Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 192 Hitting the core of cruel reality

"Captain, do you think Station Commander Zheng will be fooled?"

On the way to the outfield, Han Hongjun couldn't help but ask Li Zhan.

Li Zhan said calmly, "Why are you being fooled, that old fox? But there is nothing he can do. If he dares not to send people to set up the stage, I will use the 228 Research Group to suppress him."

"Isn't this a bit..."

"You don't know how valuable firewood and rice are when you are not a leader." Li Zhan sighed and said, "I used to be a squadron leader in the Second Division for a while, but I had an instructor, so I didn't care about anything except training. Now I realize that I am a leader after being shouldered by the captain and instructor. It’s not easy.”

He looked at the runway in the distance, moved his eyes to the tall hangar of the repair shop at the far end of the north, and said in a deep voice, "A few days ago, I calculated the tie rod fees for last month for you shameless people. I went to check with the regiment leader. Do you know what I felt when I saw the regiment leader’s expression? I was really afraid that he would shoot me with a gun."

"And during yesterday's acceptance ceremony, I tested the teacher overtly and secretly, but ended up scaring him away. When I saw his retreating back, I remembered that when I was in middle school, my father gave me food money to tell me to pay attention. The image of someone learning to listen to the teacher and then turning around and leaving, to be honest, is very sad and uncomfortable.”

Li Zhan wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "So now, as long as money is involved, I have to worry about everything I do. If I can get the other party to pay ten yuan, I will never let the other party pay nine and nine yuan. I will save one yuan today and save three yuan a month." Ten yuan, if you can save a hundred yuan a"

The commuter car suddenly stopped. The driver leaned on the steering wheel and shrugged his shoulders. He listened carefully and cried.

Li Zhan quickly asked, "Xiao Pei, Xiao Pei, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?"


I didn’t ask if it was okay, but when I asked, I burst into tears. It was so heartbreaking. I held my head high and cried loudly, with tears and runny noses, "I miss my mother!"

Li Zhan and Han Hongjun were both stunned. Their noses were sore and their vision was blurry.

Pei Lei is a private. He learned to drive when he was a private. When he became a private, he was assigned to the regiment to drive a commuter bus. The establishment belonged to the flying regiment, not the small fleet at the station. After changing his military uniform into civilian clothes, he is just a twenty-year-old carefree young man who should be making love to his girlfriend on the university campus. But with the dream of serving the country, he put on the military uniform and walked into the military camp. He put all the troubles aside and bravely shouldered the heavy burden of defending the country and guarding the border. He walked for one year and eight months and three thousand kilometers at a time.

"My mother grows and sells vegetables. She goes to the vegetable field to pick vegetables at four o'clock every morning. She bravely walks ten kilometers to the market to sell them. Sometimes she can earn more than fifty yuan a day, and sometimes she can only earn more than ten yuan a day. My tuition and food expenses for the six years of middle school were all paid for by my mother growing and selling vegetables. Last time, my brother told me that she had neck pain and went to the hospital for examination. I knew it was because of carrying heavy burdens all year round. She was hospitalized and I I can’t go back, I want to go home to see her, but I can’t go back, I can’t go back!”

Li Zhan hugged the emotionally broken Pei Lei, patted his back gently, and comforted him with sobs, "Xiao Lei, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry! A man can bleed and not shed tears! No matter how great the difficulty is, There is an organization! Stop crying, Xiao Lei! It’s time for people to laugh at you!"

The last sentence had an effect. Pei Lei wiped away the tear stains randomly, wiped his eyes hard, wiped his eyes with his sleeve, and kept wiping. Li Zhan patted his back gently, "It's okay to cry, but you can't cry for too long. I remember you are from Nanyang, Henan, and I know that place. Tell me, how is your mother's condition?"

"No, not much, not serious, I, I just miss her." Pei Lei started sobbing again.

Li Zhan decided not to ask. Pei Lei was in a very unstable mood right now, and he probably wouldn't be able to recover from the topic of his mother for a while. We are all people who have been there, who has never cried under the quilt?

"Okay, wait a minute, Red Army, there is water in the trunk, bring a bottle over." Li Zhan greeted.

"Oh, yes!" Han Hongjun in the back row wiped his tears, reached over and handed over a bottle of water.

Li Zhan unscrewed it and handed it to Pei Lei, "Xiao Lei, drink some water and wash your face."

Trying his best to suppress the surge of longing, Pei Lei didn't dare to look at Li Zhan. He took the water and turned to the side, stretched out of the car and scrubbed randomly. He wiped away all the tears and nose, screwed the bottle cap and returned it to Li Zhan.

"Chief, I'm fine."

Pei Lei held the steering wheel and the gear lever.

Li Zhan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, keep going."


The commuter car continued to move forward smoothly, heading towards the big stage of their lives.

As Li Zhan expected, before they reached the apron, Zheng Kaiyun led several agency cadres and soldiers from the security company to dismantle the original stage frame and move it to the designated location as required.

It was Li Zhan's idea to put the main event location on the apron. Since it is a combat unit, it must have the style of a combat unit. It is boring to do it in the auditorium, so go directly to the apron, with dozens of neat war eagles as the background, directly Build a flat stage, save the background curtain wall, give it a strong fighting style, and save money.

"When the time comes, this will be both the best viewing platform for watching the air show and a stage for party activities. It will be very atmospheric. When the time comes, the fighter planes performing the air show mission will drive over along the taxiway after landing, forming a neat column. How impressive!”

