Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 967 Silent Contest

It's just that everything has two sides. Some people are happy and others are sad. After Ye Yuze finalized this contract, it was like cutting off Vasily's supply of goods.

You know, scrap metal here is free. Naturally, Vasily would not spend money collecting scraps from here. Only when genuine products are treated as scrap, will a small amount of money be given to the warehouse manager as a token fee.

The relationship between people is like this. Vasily is aloof, and all his connections are from the Ministry of Commerce. All they had to do was talk, and Vasily could go to the factory to load the goods openly, without giving any face to the people in the factory.

Although it was just a waste product, several people in the steel plant had a bad impression of Vasily because of his behavior. No one can be satisfied with the way you treat me with disdain even though you are clearly dealing with me.

However, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong did not do things like this, although they would not pay bribes. But there are always some small favors. Including the janitor, Yang Geyong would go around from time to time and put down a few bottles of vodka.

After several interactions, everyone naturally had a great impression of Yang Geyong and the others. As long as it is a truck hauling scrap, the light is basically green all the way.

After Vasily's people couldn't get the scrap metal, they naturally wanted to complain to him. Vasily quickly began to clear up the relationship, which would be fatal if the source of wealth was cut off.

Liu Wa was naturally the first person who would ignore this matter without knowing it. She found out about the contract through inquiries from various sources.

When she told Vasily the news, his teeth almost broke. You will encounter this opponent every time. The key is that you will be defeated in a mess. This made Vasily have a psychological shadow.

After he told Liu Wa about his past with Yang Geyong, Liu Wa considered it over and over again and decided to avoid it for now. After all, there are four industrial zones in this country. If you occupy this place, I can go to St. Petersburg!

After all, the Ministry of Commerce has relatively wide connections and connections. They manage the country's commerce, so Vasily's supply channels started supplying again after a brief interruption.

But this incident was like a thorn, not only piercing Vasily's heart, but also piercing Liu Wa's heart. She began to pay attention to the two Chinese people, watching their every move.

After all, all business activities of the brother companies here are also under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Commerce. If they have any inappropriate transactions, Liu Wa can immediately send someone to investigate.

It is always easy to find faults in things that are done mentally or unintentionally. Liu Wa received reliable news that day, that is, the factory that produces titanium alloys had semi-finished scraps mixed with scrap iron and was taken away.

Titanium alloy products are still high-end products at present. Because the production process is complicated and the cost is too high, their domestic output is not high, and exports are strictly prohibited.

Because of its high hardness and light weight, this alloy is widely used in cutting-edge aircraft. So the control is very strict.

After Liu Wa got the news, she didn't hesitate at all. After saying hello to the police station, she personally led the police to intercept the truck that was pulling goods to the train station. After getting the actual evidence, she took people to Brother The company captured Yang Geyong and Dasha.

Liu Wa's plan was to pin the charge of reselling embargoed materials on foreign businessmen on Yang Geyong.

After some interrogation, the police station found nothing. Because Yang Geyong and Dasha really don’t know anything.

In desperation, the police arrested the director of the steel plant and a group of people responsible for cleaning up scrap metal. Still nothing of value came out of the interrogation.

When this happened, Ye Yuze happened to go skiing with Angela. When I came back and heard about this, I quickly asked around for the reason through my connections. It didn't take long to figure out what happened.

Angela found her father when she got home and told the whole story. To be honest, no one wants to get involved in such a thing. Although he has helped Yang Geyong before, the problems involved in this matter are too big and he can easily be dragged into the water.

So he gave Angela a stern lesson and warned her not to associate with Yang Geyong and Dasha again in the future.

Unexpectedly, Angela was in love with Ye Yuzelang at this time. It was impossible not to have contact with them, but to see them even once.

Seeing her father's attitude, Angela shouted angrily to her father: "Okay, you want to protect yourself wisely, right? That's okay, I am also involved in this matter. I already have shares in this company, so I will surrender and let them take over." I arrested them too, let’s see what they can find out?”

Seeing that his daughter was so persistent, the old father was silent for a long time and finally gave in with a sigh and took the initiative to contact the mayor. In fact, this business itself is an agreement signed by the city government as the leader, and the deposits of both parties are still on the city government.

Mayor Petrov was also very angry about this matter, but due to his status, he could not express his attitude too early. But he has always been very concerned about the whole thing.

After receiving the call from Angela's father, he immediately told the entire incident and the entire confession from the police station.

It turns out that this accusation was completely false. When loading and unloading tooling scraps, I accidentally mixed a bit of titanium alloy scrap into the scrap pile. No outsider knew about this. Even the stevedore himself didn't know about it. When the police stopped the car and dumped all the waste in the car, they discovered something.

Angela's father was so angry that he yelled: "This was originally a good thing, but who is causing trouble in there?"

Petrov hesitated for a while and then told Angela's father: "Comrade Minister, I checked and found that Liu's lover Vasily in your ministry is also transporting scrap iron to China. This incident may have been caused by this person. .”

Angela's father was stunned for a while and said in a serious tone: "Your city government must not only protect the legitimate interests of foreign businessmen. It must also severely crack down on those unscrupulous businessmen who fish in troubled waters and disrupt the market. Otherwise, who would dare to do business with us?"

Petrov repeatedly said yes and promised to strictly implement the instructions of Comrade Minister.

Vasily was taken away from Liuwa's bed. Although this guy looks tall and powerful, he is very timid. When Liu Wa was taken away from her home, she was crying and howling all the way.

After arriving at the police station, he recognized everything he had done without any interrogation.

It’s just that there are too many people involved and the amount is not large. In the end, Vasily was sentenced to confiscation of all his property and deportation. And it is stipulated that entry is not allowed within three years. The people he handed over were basically handled internally and did not rise to judicial proceedings.

Liu Wa was transferred from her original position and transferred to a subordinate agency of the Sports Ministry.

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