Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 158 What a fight!

"Second company locks the target and attacks with two rounds!"

No. 037 J-7E carried a gust of wind from the mountain pass and rushed out like a rocket. The second company of Doyle Camp ambushing in front of the mountain pass captured the target immediately, the fire control radar quickly completed the lock, and the launch commander pressed the launch button while reporting!

The operational process of the Doyle anti-aircraft missile is roughly as follows: the target search radar captures the target, and then transmits the target information to the guidance radar. The guidance radar stably tracks the target and then provides launch preparation information. The combat vehicle and missile are completed within five seconds. Functional testing.

After receiving the launch command, the power supply on the missile is activated, the detonating catapult launches the missile into the air about twenty meters, and the missile ignites and accelerates towards the target. During this process, the guidance radar always keeps track of the target.

Generally speaking, the entire process from confirming the fire control radar lock to launching the missile takes no more than twenty seconds.

The target was definitely doomed, no one could doubt it.

Two 9M332 anti-aircraft missiles were ejected from the vertical launch tubes of the two combat vehicles by detonating catapults. After ignition, they flew straight towards No. 037 J-7E according to the turn command.

At this time, neither the battalion commander or the company commander in the command vehicle nor the members in the combat vehicle knew that what they were about to attack was a manned J-7E, not an unmanned target drone!

Li Zhan has twenty seconds.

If it was the No. 037 fighter he flew before, then he wouldn't even have twenty seconds. Before the transfer of this batch of J-7Es from the Fourth Regiment, some improvements were made, and the avionics were basically improved compared to the G-type. The most important point is the installation of omnidirectional alarms.

When the alarm buzzed, Li Zhan almost peed in fear.

Under circumstances that he could not imagine at all, he was suddenly locked by the fire control radar. One can imagine the shock. As it happened, he had originally planned to turn east after Chu Pass and continue flying at ultra-low altitude along the southeastern side of the Beiku Mountains, so that he could get more cover before entering the Gobi desert.

At this time, after being locked by the fire control radar, his thinking could not keep up with the conditioned reflex actions. After the subconscious operating actions were made, the nerve center responded accordingly. This is due to the knee-jerk reaction awareness on the battlefield that he has acquired over the past period of time.

If it were someone else, they would definitely follow normal evasive actions, because everyone knows that it is just a simulated attack and no missile will actually fly over. If this happens, something big is bound to happen.

The subconscious reaction on the battlefield saved Li Zhan.

He thought that Radar Station No. 27 might have coordinated the surface-to-air missile force's man-portable anti-aircraft missile unit to ambush at the mountain pass until he clearly saw two missiles with long tail flames coming straight ahead about eight kilometers away. , he suddenly realized that it was definitely not a portable anti-aircraft missile.

What the hell is that?

Isn't it just a simulated attack?

"I'm going to knock your lungs out, seriously!" Li Zhan yelled subconsciously!

Two or three seconds after Camp Doyle locked the target, Fighter No. 037 issued a radar warning. At this time, Li Zhan was accelerating and ascending to a slightly higher altitude. Within about twenty seconds of the missile launch, In fact, every action choice made by Li Zhan cannot escape the pursuit of two 3M332 missiles.

At this time, No. 037 J-7E was at an altitude of one thousand meters and a speed of more than 800 kilometers. It happened that Li Zhan pushed the throttle lever to the bottom after coming out of the mountain pass, which meant that the fighter plane was accelerating hard.

At this time, the two missiles were about ten kilometers away from Li Zhan.

For a missile that is accelerating and will eventually accelerate to more than Mach 2, the distance of ten kilometers only takes about five seconds.

Both sides move in opposite directions, and both move diagonally upward. This is the most comfortable attack posture for the Doyle missile, but it is also the most difficult flying posture for target fighters to escape from.

Li Zhan's first action was to turn on the afterburner switch.

The first action is crucial!

Even if you choose all the subsequent actions correctly, as long as the first action is wrong, you still have no chance of survival!

According to common sense, when encountering an incoming missile at a distance of ten kilometers, the pilot should immediately turn around, widen the distance as much as possible, and avoid the missile by exhausting the energy of the incoming missile. The maximum effective combat range of the 3M332 missile is approximately 12 kilometers. If you turn to evade, you have a good chance of avoiding it.

The problem is that Li Zhan had no idea that the incoming missile was a Doyle anti-aircraft missile, and it was impossible for him to visually determine the model of the missile at such a distance!

A fighter plane loses a lot of speed when it turns around, no matter what maneuvers you use to achieve the U-turn.

Speed ​​is everything, it is the foundation of survival!

Energy is everything!

Li Zhan's second move was to make the fighter plane climb vertically. The No. 037 J-7E, which had turned on the afterburner, seemed to be pulled hard from high altitude. In just three seconds, It continued to gain a height of more than 600 meters.

At this time, the first missile was almost within killing range.

The 3M332 missile uses a proximity fuze. When it detects that the target has entered the killing range, the fuze is activated to detonate the warhead and use prefabricated fragments to kill the target.

