Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 178 Captain, let me borrow your plane for a few days.

Why does Li Zhan's tone contain the excitement of meeting again after a long absence?

The tower was all confused.

The 73rd Division has maintained flight safety for a long time. Except for Han Hongjun who accidentally pressed the wrong button and released the parachute at the third turn, only Li Zhan and the No. 27 Radar Station were accidentally hit during a simulated confrontation exercise. thing.

There was a sudden stop in the air, and it was still at the height of preparing to make a four-turn turn. The 101st regiment tower personnel on duty, who had not experienced many dangers, were slightly distracted.

Xue Xiangdong, a veteran, still has a strong psychological quality. He ignored the excitement in Li Zhan's tone and immediately called, "Dong Sanguai starts driving again!"

Li Zhan is already activating the reserve power supply and using the fighter's own small turbine to start the engine. Generally speaking, the starting of the fighter engine needs to be driven by a ground power supply vehicle. The reserve power supply of the fighter aircraft is limited, and it is reserved to cope with the parking in the air.

However, three times in a row, the engine tachometer did not move at all.

"I can't drive anymore, I'm going to make an emergency landing!" Li Zhan called the tower, "Height 500, speed 340! The hydraulic system is normal and the plane is controllable!"

Xue Xiangdong breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the plane was controllable, the situation would be much better. The altitude and speed at this time are not too bad, and it is completely possible to make an emergency landing.

"Agreed to the emergency landing! Pay attention to the elevation angle!" Xue Xiangdong reminded.

At this time, the front and rear landing gear of the fighter plane had already been lowered, which was another good sign.

"Dong Sanguai understands."

Li Zhan pedaled the rudder to turn left. The unpowered fighter jet dropped very quickly and was unable to land at the normal rate of descent. At this time, it was only three kilometers away from the runway. In order not to stall, Li Zhan couldn't even turn on the flaps.

"The descent rate is too high. I lowered all the flaps." Li Zhan stared at the instrument panel and reported to the tower while operating.

Xue Xiangdong stared nervously at the No. 037 fighter jet that was descending at a very fast speed and said, "The descent rate is too high. Pull it up a little!"

"Understood! I may have to land on the second half of the runway." Li Zhan replied.

Others were afraid of not being able to reach the runway when parking in the air, but he was worried about going too far when parking in the air. The first is because the distance is relatively close. The J-7E's double delta wings can glide for several kilometers no matter what. The second is that Li Zhan now subconsciously maintains a slightly higher altitude and speed every time he lands. This is a targeted operational adjustment he made for the J-7 series fighters.

As a result, in order to ensure that he did not stall and fall, he could not actively descend to land like a normal landing, and could only be guided by gravity. A J-7 that can park in the air and glide hundreds of kilometers? It would be polite not to fall down like a brick.

At this time, where the fighter plane landed was no longer under Li Zhan's control. The only thing he could control was to have the fighter plane land on the main landing gear at a speed of no less than 260 kilometers per hour. To be on the safe side, the landing speed requirement was 280 kilometers per hour. -Within the range of 300 kilometers. Therefore, the landing taxiing distance of the J-7 series fighters is usually close to one thousand meters. Even with a parachute, this distance is almost more than 700 meters.

The SU-27 can land at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour and only needs a mere three to four hundred meters of taxiing distance. This is also the fundamental basis for the development of carrier-based fighter jets based on this model.

In other words, Li Zhan needs to coordinate the relationship between descent rate, airspeed, and altitude. If any one of them is out of coordination, the fighter plane will hit the ground. By adjusting flaps and elevation angles, more lift is obtained to control the descent rate, but the airspeed cannot drop below 260 kilometers per hour - the speed of an unpowered fighter can only be maintained by gravity, which is related to altitude. There is a close relationship.

Li Zhan calculated the final value in his mind within two seconds, and therefore judged that the fighter would land in the second half of the runway. Only landing at this position would not "fall to the ground."

"Be prepared to rush out of the runway! The ground emergency team is dispatched!" Xue Xiangdong quickly issued the order, and then pressed the transmitter to call Li Zhan, "Three turns of the hole, the ground is ready!"

Li Zhan held the pole steadily, not at all afraid or nervous, but instead excited and excited. The current danger was nothing compared to the ones he had encountered before. What kind of danger was parking in the air so close to the runway?

This was him. Anyone else would have broken out in a cold sweat.

On the tarmac, the four people who landed first gathered together and stretched their necks to look at the runway. They saw the No. 037 fighter jet roaring across most of the runway, and the descent rate was maintained very well without power.

"The runway is not enough!" Han Hongjun shouted, his heart tightening.

Pei Xiaoshuai suddenly said, "I remember the captain said that he released the parachute when the Second Division was about to land during an emergency landing. This can greatly shorten the landing and taxiing distance, and there will be no risk of stalling!"

"Yes! The captain will definitely do this!" Su Pingguo said through gritted teeth, staring at the posture of fighter No. 037.

Sure enough, when the rear landing gear of fighter No. 037 was about to touch the ground, the drag chute was released, and the fighter plane was jerked. If it had been in the air, it would have stalled. However, at the same time, the tires of the rear landing gear had already touched the ground. The ground fell, and the fighter plane had two supporting points for balance, and its posture was stable.

