Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 110 Captain Li’s trump card

Throughout the morning, the entire regiment was providing support for the combat assessment of the large aircraft group, so that lunch was delayed for half an hour.

Taking advantage of the half-hour delay, Li Zhan summoned the seventeen selected pilots to the open space under the tower, lined them up and began to lecture.

Li Zhan was wearing a black leather winter flight jacket, blue winter flight pants, camouflage rubber shoes, and white labor protection gloves stuck in the jacket pocket, exposing half of them.

He looked at each one one by one. Everyone was wearing white labor protection gloves, and after confirming his eyes, he nodded slightly to express satisfaction.


"Take a break!"

Li Zhan saluted and began to comment, "Comment on the big test that just passed. Overall, it was very good, very good, and it showed the combat effectiveness of our regiment. I am especially satisfied with the takeoff and landing. My watch got stuck, thirty The six fighter planes took off and dispatched within five minutes, which is a very good result. It fully shows that the comrades' skills are quite excellent. The return and landing process was also done well, and the overall performance is very good."

"But there is a little problem, Han Hongjun!"


Han Hongjun trembled, trembling all over and feeling very nervous.

Li Zhan looked at him and said, "I asked the regiment leader to give you a chance. This time the regiment will not hold you accountable unless it causes a big mistake, but you have to learn a lesson personally!"

"Yes!" Han Hongjun finally felt relieved and was completely grateful to Li Zhan.

He knows best what is going on. If he is dealt with seriously, he will never be able to get away with a warning.

Don't talk too much about smart people. Li Zhan's resume research in the past few days was not in vain. He basically figured out everyone's situation.

After scanning the circle again, Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Comrades, from now on you are all members of the Blue Army Brigade. I am your captain. So far, I am the only person in charge of the Blue Army Brigade. In other words, I will be your superior from now on, no matter how high your current level or military rank is."

At the end, his eyes fell on Nan Lianghong, because only he had a higher level and military rank than Li Zhan.

"Nan Liang Hong!" Li Zhan suddenly called him by name.

"? Arrive." Nan Lianghong didn't react, but when she did, she responded gently.

Li Zhan stared, "Aren't you full for breakfast? Nan Lianghong!"

"To..." It's still the same gentleness, just like his style of flying a plane, more than stable but not varied enough.

Are you going to quarrel with me?

It is also understandable that as a veteran deputy chief of staff, Nan Lianghong is a deputy regimental lieutenant colonel, the same as the chief of staff and deputy regimental commander, but his position is one level lower and he is older than all the deputy regimental commanders, deputy political commissars and staff officers. Grow big. Suddenly becoming the subordinate of a young man in his twenties, of course I felt uncomfortable.

But Li Zhan is not worried at all, he has a trump card.

Li Zhan let Nan Lianghong go for the time being and said to the team, "Let me announce something first. All pilots in the Blue Army Group will implement the new drawbar fee standard, which is three hundred and twenty-five yuan per hour!"


Before anyone could react, Li Zhan suddenly called his name, "Nan Lianghong!"


The sound was heard all over the world, and the mood was high.

Li Zhan nodded with satisfaction, "Very good. That's right, your other treatment will not change. In short, the treatment in the Blue Army team will only get better and better. What needs to be pointed out in particular is that comrades must be prepared to fight a tough battle. Mentally prepare yourself, stop smoking and drinking, because high-intensity training will begin soon. Didn’t some comrades complain privately that they fly less? This problem does not exist in the Blue Army brigade. The regiment leader agreed, and the resources in the regiment were provided to The Blue Army team is tilted. Tomorrow, no, in the afternoon, I will go to the station to talk and get more aviation fuel."

The words made everyone's blood boil with excitement, and they could not wait to sweat and jet fuel with the fierce operation. They had already disliked the oil depot.

Of course, the key is the rod fee. A full increase of 75 yuan. Calculated based on 200 hours per year, that is an increase of 15,000 yuan in income. For most of the pilots in the 101st Regiment, this was a huge surprise.

Why is Nan Lianghong's attitude so different? Why did Xue Xiangdong and Yang Jinshan push Nan Lianghong to join the Blue Army team?

Nothing but care for old comrades.

Born in a poor mountainous area, his parents are sick, and his wife works part-time in Beiku to take care of his son who is in elementary school. The key is that his wife's parents are also sick and rely on subsistence allowances to make ends meet. It was all supported by him. With such a difficult family life, he couldn't devote himself wholeheartedly to training. It was not easy to achieve his current level. All in all, it was difficult.

The most important purpose of letting Nan Lianghong join the Blue Army is to help him more or less financially. At least Xue Xiangdong can guarantee that he will not hold back the Blue Army.

It was precisely because of this that Li Zhan did not block back resolutely.

But it does not prevent him from using this method to correct Nan Lianghong's thoughts. When a soldier fights and his body is delivered to the country, no one owes anything to his family. There are many people who are more difficult than Nan Lianghong, but if you wear this military uniform for one minute, you will have to work hard. Work hard for sixty seconds.

No one is exception.

