Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 960 Vasily’s connections

Today, the focus of the raw material supply chain in development zones has shifted to Russia. Although there are still some in Kazakhstan, the volume is no longer large. After all, this country is mainly based on agriculture and animal husbandry.

And Akkele has become Yang Geyong's largest transshipment merchant. After all, the port is in Horgos. Nowadays, Russia and Kazakhstan also have a border. Although there is no control over the transportation of goods, who can say clearly what happens between countries?

If any country formulates an import and export policy, it will impose heavy taxes on steel products. This is a big problem for development zones.

Moreover, the development zone currently has a strong competitor in terms of steel resources, and that is Wang Dongjian. This guy has now become a famous entrepreneur in Yining. Congress.

This guy was originally a man who was good at maneuvering. He was tricked by Yang Geyong in the past and lost all his connections in the capital. But now that he is rich and powerful, how could he not be able to connect with him?

Lao Wang is a person who sees things very thoroughly. He understands better than anyone that a business will never be successful if it relies solely on ability. In fact, this is true for any industry. If you want to become stronger and bigger, you must have strong connections.

Now his annual profits are in the tens of millions. He did not hesitate to spend a third of it to manage relationships. In the past few days, someone had helped him resolve several accidents due to the quality of his steel.

The reason given to him is simple, he is just a low-end steel factory owner. As for what his steel can do? That can only be tested by the construction unit itself. You use the wind-resistant steel pipes used for water pipes to make gun barrels. Can you blame the manufacturer for this?

Then the result of the matter was that the leaders of the construction unit were sentenced and the middlemen were sentenced. But he, the owner of the steel factory, was safe because he didn't know what they were buying it for.

As for the material list and inspection report provided by the factory, whether it matches the steel material is basically everyone's responsibility. Because many quality inspection reports in that era were printed by ourselves.

Vasily is now the boss of the steel plant. After recovering from the last blow, Vasily went directly to Moscow to find his aunt.

His aunt's husband happened to be an official in the Ministry of Commerce. For people at his level, scrap metal is just a matter of words.

Many defective products from large steel plants have become Vasily's raw materials, and there are actually some finished products in them. I sold it directly without processing it when I got home.

Wang Dongjian did not treat him badly and directly let him set up a company in Moscow. The profits left for Vasily were huge.

Especially for the finished products that were bought as scraps, after collecting part of the management fee, Vasily was settled based on the price of the finished product. This time Vasily made a lot of money. Sometimes it can really be described as making money every day.

The changes in Russia did not have any impact on Vasily. With Russia's independence, his uncle retired. It can also be said to be mandatory retirement.

But no matter how the political situation changes, some people in the officialdom can always stay. No one in power can do this to clean up the entire officialdom. It would be really chaotic.

In fact, this incident is quite dramatic. Vasily's backer turned out to be his uncle's former secretary. This woman's name is Liu Wa, she is in her early thirties, she is said to be a secretary, but her relationship with Vasily's uncle has never been clear.

After this incident was discovered by Vasily's aunt, Vasily's uncle asked Vasily to take the blame. At that time Vasily also pinched his nose and admitted it. How could he dare to offend his uncle? Those are his parents who provide him with food and clothing.

Who knew that after two people pretended to be dating, they would actually have feelings for each other. Liuwa is not the kind of woman who is flirtatious, and Vasily's uncle is her first man. She didn't want to get married in her life, she just wanted to live by this old man.

But after being targeted by Vasily's aunt, she had to pretend to do many things with Vasily. The old woman was not easy to mess with. Once she really angered her, the future of both of them might be ruined.

Vasily has never been married. To put it bluntly, he has never even had a serious girlfriend. In the past few years, I have become rich and have contacted several girlfriends, but those women are all for money.

And Liu Wa's inadvertent show of thoughtfulness and virtuousness immediately fascinated Vasily. With the changes in the political situation, a large number of officials were replaced, and Vasily had contacts with many people in this organization because of his uncle's relationship. In addition, he was rich, so by chance, Liu Wa took over his uncle's original position.

And his uncle's normal retirement can be regarded as a safe landing. At least he will have a stable life in his later years. After such changes, Vasily's business grew bigger and bigger. The main reason is that he is familiar with both old and new people, and the business he does is serious business, so officials naturally do not shy away from him.

As for buying finished materials as scrap, this happens only occasionally. If they were reselling in large quantities like this, something would have happened a long time ago.

Now Wang Dongjian has also set up a cargo yard not far from Horgos Port, and Vasily's goods are also brought directly to the cargo yard. The scale is smaller than Yang Geyong's, but the daily cargo throughput is also considerable.

Vasily rarely goes back to the Yining factory anymore. Liuwa is already thinking of ways to naturalize him as a Russian citizen. After all, Vasily is also a Russian. It's just that this procedure is a bit troublesome and will take some time.

Compared with Vasily's factory waste, Yang Geyong's sources of goods are more mixed. Not only are there scrap materials, but there are also old railway tracks and various scrapped military products.

Because his customers are quite diverse and include all kinds of people. This is also the result of Yang Geyong's careful management over the years. Since the accident in Jeep, Yang Geyong has paid great attention to coordination with all parties. Try not to offend any customers.

Now Masha has become his general agent in Moscow. When he was not free, Martha was always helping him organize supplies. She had quit her job as a teacher long ago, and the money she had earned in the past few years was enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life.

Yang Geyong opened the branch of his brother company to the outskirts of Moscow. The main reason is that he also set up a cargo yard here, and some bulk cargoes are temporarily stored here and sent to the cargo yard in Akkelei, Kazakhstan every day.

Now there are more than a dozen employees in this warehouse. Responsible for cutting large pieces and loading and unloading goods every day.

Martha's old mother also moved to live in the goods yard. The place here is spacious and the environment is much better than their community.

Now the old lady's only wish is for Martha to give her a child as soon as possible, and Yang Geyong does not object to this. But somehow, Martha couldn't get pregnant.

The monthly ticket activity has started. Reply to the operation officer's post and vote for the monthly ticket website for subsidies. Each monthly ticket costs 200 starting coins. Don't miss it if you pass by!

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