The frequency of the alarm buzzer has been connected into a line, and the violent roar of the engine filled the cockpit. Li Zhan pushed the rudder lever hard, and the fighter plane's nose suddenly pointed downwards while doing crazy roller maneuvers. It looked like it weighed tens of millions of tons and rolled straight down. In just two seconds, fighter No. 037 fell more than a thousand meters.

The overload approaching 10 G caused the fighter's fuselage structure to groan violently, and mist-like fluctuations caused by the air being broken by supersonic speed appeared on the wing surface. The airspeed of the fighter plane did not exceed the speed of sound, but Li Zhan rolled too fast, and the actual speed of the wingtips exceeded the speed of sound!

"Battal Commander! That's a manned aircraft! He's falling!" The commander of the second launch company finally realized something was wrong. He broke out in a cold sweat and his anus tightened. He roared a report and at the same time quickly opened the hatch and climbed outside. Go, put on the headset and look in the direction of Fighter No. 037. I saw the crazy overload maneuver of fighter No. 037.

The two missiles were stunned at the same time, but they still tenaciously carried out the instructions transmitted by the guidance radar. After discovering that the target was running towards the escape zone, the missiles made a sharp turn, their buttocks ran forward, and their warheads stubbornly moved downwards. Point to the fallen No. 037 fighter jet.

As a result, both missiles exceeded the designed overload range.

The 3M332 missile can withstand an overload of up to 30 G values. The No. 037 fighter jet is only close to 10 overloads. How could it exceed the design endurance range?

It is not a simple comparison and calculation.

Generally speaking, calculated according to the prescribed formula, if the target reaches an overload of 10G, the missile must be completely pointed at the target in a head-on attack and needs to withstand an overload of more than 200G.

Although this is theoretical data, the two missiles have been introduced into a large overload maneuver that far exceeds the limit. As a result, the two 3M332 missiles disintegrated in the air without any suspense, and the warhead exploded under the powerful tearing force without any suspense!

"Whoosh~ whoosh~"

The battalion commander of Camp Doyle was about to burst his eyeballs and yelled: "Which bastard did it! That was a manned aircraft! That was not a target drone! It was not a target drone! The entire battalion was released from combat status! The entire battalion was released from combat status Combat status! Bastard! The entire battalion is released from combat status! Bastard!!!"

The second wave of missiles was fired according to combat procedures.

From the discovery that it was a manned fighter plane to the launch of the report from the commander of the second company to the response from the battalion commander of Doyle Battalion, it actually only took more than 20 seconds. While everyone was stunned by the unimaginable scene, the battalion commander's head went blank for several seconds.

In this very short period of time, the No. 037 fighter plane that they attacked in turn had used a roll dive with a maximum overload of more than 10 G to explode the first wave of two 3M332 missiles.

At this time, the second wave of missiles went straight to the No. 037 fighter aircraft that was already close to the ground, faithfully executing the guidance radar instructions. Although the launch vehicle of the second wave of missiles forcibly turned off the guidance radar immediately, the acquired target data had been transmitted to the missiles. At such a close distance, everything was irreversible.

They were informed that they were shooting with a target drone. All the preparations and procedures were carried out according to the live-fire target shooting. Which company and vehicle should shoot first, and how to shoot the target coming from the secondary direction. There were several sets of them all. planned.

To be able to make an emergency stop in less than half a minute, objectively speaking, Camp Doyle cannot be entirely blamed.

The second wave of missiles struck, but Li Zhan had already entered a stall state. His biggest danger was not the missiles, but the fact that they were only 500 meters above the ground at this time, about when the missiles took off.

He entered a stall spin at transonic speeds. Stalls and spins are all dangerous situations that every pilot must master to resolve. Even if a pilot wants to fly solo, he must master the recovery method. It can be said to be one of the basic skills.

However, there are many types of stall spins.

Li Zhan entered a stall and tail spin while rolling and diving at transonic speeds. This was an abnormal flight attitude that had never been simulated before.

The auxiliary fuel tanks and four multiple rocket launchers were all on the pylons. Li Zhan wanted to throw them away, but he knew very well that any unnecessary movement at this time would put him in a desperate situation.

From the moment the radar warning sounds, every operation he makes must be absolutely precise and necessary. He must make every inch of the fighter plane move according to his will. If there is even a slight deviation, today next year will be his death anniversary.

He entered a stall spin at an altitude of only 500 meters and fell for less than three seconds. In the history of world aviation, there has never been a successful case in which a stall spin was recovered at such an altitude. There was actually only two seconds left for him, and it was impossible to complete the recovery operation.

Even if he can complete it, the fighter plane has a feedback delay, which will not help.

You should consider skydiving!


If you skydive, all the flight parameters obtained from today's ultra-low-altitude penetration in mountainous areas will no longer exist! Such a result is completely unacceptable! At least Li Zhan believes that no one can fly such extreme data anymore!

He abruptly completed the recovery operation in two seconds. He only had one chance. After he finished it, his hope was pinned on the No. 037 fighter plane.

"Old man, let's go back together! Change out! Change out! Change out!!!"

It's exciting, isn't it? What about the rod fee? The lever fee (monthly ticket) is in place, and I will read the next chapter before sleeping.

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