Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 991 Father of Two Children

Martha was in strong health and was discharged home within three days. Naturally, there was an endless stream of people visiting her. Until the full moon, Martha insisted on returning to China to register her child, but Ye Yuze stopped her several times but failed to stop her. I could only send her to Almaty, which is much closer to Germany.

The reason why Ye Ling and Ye Wancheng did not stop her was because the German daughter-in-law had no concept of confinement. After being discharged from the hospital, you basically have to do whatever you want, and it’s useless no matter what anyone says.

Meihua got the news relatively late, mainly because Ye Yuze forgot to notify her, and Ye Wancheng didn't want to call. Finally, it was Liu Sannv who told her the matter.

Mei Hua first scolded Ye Yuze and told him to go back quickly. He went to find Martha's contact information in Germany again, and then let his son go.

Ye Yuze naturally knew what his mother was going to do? Martha must be taken over, and he must continue confinement.

Ye Yuze didn't dare not listen to his mother's words. Since there was nothing to do here, he should go directly to the capital to apply for a visa and return to the United States.

After returning to the capital, we first went to the Xingtuan Building for a walk. Although it has been open for several months, business is still booming.

I have to admit that although the second sister doesn't read much, she has an amazing talent for business. The entire building can be described as making money every day.

But the strange thing is that Er Hong has disappeared, and no one knows who he asks. Seeing Ye Yuze anxious, Erhong's secretary told Ye Yuze that before she left, the second sister said she had something to go abroad for two or three months, but she didn't say where she was going.

However, the secretary's hesitant look clearly had something to say, but Ye Yuze didn't pay much attention.

He doesn't have to worry about Laorou anymore. Now the construction company is developing very well. The entire construction industry in the capital has become famous, and the number of people has grown to more than 10,000.

It’s just that it’s only February and the construction hasn’t started yet. Now it's just the preliminary stage of the project.

Seeing that nothing happened here, Ye Yuze flew straight to the United States. In fact, to be honest, Ye Yuze should have been here for the past two years. Because he is also a graduate student of Old John, he needs to systematically study Harvard courses.

It's just that Ye Yuze doesn't care about this at all. Even if you give him a doctorate, it may not be of much use to him. The main thing is not to engage in that field of work.

Back in Boston, Ye Yuze was stunned as soon as he entered the door. He saw Erhong and Martha sitting in the living room holding a child. My mother was busy in the kitchen.

Seeing Er Hong's smile, Ye Yuze knew without asking that he was becoming a father again. Because he knew Erhong very well.

Looking at the old hen soup brought by his mother, Ye Yuze couldn't help but swallowed his saliva and went over to it, but was slapped away by his mother. Seeing Ye Yuze's aggrieved look, Mei Hua scolded angrily: "They drank milk, what did you drink?"

Both women covered their mouths and laughed endlessly.

Ye Yuji and Ayi Jiang were running around the two children, comparing which child looked better. But in the end there was no result. When Ye Feng arrived, he was sitting on the sofa like a young adult, seemingly not interested in the two babies.

Ye Yuze stepped forward and picked up the two babies in each hand. He also wants to compare which one looks better? But before he could see clearly, the two girls started crying loudly together. My mother scolded me again.

Reluctantly, he returned the baby, walked around and found that the fourth child was not at home, so he asked curiously.

Meihua sighed solemnly: "The reason why I asked you to come back is because of the fourth child. He has been refusing to attend class well in the past few months. The teacher has come to me many times, saying that he always skipped classes. I asked him what he was doing. I can’t ask.”

Ye Yuze's heart also sank, but he soon felt relieved. The main reason is that the fourth child's character is not a troublemaker, and he doesn't like to be in the limelight. Thinking of asking him for money before leaving, Ye Yuze guessed that he was doing something.

As soon as Ye Yuping and Luna walked out of the school gate, Cynthia hurried over and picked up the two of them with one hand: "Come on, I'll treat you to something good to eat. I promise you'll like it."

The two of them followed Cynthia to a small shop with a very simple signboard that said Chinese fast food in both Chinese and English.

Ye Yuping curiously followed Cynthia into the store. He was thinking, there are so many delicacies in China, what is this fast food for?

The reason why he thinks so is because as long as it is fast food, it is bound to not have many varieties.

As soon as he entered the door, Ye Yuping couldn't help but take a sniff at the aroma. This scent is so familiar. Ye Yuping was stunned when he saw what was on the diners' plates. Isn't this a baked bun? Hey, there’s also milk tea? Ye Yuping was dumbfounded.

The three of them waited in line for a while before it was their turn to order. They ordered grilled lamb chops, grilled buns and a piece of naan bread. Cynthia ordered another cheese and dip.

There are two kinds of fillings for the steamed buns, one with mutton and onions, and one with tomatoes and beef. The three of us ordered some each.

The onion filling has an authentic Chinese taste, while the tomato beef is sour and sweet, which makes Cynthia very happy to eat it.

There are two types of milk tea: sweet and salty. The two girls naturally chose the sweet one.

The three of us had a very happy meal, and added a grilled lamb chop in the middle. Ye Yuping asked the waiter what the name of the boss here was? But the waiter shook his head: "He only came once. He is Chinese. We don't even know his name."

But Cynthia rubbed her belly and suddenly said: "Could it be baked by Lao Si? Why do I taste the same as what he cooks?"

Ye Yuping was stunned for a while, then picked up the two girls and rushed home. He had to confirm this. If he was really the fourth child, this little brother would be great.

When he arrived at home, he unexpectedly found that Martha and his eldest brother were here. Ye Yuping was naturally happy. The two sisters Cynthia surrounded the two babies and made love endlessly.

When Ye Yuping found out that both children belonged to his eldest brother, he knew something bad was going to happen. Sure enough, Cynthia immediately came over with her lips pouted, her eyes filled with resentment just like Dou E's.

Luna also kept looking at the two children with a complicated expression. She didn't know what she was thinking.

The fourth child came home just after eight o'clock in the evening, so he was naturally surprised to see his eldest brother. But Ye Yuping grabbed him and asked, "You open the Chinese fast food in front of our school, right?"

The fourth child's eyes flickered and he wanted to deny it, but when he saw the elder brother's eyes looking at him, he finally nodded and admitted.

Cynthia hugged him and kissed him: "Fourth is great, you are only fourteen years old! That business is so good!"

Mei Hua's face darkened, and she cursed angrily: "I asked you, you little brat, why don't you go to school well? It turns out you opened a snack bar. Is that what you want to do in your life?"

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