Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 970 Lin Peiguang

The business world is never a place that sympathizes with the weak. After all, Xuelian's character is not weak, but she doesn't know how much she has paid just for the operation of the factory.

I have to attend a dinner party again tonight, and the guest is a boss from Hong Kong. This boss is very popular in the clothing industry in Guangzhou because large orders are often issued from him.

Xuelian had to go through many detours to qualify for this dinner party. Once she could get on board with the boss, she would no longer have to worry about orders in the future.

Only now did Xue Lian realize how wrong she was. In the past, I always thought that it was because of my ability that Lianli Garment Factory couldn't do without me.

After being tortured in the market, she realized that the reason why the clothing of the infrastructure company was easy to sell was because Dasha's designs were good, and her own styles and styles would always make people shine in the market.

And after starting my own factory, where can I find designers? The only thing you can do is see what other people's styles are good at, and quickly pirate them. But by the time she bought the stuff and started piracy, that style would have already been ruined. Even if such clothes can be sold, the profit will be very pitiful.

Today’s dinner is at the Cantonese restaurant of the White Swan Hotel. There were three large tables with nearly forty people, most of them owners of small garment factories.

Big factories all have their own contracts, so there is no need to curry favor with this boss from Hong Kong named Lin Peiguang.

Lin Peiguang is about in his early forties. The most typical feature of this person is his roundness. He has a big head and is bald, but he prefers to comb his hair in a slicked back. Mosquitoes with smooth heads would slip if they landed on them.

The legs are very short, but very thick, otherwise they would not be able to support the huge belly above. His face was filled with flesh, and his facial features were squeezed out of space. The eyes can only see two slits.

This guy always smiles at all times and never cares about anyone's status. This is why he has always been very popular.

Before the banquet started, Lin Peiguang announced a big event. That is, he signed a large contract with Wal-Mart in the United States to process T-shirts for others. This contract is a five-year long-term contract, with short sleeves in summer and long sleeves in winter. Anyway, there is life all year round, and the amount is amazing.

Everyone was excited all of a sudden, and they all came together to get close to him. I want him to have a deeper impression of me so I can get a piece of the pie from him.

It's just that after Lin Peiguang announced the matter, there was nothing more. Instead, he raised his glass and said, "Okay, I'm honored to have everyone support me today, Mr. Lin. I won't talk about anything else today, just drink to celebrate that we got such a big order!"

Everyone was in an uproar. Shouldn't the people below be divided? How much can a person’s family get? What does drinking mean?

Xuelian held the wine glass and looked at the pig-like Boss Lin silently. They had been in contact before, and he had bought goods from the Infrastructure Company, but later Xuelian stopped selling to him because the prices he gave were always very low.

Maybe this person can't remember his own? After all, he comes into contact with so many people every day. But no matter what, Xuelian must contact him today, at least let him remember her. Only in this way can we get some work from him.

Thinking of this, Xue Lian gritted her teeth and walked to Lin Peiguang's side with the wine glass in hand.

Xuelian is not qualified to sit at this table, because the people sitting at this table are the bosses of relatively large manufacturers among the visitors.

Lin Peiguang was stunned when he saw Xuelian. He patted his forehead and suddenly shouted: "Oh, why do you look so familiar? Is that the salesman from Northern Xinjiang? He looks just like Qianlong's Xiangfei. Take one look at this I’ll never forget it for the rest of my life!”

Everyone followed Lin Peiguang's tone and complimented him on his good memory. Of course, they also had to praise Xuelian for her beauty.

Xuelian's face turned red, and these words did not sit well with her ears. But what else could she say? I can only bite the bullet and say:

"Boss Lin has a good memory, but I no longer work in the original unit. Now that I have opened a small factory, why don't I come to Boss Lin to beg for food?"

Lin Peiguang's eyes lit up and he praised: "Miss Li is indeed a hero among women. How can she be someone who has been subordinate to others for a long time? Well done, you should have followed your own path from the beginning. No one is qualified to be your boss!"

The crowd echoed again. His eyes scanned Xuelian's beautiful figure unscrupulously. A few of them took the opportunity to squeeze in, holding Xuelian's hand and introducing themselves one after another.

However, Lin Peiguang's face was full of displeasure and he scolded: "Go away, you are like animals. When treating snow lotus, you have to stand and admire it from a distance."

After saying that, he picked up the wine glass and shook it slightly towards Snow Lotus, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

The crowd booed again, praising Boss Lin for being a compassionate person. Some even go so far as to say that Boss Lin and Xue Lian are a match made in heaven.

Xue Lian felt nauseated after hearing this, but she didn't dare to tell what it was? After all, she was asking for help, and now Boss Lin took the initiative to drink. If she didn't drink, it would be like not giving him face. So he gritted his teeth, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

"Good drinker!" Lin Peiguang shouted. As a result, praises such as "heroine among women" and "heroine" were heard endlessly.

Lin Peiguang shooed away the person sitting next to him and pulled Xuelian to sit down: "Miss Li, we hit it off today. We need to catch up on old times. You have to sit next to me today."

How could Xuelian refuse at this time? Why did she come? So he reluctantly sat down next to Lin Peiguang.

After finishing his opening remarks, Lin Peiguang told everyone to feel free to sit down and start chatting with the people at his table. It's nothing more than asking about the size and equipment of an individual's factory.

As you all know, people are trying to figure out the bottom line. After you understand it clearly, you can decide who to give the job to. After all, when it comes to foreign trade orders, the technical requirements will be stricter.

Listening to everyone's introduction to her factory, Xuelian felt guilty for a while. Everyone on this table has more than two to three hundred factory machines. How do I introduce my poor hundreds of second-hand equipment?

She originally had some money, but she wanted to buy a house in two places and give birth to a child. Some of it has been spent.

We were already stretched thin when we built the factory here. The land and buildings here far exceed those in other places in the country. Therefore, after the factory was built, the equipment could only be purchased from items discarded by others. Just like what happened to Mao Doudou.

But at this moment, Lin Peiguang's eyes were looking at her, and she had to introduce him. She pursed her lips and said bravely: "The size of the factory does not mean everything. I can only promise not to embarrass Boss Lin. As long as you can give me some work, I won’t let you regret it.”

"Okay! This is a heroine!" Lin Peiguang was the first to applaud.

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