Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 143 He is making history again


Baiou suddenly remembered a dangerous situation reported by the aviation department a few months ago. Wasn't it the case of a power outage in the J-7 cockpit? At that time, a specific plan for dealing with the danger of a cockpit power outage was issued, which was as detailed as day and night flight conditions. Specific disposal methods are provided, and very specific prevention guidance is given.

The 300th Division had eliminated all J-7s and only kept a few of the best ones as combat readiness aircraft as required. Therefore, Baiou did not pay attention to it at that time. Now that Xue Xiangdong and Chen Hualin reminded him, he suddenly I remembered that the name of a pilot was mentioned in the bulletin at that time.

Li Zhan.

Second Division pilot Li Zhan.

Baiou suddenly realized it and said subconsciously, "He is Li Zhan? He is that Li Zhan! I remembered it, and I remembered it all. His name was mentioned in the document of Kongsi notifying Sanhe of flood control. It turns out that he is that Li Zhan. war!"

Seeing the sighing look of the white gull, Chen Hualin felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. He smiled and said, "Yes, he is Li Zhan. Li Zhan was mentioned in the commendation report twice by the aviation commander. Now he is the simulated blue of our 73rd Division." The captain of the military brigade."

"Commander, the time has come." The staff officer next to him reminded Bai Ou in a low voice.

Bai Ou shook his head with emotion and immediately gave an order to Yao Dongming, "Fisherman! Emergency air conditioner, one by one, enemy planes are invading our airspace from the east! I order you to take off urgently to intercept!"

"Fisherman got it!"

"Attention, fisherman! The invading enemy is a master!" Bai Ou couldn't help but remind him. He was now particularly worried that his beloved general would be pecked in the eye by an eagle and the boat would capsize in the gutter.

Yao Dongming took off in an emergency and replied, "I got it, fisherman! I will definitely shoot down the invading enemy!"

Seeing Yao Dongming urgently pull up and climb rapidly, and quickly head straight to the east, everyone in the tower was excited. When it comes to the honor of the entire division, no one dares to take it lightly, especially after knowing that the pilot of the 73rd Division has a great background.


The sudden startled breath of the radar operator attracted everyone's attention.

Before the white gull could ask any questions, the radar operator said nervously, "Report! Lost the Fighting Falcon signal!"

"What?" Baiou suddenly became nervous.

What does losing the signal mean? It means something happened!

"What happened? How could the signal be lost!" Bai Ou calmed down quickly.

The radar operator was a little panicked and quickly reported, "The fighting falcon has just been descending sharply. The signal was lost before I could report it. It was descending very fast!"

Losing altitude very quickly means that the fighter plane is out of control.

Xue Xiangdong suddenly said with certainty, "Mr. Bai, don't be nervous, Zhan Falcon is fine, he is fine."

Glancing at Xue Xiangdong, Bai Ou quickly called Li Zhan, "Zhan Falcon! The tower called Zhan Falcon! Answer received! Zhan Falcon received answer! Zhan..."

"Zhan Falcon received it, tower, I received it, please give me instructions." Li Zhan's voice was calm and casual, as if he was talking about ordinary things.

Bai Ou felt relieved and asked quickly, "What's wrong with you? The radar can't see you!"

"Report to the chief! I am breaking through the defense at low altitude!" Li Zhan said in a helpless tone, "Excuse me, chief, will the confrontation continue?"

What a fuss!

The pilots of the Mad Demon Brigade all looked leisurely and carefree, looking at their colleagues in the 300th Division with the eyes of old haters. Where is this? Isn't it just a low-altitude penetration in the coastal plain area? Our captain can avoid radar detection and fly in the plateau, mountains and hills, and this is also under complex weather conditions! Look at the sunshine here!

Chen Hualin squinted his eyes and asked Bai Ou with a smile, "Mr. Bai, how about calling them back?"

Are you admitting defeat before the fight is even started?

is it possible?

We are three hundred divisions!

"Mr. Zhang, you are violating the rules. The required altitude is 3,000. Why did he penetrate the defense at low altitude?" Bai Ou said.

Xue Xiangdong smiled and said, "Commander Bai, the enemy will not invade according to the altitude we set. And after entering the air combat phase, the fighting falcon will most likely not want the height difference."