There is a saying that the collapse of a man begins with the collapse of the economy, which more often refers to middle-aged men like Nan Lianghong who are about to enter their forties. There are old people at the top and young people at the bottom. You are the pillar. If you fail, the whole family will be destroyed.

Just shouting slogans and injecting blood cannot fundamentally solve the problem. For example, Xue Xiangdong often used limited funds to provide some material condolences to the officers and soldiers.

Li Zhan went out of his way to propose an increase in the Blue Army's tie-bar fee, not for himself, but to seek real benefits for the majority of comrades.

After straightening his face, Li Zhan said, "Now that we've talked about the advantages, let's talk about the disadvantages. The Blue Army implements a normalized assessment and scoring system. Those who fail can no longer stay in the Blue Army. There are no assessment standards, and I have the final say in everything. . Of course, I am absolutely fair and impartial, comrades, please rest assured.”

You can still do this. Isn’t this just a statement? How can there be fairness and justice?

Nan Lianghong suddenly said loudly, "Understood! Firmly obey Captain Li Zhan's instructions!"

Yes, hurry up and express your stance.

Li Zhan was very satisfied, nodded slightly, and said, "How should this simulated Blue Army be simulated? Detailed plans are to have a meeting in the evening to study. I will talk about two more important things now. First, the Blue Army brigade will be codenamed from now on. Crazy Demon Brigade, you must remember it. Second, each of you gives yourself a code name. This code name will be used as a radio call sign. It is unique and has no restrictions. You can report any code name you want to give yourself. Yes, Since I am currently the only person in charge of the Mad Demon Brigade, I appointed Comrade Han Hongjun as the assistant to the captain to assist me in handling the daily work of the brigade. Okay, now that I have finished speaking, stand at attention!"

Everyone looked at each other. Is this a young version of Captain Xue?

Whether it's his opinion or not, the leader of the Youth League Party Committee always comes up with a decision at every meeting of the Youth League Party Committee. The top leader's tyranny is fully reflected. It is said that the political commissar was so angry with him that he applied to study abroad.

After a brief lecture, Li Zhan gave the order. Seventeen pilots who were selected into the Mad Demon Brigade packed up and moved into rooms 201-210 of the cadre courtyard within ten minutes. Except for Li Zhan and Nan Lianghong, they were alone. The rest of the people live in a room with two people, and they are arranged according to the long-range wingman. The purpose of centralized living is to better manage training.

After letting Nangong Hong lead the team to dinner, Li Zhan left Han Hongjun alone and asked, "Did you press the wrong button?"

Han Hongjun lowered his head, "Yes, my brain was cramped, and I accidentally pressed the parachute button."

It's obvious whether Li Zhan is really capable or not. Li Zhan doesn't need to ask at all. He can basically determine how the parachute of fighter No. 127 escaped. After ruling out the possibility of mechanical failure, there is only one explanation - the pilot pressed the wrong button.

This is a very low-level mistake, and it can be said that it should not happen to pilots flying solo. At the training base, someone in Li Zhan's period also made the same mistake, but with the instructors there, there would be basically no serious consequences.

"What should you do if you fly at night? If you keep going like this, there will be problems sooner or later." Li Zhan said in a deep voice.

"The tattered cockpit of the J-7II is definitely a representative of roughness. It adheres to the roughness of Lao Maozi, only rougher but not the roughest. The light effect at night is also numb. You can press the wrong button in the daytime, but what should you do at night? ?" Li Zhan lectured, "Is there any solution?"

Han Hongjun slowly raised his head and stood up straight, saying, "Captain, I will never make the same mistake in the future!"

"I ask you about the solution. What kind of determination do you show me? If showing determination can solve the problem, what's the point of training?" Li Zhan asked with a frown.

Han Hongjun was so anxious that his ears and face turned red, and he was so nervous that he could not speak. They are similar in age, but facing Li Zhan, Han Hongjun is very stressed. He still doesn't know about Li Zhan's glorious achievements. Li Zhan's powerful momentum was developed through life and death.

"Practice whichever area you are lagging behind in. If you can't do it blindly, practice blindly and use more simulators." Li Zhan said in a deep voice, "Your control of the fighter plane is very smooth and natural, but you are still lacking in some aspects. Make up for your shortcomings and I can tell you that your skills will be qualitatively improved."

Han Hongjun ignited hope, "Captain, is there really hope?"

"If you believe there is hope, if you get discouraged, just change your job and go home to drive a tractor." Li Zhan said.

Han Hongjun stood at attention, saluted, and said excitedly, "Captain, I will never let you down!"

"Well, there's nothing else to do. Let's go eat. Oh, I'll grab a meal and bring it to 201 later. I still have a few documents to read." Li Zhan waved his hand in an old-fashioned way and returned to the dormitory with his hands behind his back.

Han Hongjun stood at attention and saluted again, even more excited, "Yes!"

It is an honor to be able to protect the captain. The Kuangmo Brigade has no soldiers, they are all officers, but the captain must have someone to protect his life. Unexpectedly, Li Zhan would give this task to Han Hongjun instead of recruiting soldiers from other places.

It can be seen that Li Zhan is determined to ensure the high professionalism of the Mad Demon Brigade.

Hey, it feels good to be a leader.

First update today, good night, brothers.

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