Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 985 Ma Guoping

Ju Han Licheng said that there are currently seven or eight such batching buildings in Moscow, with a combined daily turnover of more than 100,000 US dollars. This really shocked Ye Yuze.

They also traded with people from Kazakhstan in Horgos. Of course, there were also people from Russia, but I didn’t expect that they had already gone straight to the rear.

You must know that although the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia is the largest country. Ye Yuze had to admire Han Licheng's vision and courage.

Because it is a wholesale market, it opens at dawn in the morning and closes early in the afternoon. While Ye Yuze and the others were talking, there was no one in the market.

The stall owners greeted each other and talked about today's turnover. When they saw Ye Yuze, they asked him what he was here for? Ye Yuze also responded one by one.

People are like this. If they meet each other in China, they will definitely not speak to each other at all, and they probably won't even look at each other. But when I am abroad, I feel friendly when I see the face of a compatriot.

Not only these people, but also Ye Yuze felt the same way. This time I will join everyone in talking nonsense.

After cleaning up the stall, it's time for everyone to go home. Ye Yuze asked curiously if there was no one watching the stalls here at night?

Han Licheng pointed to a group of people walking in the distance and said: "They are in charge of guarding the stalls and unloading the goods. Goods sent from China usually arrive at night. The station sends trucks to deliver them, and they are responsible for unloading and distributing them to various stalls. "

Ye Yuze looked up and saw a Chinese man leading a group of ragged Caucasians walking over. But why does this Chinese guy look familiar? Where have you seen this face before?

Ye Yuze stared at the face of the visitor with his eyes wide open, and his brain dug hard from his memory.

But before he could think of it, the man asked softly: "Are you Ye Yuze? You have grown so big in a blink of an eye?"

The familiar accent immediately reminded Ye Yuze. He went up and hugged the visitor: "Ma Guoping, why are you here? I've been looking for you for several years."

Ma Guoping smiled, as if he didn't want to talk about this issue in front of others, but waved to Han Licheng: "Brother Han, let's go. I met a fellow countryman. Don't worry about the goods yard. I promise to arrange everything when you come tomorrow. It’s clear.”

Han Licheng agreed with a smile and thrust a wad of rubles into Ma Guoping's hand. "I originally wanted to take you, a fellow countryman, out for a drink. You have just met, so I won't disturb you."

Ye Yuze waved goodbye to him. Ma Guoping arranged his group of people in an empty container. There was a stove in this container, and he took out some bread and ham from a large bag on his back and distributed it to everyone.

There were about seven or eight people in this group. None of them spoke Russian, but they all looked very strong.

Ma Guoqing took out two more bottles of vodka and handed them to them, telling them not to drink too much, and then pulled Ye Yuze out of the house.

There is also a small room at the entrance of the yard, which is the guard's room. There is not only a stove but also a small bed inside. It seems that this is where Ma Guo usually stays.

After chatting for a while, Ye Yuze learned that Ma Guoping had ran out of the border directly. After wandering around Almaty for a while, I came to Moscow.

Because although he won't go hungry in Almaty, he can't make money, and Ma Guoping can't do anything without money.

When he first arrived in Moscow, Ma Guoping was also hungry and cold. Because of the language barrier, I can’t even ask for food.

Later, as time passed and I became familiar with the environment, I started doing odd jobs to make ends meet. Household registration checks are not strict here, and Ma Guoping also got to know some people. So much so that the police stopped checking him when they saw him.

A few years later, Ma Guoping accidentally saved a Russian woman who was working the night shift. A few drunkards stopped the woman and were about to molest her. Ma Guoping, who happened to be passing by, stepped forward angrily to save the beauty.

Although Ma Guoping was beaten with a bruised nose and face in the end, the woman was still saved by him. The woman took him to her home and turned out to be a single mother. The husband drank too much and froze to death on the street at night. The woman works in a coffee shop and raises her daughter alone.

What happened next was a matter of course, and the woman agreed to marry him out of gratitude. The two of them have helped each other in times of need and have lived together until now. Now they have a son and a daughter.

Ye Yuze felt a little bitter in his heart. Ma Guoping had been away from home for many years and it actually had something to do with him. You can also talk about his savior.

The reason why he ran away was because he knew Wang Hongwei's family background. He was afraid that he would eventually become the scapegoat, after all, the person who was shot was definitely hopeless.

What he didn't expect was that the case would eventually be investigated. He was not involved at all, but this mistake caused him to wander in a foreign country for more than ten years. The boy he once was is now almost middle-aged.

The two of them were a little sad when they talked about this, but what could be done to redeem it now that it had come to this?

"Then do you have your household registration? I don't know if your household registration in the Corps has been cancelled. After all, there has been no news for so many years. How about I call you to check?"

Looking at Ye Yuze's sincere eyes, Ma Guoping smiled and shook his head: "Forget it, the past is in the past. Now my name is Dadlov and I am a Russian citizen. My wife is very nice. If I leave, she will live Can’t go down.”

Ye Yuze sighed: "Then don't you miss home? Uncle Ma is living a good life now. Your brother has established a construction company. The business is good, and he should have several million in savings."

Ma Guoping shook his head: "If my mother dies, my family will be gone. I will be a shame to the infrastructure company there, so I might as well live comfortably here."

Ye Yuze couldn't answer this, because what he said was true.

"I'm living quite well now. I helped find almost all the loaders and unloaders in these cargo buildings. Although I don't earn much, every cargo yard will give me a little bit of help. Added up, my life is enough."

Looking at Ma Guoping with a satisfied look on his face, Ye Yuze felt a little uncomfortable. If the incident happened because of him, he would definitely give Ma Guoping an explanation.

But don't say anything now. This person wants to save face. If you give him money directly, he will definitely think it is charity. Think of another way.

After asking for the address of Ma Guoping's home, Ye Yuze said goodbye and left, making a plan to visit his home at noon tomorrow.

When I returned to the goods yard and told Yang Geyong about Ma Guoping, Yang Geyong was also very excited. Although I had a grudge against this person at first, I was later saved by him. As he said himself, we are the children of the Corps. Where do all these grievances come from?

Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong discussed how to help Ma Guoping, but Yang Geyong didn't have any good ideas. We can only wait until we go to his house tomorrow to check on the situation.

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