"Don't want the height difference? Wouldn't that be confusing?" Bai Ou frowned.

Although Xue Xiangdong did not agree with Li Zhan's idea of ​​letting go of free air combat with altitude differences, at this moment, it was not a bad thing for Li Zhan to make a deep impression on the 300 Division. What's more, after thinking deeply in the past few days, Xue Xiangdong had to believe that Li Zhan's idea of ​​letting go of free air combat with altitude differences was close to actual combat conditions.

The enemy will not follow the conditions you set.

After an in-depth talk with Chen Hualin, Xue Xiangdong's thoughts have changed somewhat, and Chen Hualin also feels that the change in combat training methods is an irreversible direction of development. From the many documents issued by the aviation department this year, we can get a glimpse of the changes in wording and sentence formation. The wording and sentence construction in the command document are very strict. Changes in every word or symbol mean a change in the spirit of the instructions. Although they still have many concerns, Chen Hualin and Xue Xiangdong are no longer as resistant to Li Zhan's ideas as before.

Bai Ou said flatly, "Mr. Chen, this won't work. It would be too dangerous to let go of the height difference. We can penetrate the defense at low altitude, but the air battle must be carried out according to the established altitude."

"Mr. Bai, to be honest, even if you give him an order now, he may not listen to you unless you cancel the confrontation." Chen Hualin said with a bitter smile, "Once this kid goes up to the sky, the ground command can only be controlled by him. Walk on your nose.”

Bai Ou said in disbelief, "How dare he disobey orders?"

"Commander Bai, what kind of disobedience is this? Free air combat. Before, you did not explicitly require that air combat must be carried out according to the set altitude difference." Xue Xiangdong said.

Bai Ou suddenly stopped talking.

Altitude difference air combat has become a habit after so many years. After being given different altitudes, pilots will naturally know how to fight. There is no need to emphasize these requirements at all, it is like taking off your pants to poop. Who would have thought that Li Zhan had no intention of following this path. Not only did he plan not to poop, he also planned to make his opponent have diarrhea!

Chen Hualin pushed Bai Ou into the corner with an understatement. He said, "Commander Bai, please cancel it. I'm afraid your pilots are not suitable for Li Zhan's combat style and are more dangerous."

At this time, Baiou calmed down. How could he be an ordinary person to be the commander of the 300th Division?

He quickly adjusted his mood and said decisively, "No, keep fighting. There is no height difference, but the minimum distance must be ensured."

Then he immediately issued an order to the two pilots in the sky: "The Fisherman Fighting Falcon received the answer!"

"Fisherman got it!"

"Fighting Falcon received it!"

"Let go of the height difference, but you must ensure the minimum distance. Is that clear?" Baiou said.

Yao Dongming was stunned for a moment, and then said confidently, "The fisherman understands! Let go of the height difference! Ensure the minimum distance!"

"War Falcon understands, it's over!"

What does height difference mean?

This is to avoid collisions during air combat training. In air combat training, the two aircraft are at different altitudes, and the training is strictly based on altitude. This is altitude difference air combat training. If they are at the same height, then the two aircraft will be very prone to collision accidents during close combat. Fighters that can reach speeds of hundreds of kilometers per hour cannot be stopped like cars. Often when two planes collide, the pilot's launch command has not reached the corresponding part of his mind, and there is no time to react.

It is conceivable what effect such air combat training will have. In the long run, during air combat training, pilots will take off, fly a circle according to the procedure, attack at the specified altitude, escape at the specified altitude, and evade at the specified altitude. Everything is regulated.

When Li Zhan was shooting aerial targets in the Second Division, it was a typical altitude difference air combat training. He and Nie Jianfeng, the simulated target at that time, flew at different altitudes throughout the whole process.

The minimum distance means that both parties in air combat training must maintain a specified minimum distance. It is also a rigid rule to avoid mid-air collision accidents. This is understandable. After all, in a real fight, no one would advocate using a plane to hit an enemy plane.

Bai Ou issued the last instruction as the referee: "Attention fisherman and falcons, the confrontation has officially begun!"

Immediately, Baiou naturally transitioned into the role of commander of the Red Army. Chen Hualin wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't speak. Leave everything to Li Zhan in heaven.

Li Zhan knew that he was alone again, but he didn't know that he was making history again!

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