued to preside over the meeting, "Now let's ask the political commissar to speak."

Warm applause.

Bao Guanhua, the old man, waved his hand and said, "The regiment leader has given a very comprehensive explanation, so I won't add much. I will mainly talk about three points. The first point, the first small point, and the first aspect are the daily life of the army. Management issues…”

The officers and soldiers who had not experienced the power of the old political commissar were all dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Li Zhan was fully mentally prepared, otherwise he would have collapsed. After speaking for a full hour and a half, Bao Guanhua finished explaining the three points he did not add. The officers and soldiers felt that they were finally relieved.

He finally said, "To sum up, comrades have a long way to go."

Li Zhan was about to speak, and Bao Guanhua added, "The great cause of building the People's Air Force requires the dedication of generations of us. You must keep this in mind. Okay, I'll stop here."

"Political..." Li Zhan said the first word he was about to say.

Bao Guanhua added, "Yes, I would like to emphasize that no matter how hard or tiring the training is, you must pay attention to military appearance and discipline. The difference between soldiers and ordinary people is reflected in military appearance and discipline. Okay."

"Based on the actual situation of our regiment, the political commissar made clear requirements on the military training, ideological education and daily internal discipline of the troops from three aspects. We must..."

Li Zhan finished speaking in one breath, fearing that he would be interrupted again by Bao Guanhua.

The officers and soldiers cast a grateful look at Li Zhan, and if they let the old political commissar stop talking, they wouldn't have to do anything tonight. They originally planned to go through the simulated cockpit again to familiarize themselves with the familiar feeling.

"Okay, the mobilization meeting is over. The officer on duty will take the troops to the simulated cockpit training center to get a feel for the actual aircraft before flying."


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