Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 128 A first-class accident

Isn't it just a screwdriver? As for mobilizing people like this, is it the same as killing someone?

To a certain extent, it is more serious than death.

At this time, Li Zhan was speechless. At the same time, he had also seen the consequences of Cong Dawei and the relevant responsible persons, including the in-depth review of Xue Xiangdong, the first responsible person, and the fact that the 101st Regiment was criticized by the entire army.

It can be said that once this happens, it already means that someone must be severely punished. Retiring early is almost a good result.

Moreover, the prerequisite is to retrieve the screwdriver.

If he cannot be found, he may be punished more severely and more people may be implicated.

It wasn’t the screwdriver itself, it was the crew that couldn’t find a tool!

Are tools that important?


The object itself is not important, what matters is where it goes!

What if it's in the engine compartment?

Or somewhere else on the plane?

This is a first-class accident.

When maintenance is performed on the aircraft, if ten tools are taken out, ten tools must be taken back. One less tool will not work, and one more tool will not work! Before maintenance, all tools must be neatly placed in the designated location according to regulations. They must be returned to their places after each use. They cannot be handed over directly between people. Even a rivet must be Follow the requirements strictly.

When ordinary people look at aircraft maintenance and maintenance, they will wonder. Aren’t so many steps unnecessary and affecting efficiency? However, compared with efficiency, it is more important to absolutely ensure that the aircraft will not develop new problems during maintenance.

Once the plane takes off, it is a matter of life and death!

In fact, Xue Xiangdong and other regiment leaders have basically confirmed that the maintenance team responsible for maintaining Han Hongjun's plane must not have operated in accordance with the regulations, otherwise such a thing would never have happened. Safety issues are talked about every day, and aircraft maintenance safety and flight training safety are two different things. The latter can be said to be taking risks in order to be close to actual combat, but the former cannot be explained at all.

Cong Dawei has already shown how serious the matter is. He had been working as an aircraft maintenance worker for fifteen years. He was so frightened that he burst into tears. One can imagine how serious the consequences would be.

To put it bluntly, even if you go whoring and get caught by the military, at most you will suffer. But now that this incident has happened, there will be a lot of people who can't escape from top to bottom.

After realizing the seriousness of the situation, Li Zhan did not dare to waste a second and strode over to ask the maintenance team. As a result, Xue Xiangdong had already arrived in front of the maintenance team first, with a face as cold as ice, staring at Cong Dawei and asking, "Tell me everything from beginning to end, starting with you receiving the tools."

Cong Dawei looked at the crew chief, Cao Xing, and said through gritted teeth, "Cao Xing! Explain everything clearly! You couldn't miss it even if you farted!"


Cao Xing took a step forward, his voice trembling, "Our team received the tools according to the plan, and there were no problems with the inventory. After the coordinator confirmed, both parties signed and handed over. After entering the site, we went directly to the apron as usual and started working immediately. The entire work process No one left the scene, and no one entered the scene. After confirming that the work was completed, our team counted the tools as usual and found that a screwdriver was missing. I stopped the support company that was preparing to evacuate. Then our team restarted When counting the tools, it was true that a screwdriver was missing. At this time, my team started to review the entire process according to the standard procedure and looked for it three times. When I really couldn’t find it, I reported it to the duty room at the regiment headquarters as soon as possible..."

You can imagine how they felt at that time.

When you find that the screwdriver is missing, you should be lucky. Maybe you forgot to return it at a certain work station, maybe in a certain pocket, or maybe forgotten in a certain part of the fighter plane. Then I started searching, and the more I searched for that heart, the more my heart sank, until it sank to the bottom and felt like death.

There is no problem with the work flow of Cao Xing's maintenance team. Every link before entering the field is well documented, and no one leaves after entering the field. The problem can only occur when they are maintaining the fighter aircraft. inside. Even after discovering that a screwdriver was missing, Cao Xing did not forget to stop the seven officers and soldiers of the security company. No one can leave if something goes wrong.

"Point out the scope of your activities!" Xue Xiangdong ordered coldly.


Cao Xing couldn't walk very well and pointed out the scope of activities of their maintenance team at the scene. The staff officers who followed Xue Xiangdong divided the area into several blocks, and everyone stood in their respective blocks, even if it was a cement floor with no grain of sand in sight!

Regiment Chief of Staff Ma Feng personally led non-commissioned officers from other maintenance groups into the scene. They were grouped into blocks and directed by cadres to conduct a blanket search, even though the concrete floor was clean and dust-free at first glance!

The most important position is the fighter plane.

Yang Jinshan and Ma Feng personally led maintenance noncommissioned officers who had served for more than five years to conduct a comprehensive counter-inspection of the fighter aircraft. This move shows that Xue Xiangdong no longer intends to give Cao Xing's maintenance team a chance to make up for their mistakes.

Usually everyone thinks that the regiment leader is a good talker, especially kind to ordinary soldiers and strict to cadres. That is life. It's a completely different story if such a serious man-made accident occurs. The 101st Regiment has been comfortable for so long that many people have forgotten how Xue Xiangdong rose from an ordinary pilot to the regiment leader.

Strictly managing the army is his most obvious label!

Xue Xiangdong was once a cold-blooded chief of staff who showed no mercy at all!

Dozens of people launched an intensive search and counter-inspection centered on fighter planes. Such a battle frightened the officers and soldiers at the station. They had never seen such a scene, especially the station commander who was always as steady as a mountain standing with a face as cold as frost. The anxious and worried look there made the officers and soldiers of the support company responsible for delivering the goods today even more frightened. Some of the new recruits who had just joined the army were so frightened that their faces were livid and their eyes were dull.

Cao Xing's machine maintenance staff formed a group of spectators, and Li Zhan could not do anything. A mere flight captain is not even qualified to take responsibility. People do things and stories are related to flight safety. The leader is the first responsible person. Except for the person involved, everyone else will stand aside, regardless of whether you are a hero or a pacesetter. It's just that taking medicine afterwards is absolutely inevitable, and the overhaul will definitely take a week or two.

If a flight crew encounters a dangerous situation and crashes, it is an accident. As long as the operation is compliant, they are either martyrs or acting in the line of duty. It is a crime for a man-made accident to cause a plane crash, so there is no precedent for the troop commander being transferred!

Something has to be done.

Li Zhan walked to Cao Xing's maintenance team, looked at them who were extremely nervous and full of regrets, and said in a deep voice, "Calm down, think about what happened from beginning to end, and don't miss every detail. After finding the screwdriver Before, if you could recall useful clues, things could still be saved."

"How to save it? The leader will not show mercy." Cong Dawei glared at Cao Xing with hatred and gritted his teeth and said, "I have repeatedly said that operations must be standardized and operations must be standardized. How can you take it seriously? Is there any use crying now that something happened?"

But he forgot that he had shed tears just now.

"Speak before entering the venue, speak later, speak every day, you just can't tighten the string in your mind, damn it..."

Li Zhan had no way to comfort him. If the accident was really caused by irregular operation, he would not be comforted. However, based on Li Zhan's understanding of the maintenance team led by Cong Dawei, which was dedicated to providing support for the Mad Demon Brigade, it was unlikely that such a low-level mistake would occur.

But when he thought that Han Hongjun had done the stupid thing of releasing a parachute at the third turn, he became unsure again. The incident happened while maintaining Han Hongjun's phone. Could it be that Han Hongjun also had bad luck?

This is enough of a fucking headache.

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