Li Zhan sat in the car and turned around and said to Pei Lei.

Pei Lei smiled naively, obviously still unable to fully recover from his emotions.

"I definitely have to open Su Liangqi. It's big, heavy, aerodynamic and good-looking. Children will definitely be fascinated. Then tell them to study hard when they grow up and participate in pilot recruitment, and they will reach the level of captain. You, the old man, will train pilots from childhood... The purpose of getting up!" Han Hongjun added excitedly.

Li Zhan nodded with satisfaction, "The purpose is aboveboard. Children who just talk about national defense education may not be able to understand it. But if you study hard with them and you grow up, you can fly fighter jets. I can guarantee that every boy will be able to fly a fighter jet." It left a heavy imprint in my heart - I will fly a plane when I grow up."

"Captain is awesome." Han Hongjun gave a thumbs up.

Pei Lei suddenly asked, "Chief, do you think I still have a chance to fly a plane?"

"You?" Li Zhan was stunned.

"I, I'm just asking casually." Pei Lei was embarrassed and whispered.

Li Zhan touched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Taking the exam should be a way. Of course, the premise is that the physical fitness must pass."

"Is it okay to take the exam? My physical fitness is fine. I was recruited back then." Pei Lei was so excited that he couldn't help but step on the accelerator a little deeper.

Li Zhan said firmly, "It's definitely possible. How come it's not possible to take the flight academy exam? I'll ask you later. But this year's exam has passed. If you want to take the exam, you must try to become a non-commissioned officer by the end of the year. My personal suggestion is no matter what Whether you can become a pilot or not, you should strive to take the exams. If you can, you should take the officer school, and if you can take the noncommissioned officer school, you should take the noncommissioned officer school. Even if it doesn't work, it is a good choice to stay and become a noncommissioned officer."

He paused and said seriously, "Xiao Pei, I can tell you responsibly that the salary of non-commissioned officers will continue to increase, and the increase will be greater than that of officers. It increased once last year, and again this year. At the end of the year or There will be an increase at the beginning of next year, and the monthly salary of a corporal, that is, a first-term non-commissioned officer, will be nearly 4,000 yuan."

"So high!" Pei Lei said in surprise.

Han Hongjun said, "Of course, don't look down on non-commissioned officers. Superiors are paying more and more attention to the construction of the non-commissioned officer team. This is written into the military development strategy."

"The mother of the army is not a joke. She will definitely be taken seriously. In the future, 80% of the positions will be held by non-commissioned officers, and her status will only get higher and higher." Li Zhan said.

Pei Lei, who had just made up his mind to retire from the army and return home at the end of the year, instantly regretted it. Four thousand yuan was almost his parents' entire monthly income. He didn't spend much money in the army, but he had one hundred yuan a month to buy cigarettes and snacks. That’s enough, send them all back, and your family’s economic environment will be greatly improved in a few years! Moreover, after becoming a non-commissioned officer, you are entitled to family leave, one month at a time, which is great.

I want to become a sergeant!

"Chief, chief, I have decided to strive to become a non-commissioned officer!" Pei Lei mustered up the courage to say.

Li Zhan chuckled and said, "Work hard, be diligent with your hands and feet, and perform well in front of your captain and instructor. You will have no problem staying as a non-commissioned officer."

"Understood!" Pei Lei was confident.

It is really easy for soldiers in the regiment to become non-commissioned officers. It is definitely much easier than soldiers at the grassroots company. However, the current situation is just the opposite. Those with excellent qualities have no intention of staying in the army, and most of those who have the intention to stay have mediocre qualities. This puts us in a very embarrassing situation.

If you don't raise your salary, you won't be able to survive, and you won't be able to survive. How many people in this peaceful and prosperous age are really willing to dedicate themselves to the country?

Is Pei Lei a good soldier? He must be a good soldier, but he can't stay in the team because his family has a heavy burden. He can earn three to four thousand to five thousand when he returns to the place to reduce the burden on his family and save some money to buy a wife and a house to live. This is a profound and realistic social problem. To put it more broadly, the current relevant laws and regulations cannot be solved unless we keep pace with the times and improve them to provide military personnel with at least the same treatment and protection as those provided by local governments.

Therefore, there were three consecutive increases in military salaries and benefits at the beginning of 2009, the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. This shows that the situation is very serious and the authorities are very anxious.

What impressed Li Zhan the most was when he was doing physical fitness on the playground in the afternoon after the salary increase for noncommissioned officers at the end of last year. A noncommissioned officer from the maintenance brigade carefully took out a thick stack of hundred-yuan bills from the pocket of his physical fitness uniform and sat cross-legged. He counted it over and over like a thief and then carefully installed it again. Then he put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky with a satisfied smile.

Some comrades in the group always say that spending all day pulling and pulling rods is too vulgar and vulgar. Can't our sentiments be more noble? There are also some ordinary people who are subconsciously surprised when they hear soldiers talk about money: Hey, do you also like money? Aren’t you supposed to dedicate it wholeheartedly? Isn’t it natural for you to serve as soldiers to defend the motherland and stand guard for us? Hi, You still think the salary is low, what kind of soldier are you?

Come on, let’s drink from the northwest wind!

Brothers, have all five monthly votes been cast this month? The background shows that there are still 3,400 people who have not voted...

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