Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 976 A bolt from the blue

The snow lotus nods like a chicken pecking at rice. He took the contract and ran away, fearing that he would run too slowly, so Lin Peiguang regretted it. Isn't it just for this contract that you have been dealing with this pig for so long? For this, the price I paid was high enough.

First go to the fabric market, a place she is familiar with, and find the fabric she needs. It's just that there is no money in the factory now, so she can only get a batch of credit first, and then she can give money to others after Lin Peiguang pays the bill. I've done this a lot before.

Unexpectedly, all the fabrics for making T-shirts were sold out. Only one family had some left, but they refused to sell on credit, and Xuelian's good words for a long time were of no use.

Xuelian's heart felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. Even to her death, she never expected that the fabric would still be unavailable. Could it be that before the contract even started, she had to pay a large sum of money to others?

My legs were filled with lead as I staggered through the fabric market. The joy she felt when she came has long gone, and the contract in her hand has turned from a money printing machine into a man-eating tiger that will devour her even to the dregs in a month.

When she walked to a corner of the market, a voice woke her up from her despair: "Pure cotton cloth, 100% pure cotton underwear fabric, sold in tears."

Xuelian suddenly stood up and rushed over in a few steps. He grabbed the cloth that the boss was weakly waving and held it close to his eyes to read. Then his eyes suddenly lit up.

This cotton cloth is definitely not pure cotton, but the chemical fiber material mixed with it will never exceed 15%. Domestic clothing manufacturers like this kind of material the most. It has high softness and does not like to fade. Compared with pure cotton, it becomes hard when dipped in water and changes color easily. In fact, this material is much easier to use.

"Boss, I am the owner of a garment factory. I have just signed a big contract. But now I have no money. Please see if you can be accommodating. Give me the cloth first, and I will pay you together when the bill is settled."

Xuelian was afraid that people wouldn't believe it, so she quickly took out the contract and handed it over. This boss is also new to the industry. Because he has only been here for a short time, he does not have a fixed customer base yet. It's been a month and it's barely open yet.

When I met such a big customer as Xuelian, I was naturally happy and immediately started talking about the price. Snow Lotus has been operating a factory for a few months, so it is natural that it is familiar with fabric prices. The two of them had some disagreements over the price.

The main reason was that the price offered by the boss was a bit high. Only then did Xuelian understand why he couldn't sell anything. The price was high for newcomers. It would be surprising if it could be sold.

Naturally, Xuelian would not suffer this loss. The profits of the clothing factory were all deducted in this way.

In the end, the boss was almost crying and said with a sad face: "Sister, let me tell you the truth, I am from the north, and the price of shipping here is higher than others. If you do this, I will lose a penny of profit. You see what I can do I’ll give you credit for a month, and you’ll give in a little bit on the price. If you eat meat, you have to let me drink some soup, right?”

Looking at the poor boss, Xuelian finally softened her heart. I agreed to the boss's price, mainly because the price given by Lin Peiguang was very high, and Snow Lotus made a lot of profits.

After the contract was signed, the boss found a car to deliver the cloth to Xuelian. Xuelian also followed the car back to the factory. She was filled with joy and was very kind to every worker she saw.

Originally, the workers should bear part of the responsibility for the last quality accident. But Xuelian finally chose to settle the matter. These workers are all from Hunan and are relatively united. If she forcibly deducts wages, everyone will run away.

At present, she cannot afford to pay her salary, and all the money she has is used as fines to compensate others. But at least the workers were quite reasonable in these matters and agreed to receive their wages together next month.

After unloading the cloth, Xuelian held a pre-war mobilization meeting. Well, she learned this name at the Institute of Infrastructure.

She told everyone about the contract, and shouted with excitement: "Sisters and brothers, in the coming days, we have to work hard, for ourselves to have enough food and clothing, and for our relatives at home to live a good life. Starting from tomorrow, We will use our maximum potential to start a continuous cycle. Those who are in love need to get over it. This kind of opportunity does not come all the time, just be patient, and when our pockets are bulging, we can do whatever we want!"

There was warm applause below. To be honest, those who can come here to make money are those who can put in the hard work. Because the current factories here are what later generations call sweatshops.

When you complained about 996, you probably never thought that the first generation of migrant workers didn’t even have time to sleep, right?

In the days that followed, the sound of factory machinery never stopped. Xuelian also seemed to have forgotten that she could still sleep. Her presence seems to be always in the workshop.

When the goods were delivered in the first month, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Not only was it completed, but it also exceeded the quota. Because a batch of goods was shipped out, next month will be easier.

The first month's payment was made promptly, but only 0 was given. Because it takes forty days for freight to arrive in the United States, port inspection here is only the responsibility of the agent. The real inspection is done by the company in the United States.

Although a little disappointed, everyone was still very happy and only received some living expenses. Everyone laughed and said that the boss was saving the money, and they would give it together when the time comes. It would be fun to count the thick sums.

Xuelian left some necessary expenses for the factory, and gave all the remaining money to the cloth shop owner. Although the money was still far behind, the boss was very happy, mainly because Xuelian was a trustworthy person.

After another month of this, the second half million pieces were sent out. Thinking that it would only take a few days for all the money to be returned, Xuelian and the workers felt like they had been given a shot. I didn’t even care that 0 of the refund was not received.

After more than forty days, Lin Peiguang called. Xuelian just picked it up and said "Hey". Lin Peiguang over there changed his usual gentle manner and cursed loudly.

"Are you a pig? I have repeatedly told you to use pure cotton and the workmanship must be fine. However, not only do you use blended fabrics, but there are also jumpers in large quantities of goods. Did you buy the equipment before World War II? This situation is five times I didn’t see it years ago, but I actually saw it on your products. Do you know that you are embarrassing the Chinese people?”

"Stop saying anything. Just be prepared to pay the money. The United States has refused to accept your goods. Calculated as ten times the fine, you can pay one million US dollars."

Xuelian felt that her head was buzzing and she could no longer hear clearly what Lin Peiguang was saying? Only a voice repeated in her ear: "One million dollars."

Xuelian has never settled in US dollars and does not know the exchange rate between US dollars and RMB. But people in the circle occasionally talk about this issue, and she probably has the impression that one dollar can be exchanged for ten yuan.

That means you have to compensate others 10 million yuan? How can I live with this?

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