Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 98 Mengzhuang

The Ye family belongs to outsiders, which is why this village is called Mengzhuang. It's because the Meng family has a big surname.

However, there is another big family, the Xu family, whose population is not weaker than that of Meng Xing. It's just that the Xu family moved in relatively late, and the village's name has already been known.

The Xu family are old cousins ​​of the Ye family. The reason why the Ye family came here was that Ye Yuze's grandma took Ye Yuze's grandfather back to her parents' home after she became a widow.

At that time, she was an orphan and a widower, so her parents gave her a room and a half to live in.

Until my grandfather married a wife and had children, and then they became a family. All in this one and a half house.

Dad originally had five brothers and sisters. The second child died in infancy.

My father went to elementary school for two years, and then he followed the recruiter in a factory in Jin City when he was fifteen years old.

Later, the army recruited soldiers, and my father joined the army directly in Tianjin. Because I am a bit educated, I took part in the hygienist training. He immediately became a health worker in the company. Finally, they were demobilized collectively and went to XJ.

Fortunately, my father already had a salary when he went out. Otherwise, I really don’t know how grandma could have brought up this family.

At this time, my uncle was still in high school, and he was earning cents in the village. My aunt works as a private teacher in another village.

My family's financial situation in the village is considered adequate.

The reason why Ye Yuze frowned was because the yard was originally small and it was built like this in the middle of the yard. The yard is basically gone.

The rural areas of Hebei are all about big yards. At that time, there was no such thing as homestead. As long as the brigade agrees to build it, your house will be legal.

Since we are building a house, we naturally have to build it bigger.

The reason why it is built in the courtyard is because there are three rooms here. The original house only had one and a half rooms.

Behind it is the home of Xu Seng, the brigade secretary. His house had six rooms and he gave birth to six daughters.

This was looked down upon at the time. This is called Juehu. Because there are no sons to pass on the incense.

When my father came back, he wanted him to transfer two rooms so that he could build four. As a result, he refused.

There are cousins ​​both near and far. The relationship between Xu Seng and the Ye family has been on the fifth server. That's beyond the scope of five generations of close relatives. So the relationship with the Ye family is not good.

The current trouble is that the west end of the village occupied by the Xu family is next to the river. When floods occur every spring, the water often reaches the edge of the village.

Therefore, the foundations in the village are very high. The padded area has long been filled with houses. Therefore, each family can only build on the basis of the old house.

But there is no such situation in the east end of the Meng family's village.

"Dad, let's put a place at the entrance of the village to come out?"

Ye Yuze opened his mouth to discuss with his father.

Dad hesitated. "The money we have is only enough for four brick houses. It would cost at least 200 yuan to lay such a high foundation. We don't have enough money!"

Ye Yuze was immediately relieved upon hearing this! As long as it has something to do with money, it’s not a big deal!

Ye Yuze turned around and went out to Ma Ye's house.

Mr. Ma's surname is not Ma, but Xu Ma. Although this person is not a cadre in the village. But the prestige is very high.

Because he had seven sons, all of whom were tall and strong. Moreover, Mr. Ma has an upright personality and likes to fight against injustices. Therefore, village cadres usually do not provoke him.

Mr. Ma and the Ye family are close relatives. So the relationship is pretty close.

Ye Yuze passed by the canteen in the village on his way to Ma Ye's house. Went in to buy something as a gift.

Forget about food and drinks, they didn’t exist in those days. The canteen is also affiliated with the supply and marketing cooperative and sells things like oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, needles, thread, and brains.

The most conspicuous thing upon entering are two large vats, one containing soy sauce and the other containing vinegar.

Bring your own bottle to drink, it costs two cents a bottle. It actually tastes pretty good, it’s all brewed.

It has no taste at all from the messy blending of later generations.

Ye Yuze looked around the shelves. Sparsely displayed are some daily necessities.

Only in the end did Ye Yuze find several bottles of wine in a corner.

It must be because no one has visited for a long time. There was a layer of ash on the wine bottles. No one cleans either.

There are also pastries and some snacks here. At that time, most of the snacks were shortbread.

Sweet and crunchy. It looks pretty hard. It melts in your mouth.

This is because it is made with oil and sugar. Affirmative when exposed to water.

This thing was a rare delicacy at the time. Ye Yuze has basically never tasted it.

Ye Yuze directly ordered two bottles of wine and two packs of snacks. The salesperson at the canteen was stunned.

He has been running the store for several years and has never encountered many such large merchants.

The guy at the canteen is an old bachelor in the village. Lame one leg. His name is Stone.

He does not belong to the supply and marketing cooperative. The brigade takes care of him and prevents him from doing farm work. Then let him look at the store.

The items in the canteen are all items that can be purchased without a ticket. Therefore, the supply and marketing cooperatives did not take it seriously.

He has no salary and only earns cents. But this guy is good at making camp. You can always make some extra snacks when restocking to please women.

I heard that some greedy wives were taken advantage of by him.

He didn't know Ye Yuze, so he asked.

"Whose child are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

After taking one look at this pervert, Ye Yuze originally didn't want to talk to him. But thinking about building a house soon, I smiled.

"I am Ye Wancheng's eldest son."

Shi Shi's eyes lit up.

"No wonder you dare to buy things like this. It turns out that he is the child of a public family."

Shitou made a tut-tsk sound from his mouth.

At that time, those who worked outside were called public servants. In the eyes of the villagers, their status is very high.

"I heard that your family is going to build a house? How are the preparations going?"

Shitou had nothing to say. Ye Yuze wanted to leave directly. But suddenly I remembered something.

"Uncle Shitou, can you get meat tickets?"

Shi Shi narrowed his eyes and shook his head. "This is a bit difficult!"

"If you can get fifty kilograms of meat tickets, I will give you two kilograms of meat!"

Ye Yuze put down his words and left. He just tried this. At that time, it was considered good if most people could have a meal of meat during the Chinese New Year.

And many red and white dishes are replaced by tofu. no way. can not afford.

Ye Yuze felt that although this guy was lecherous, he still had some abilities. If you can't buy it, think of ways to get some high-priced meat.

In 1976, many things were no longer controlled so strictly. Today, people use bicycles to give away people to make extra money.

Mr. Ma is a short old man. She even looks a bit delicate. I don’t know why I gave birth to a bunch of arrogant sons.

As soon as he entered the door, Master Ma recognized Ye Yuze. Ye Yuze came to the village several times when he was a child.

"Your father and others have all come to see me. Why are you still taking things?"

Mr. Ma complained to Ye Yuze with some annoyance. But I didn't mean to refuse.

It seems that the old man is really greedy for wine, especially this kind of bottled wine. He couldn't even remember how many years he hadn't drank.

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