Li Zhan lowered the front flaps and raised the rear flaps, and stepped on the brakes. At this time, the front landing gear had not yet touched the ground. After the rear landing gear rubbed against the runway and smoke emitted for a while, the front landing gear slowly touched the ground and braked at the same time.

Fighter No. 037 slid steadily for about 500 meters and then slowed down. Li Zhan turned around at the turn at the end of the runway and raised his right hand wearing a white labor protection glove to the pile of fire trucks, ambulances and emergency services on standby on the left wing. The brothers in the team waved and said to the tower, "Tower, I will go back to the apron by myself and let the emergency team go back."


Xue Xiangdong had several question marks in front of him.

Li Zhan sighed and said, "I tried to drive while taxiing, but I succeeded... The engine needs an in-depth overhaul."

All were speechless.

Xue Xiangdong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He ordered the ground emergency team to withdraw and announced the end of today's flight. He hurriedly signed the duty list and informed the deputy chief of maintenance, Han Bo, to rush to the tarmac immediately. He also hurried over by commuter bus.

Miao Yu and the others had already received the order, and Cong Dawei, the captain of the maintenance team, and several key technical officers also rushed to the tarmac. Fighter No. 037 slid into the apron, the boarding ladder was immediately added, the canopy opened, Li Zhan got off the plane, and said to Miao Yu, "Turn off the engine and start it again. It doesn't look like a mechanical failure."

"Yes." Miao Yu immediately boarded the cockpit and started trying.

Xue Xiangdong and Han Bo arrived. Li Zhan took off his flying helmet and ran over to report the situation to them. Finally, he said, "It feels like it shook the engine the moment it touched the ground. It turns out that in the Second Division I encountered a situation where the nose landing gear was half-extended and could not be lowered no matter how hard I tried to swing it. It was this aircraft. At that time, my crew chief took out the nose landing gear and hammered it a few times and it finally healed."

"Is there such a strange thing? It's impossible!" Han Bo frowned and questioned.

Li Zhan suddenly became anxious, "Deputy Commander Han, do you think I lied about the danger?"

"No, no, no." Han Bo quickly shook his head and waved his hands. If he dared to doubt this, Li Zhan would dare to take him to a military court.

Are you kidding me to lie about a dangerous situation? If such behavior really occurs, it will be a crime punishable by death for more than ten years at the least! To a certain extent, there is no big difference between lying about dangerous situations and lying about military information. In wartime, you will be killed with one shot.

Xue Xiangdong glared at Han Bo, "Shut up if you can't speak. Can you joke about everything? Although the J-7 is simple and has been in service for decades, no one dares to say that they have completely mastered this aircraft. The engine is Whatever the situation is, we will all know clearly when the test results come out.”

"Captain, let's go to the repair shop. Our maintenance staff will try not to interfere." Li Zhan glanced at Han Bo and said calmly.

He made his attitude clear and was very resolute. He turned around and shouted to Miao Yu, "Miao Yu! Shut down the car! Prepare to hand it over to the repair shop for inspection!"

"Uh, yes!" Miao Yu was stunned for a moment. When he looked at the stern expression of the captain, and then at Han Bo, the deputy captain in charge of aircraft maintenance, who was standing next to the captain, he understood instantly.

Han Bo could only smile bitterly.

He was also impatient and spoke without thinking, mainly because his questioning tone was too obvious. He is in charge of aircraft maintenance, and there are no unexpected situations when fighter planes stop in the air. Most of them are related to mechanical failures. As long as there is a mechanical failure, the responsibility of the maintenance personnel cannot be evaded.

Everyone hopes that it is not their own responsibility!

Xue Xiangdong's reprimand to Han Bo can be translated as follows: You don't have to think about it, why did he lie about the danger in order to take risks and make meritorious deeds? Doesn’t he have enough merit? He already has five first-class merits! You start to question your motives when you can't even base them on it. I think you think you were promoted too quickly!

Didn't you see that such a senior leader like me would praise Li Zhan's bad feet?

"Okay, let the repair shop do a comprehensive inspection, and we won't interfere." Xue Xiangdong immediately agreed, and glared at Han Bo who was in a daze, "Deputy Captain Han, what are you still doing? Go and contact the repair shop!"

"Ah, yes! Yes! I'll go right away!" Han Bo quickly jumped into the car and finally came to his senses, wishing he could slap himself in the mouth.

He had no idea that a real-force confrontation drill was about to take place, but at this time, his plane broke down, and it was a major malfunction, which meant that Li Zhan had no plane to fly and could not participate in the confrontation drill. You can imagine how bad he felt. .

In this case, if you foolishly rush forward and raise questions without any logic, isn't this like using a flashlight in a latrine?

Looking at J-7E No. 037 with hatred, Li Zhan said with great reluctance, "You have tricked me to death. In a few days, I will fight with the Second Division with whatever I want. How could you ask me to fight them with the Sixth Division?" ? Drive a first-generation phone to play a third-generation phone? Are you kidding me?"

"Captain, what about that? Can you let me use your machine for a few days?"

"Captain, hey, hey, hey, captain, don't run away!"

Second update

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