Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 962 A steel factory that does not sell

He didn’t visit Moscow. Let’s wait for Yang Geyong to take him with him. Although his Russian is not bad, it is mainly because he is not familiar with the environment. The wisest thing for a foreigner to do when going to a city in a strange country is to find a guide.

He entered the country from Horgos and flew over from Almaty. It's almost November, and the climate here is even colder than in northern Xinjiang. Ye Yuze didn't wear much clothes, so he couldn't help but wrap his clothes tightly when he got off the plane.

The wind was a bit strong today. Standing on the spiral staircase of the plane, the cold northwest wind flowed down the neck and collar, directly giving Ye Yuze, a guy who was still looking handsome in a suit, a blow.

Because he was coming from Almaty, Ye Yuze's plane stopped at Bekovo Airport. There are a total of four airports in Moscow. Bekovo Airport is basically the smallest airport and is mainly used for domestic short-distance flights.

As soon as he left the airport, he saw Yang Geyong standing there wearing a flight leather jacket, his curly hair messy in the wind.

Next to him stood two beautiful Russian girls, one tall and one short. The people next to her raised eyebrows, mainly because the short girl was so outstanding, as flawless as a porcelain doll.

As soon as he walked out of the station, Yang Geyong picked up Ye Yuze and spun him around. Yang Geyong is 1.85 meters tall, while Ye Yuze is only 1.7 meters tall. Even if he wants to hug, he can only be hugged in the end.

Angela whispered: "So young? Are you an adult?"

Dasha glanced at her: "How old do you think you are? Do you think Ye Yuze is so handsome?"

Angela puffed up her chest and Dasha fell silent. That thing was placed there so heavily that a taller person like her couldn't compare to it.

After hugging Yang Geyong, naturally I also had to hug Dasha. As soon as Yang Geyong introduced him, Ye Yuze naturally knew who it was. According to Chinese custom, I called her sister-in-law. Of course, it can only be hugged, Dasha is 178cm tall.

Later, this girl made Ye Yuze feel more comfortable. She was suitable to hold. She was at most 1.6 meters tall. It's just that because some parts are too developed, the arms of the two people are not long enough.

After leaving the airport, several people were not in a hurry to go to the cargo yard. Instead, we found a more authentic Russian restaurant and had a Russian meal.

Then we went to visit some famous buildings. In fact, Ye Yuze's entire impression of this place was still the Red Square and Kremlin he learned in textbooks.

To be honest, standing in front of the real building, he was a little disappointed. Although it is so famous, it really cannot compare with Tiananmen Square, whether in terms of scale or heritage.

But these places have more of a commemorative significance. Every stone slab on the ground remembers the historical events that happened here that shocked the world.

The victory of the October Revolution and the victory of the Patriotic War against fascism. Every victory affects the direction of the entire world. No country in the world dares not to admit it? Was the Soviet Union a great country?

After watching it for a while, a few people went back to rest. Angela was sent home first, and then the three of them drove to the goods yard.

On the way, Dasha asked Ye Yuze intentionally or unintentionally, what was his impression of Angela? Ye Yuze said with lingering fear: "It's so big!" Yang Geyong and Dasha laughed.

Back at the goods yard, Ye Yuze learned in detail about the current supply situation and sources. After hearing this, Ye Yuze frowned and asked: "There are so many steel mills in Russia, and the waste generated every day is also a huge amount. Didn't you go and run these?"

Yang Geyong shook his head, feeling a little embarrassed: "I thought steel plants were just like ours, with no waste."

Ye Yuze was amused by him. The scrap rate of Warrior Steel Plant was very low. One was because the failure rate of electric furnace ironmaking was low, and the other was because Xie Liaosha and his daughter accurately grasped the furnace temperature and various conditions, so there were basically no reports. Scrap steel.

But no other steel mill has this advantage, especially the large steel mills in Russia, which all use iron ore and blast furnaces. The failure rate is very high.

After the two people said this, they immediately drove to the industrial zone in Moscow. There were several steel mills there. They wanted to investigate the specific conditions of the steel mills here in detail.

There are four major industrial zones in Russia, and the industrial zone in Moscow is one of the largest in the country. The steel industry is also one of the pillar industries here.

There are five major steel mills in the industrial zone, but due to economic and political reasons, they are currently not doing well. After all, what has been a unified planned economy for more than a dozen participating countries for decades has suddenly become an independent economic entity, and no matter which country needs to adjust and adapt.

At any rate, Russia inherited most of the Soviet Union's wealth, which prevented the situation from deteriorating beyond control.

The two people came to the door of a huge steel factory. The gatekeeper was a strong man in his fifties. When he saw two people's cars parked at the door, he walked out and shouted: "Go away, don't block the door."

The two people quickly moved the car away as soon as they saw the other person's momentum. Yang Geyong took out a cigarette and handed it over, and the strong man's tone softened a little.

"Why are you opening this place? Are you Chinese?"

Yang Geyong nodded quickly: "We want to ask you about the price of steel here and export it to China. Who should we talk to about this matter?"

Unexpectedly, this simple question stopped the strong man. Mainly in the era of planned economy, products do not need factories to sell, but are directly allocated by the state.

But now the situation is different. There is a backlog of products in the factory and there is no place to deploy them. The wages of workers cannot be paid, and the janitor is now one of the victims. Now he can't get his salary.

After thinking for a while, he picked up the phone and called the factory. Naturally, he had no right to call the factory director, but instead called his leader in charge of logistics.

Naturally, the leader had no right to decide such a matter, so he had no choice but to report it. Finally, the call came to the factory director's office.

As a result, the factory director heard that the steel purchaser was a foreigner. Directly order them to go away. How can a large state-owned enterprise like me deal with a foreign self-employed person like you?

They were kicked out in despair, but the two of them were not angry at all. You are a small person here, so it is normal for others not to care.

The two people walked around the industrial area and went to a factory where the treatment was similar. I had no choice but to walk back.

But Yang Geyong was not familiar with the roads here, and there was no navigation at that time, so he drove the car to a bumpy dirt road in a daze.

I originally wanted to turn around and go back, but there was farmland on both sides and there was really no suitable place to turn around.

The monthly ticket activity has started. Reply to the operation officer's post and vote for the monthly ticket website for subsidies. Each monthly ticket costs 200 starting coins. Don't miss it if you pass by!

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