Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 952 A mistake

It's not that Ye Yuze can't see this, but he won't make that money. This kind of money and conscience will be liquidated sooner or later.

Ye Yuze was helpless when he received Cuicui's call. But it must be taken care of, right? But how do you care about him?

After arriving at the Sixth Company, I saw that Cuicui and the others had lost a lot of weight. I couldn't help but feel distressed, so I had to persuade them to take a rest. Said he would take care of the cows.

After persuading for a long time, the three people finally went to the company to rest. Ye Yuze looked at the cattle himself.

These black-and-white cows are very docile, completely different from the cows in northern Xinjiang. The cows in northern Xinjiang have some tantrums from time to time, but these cows are completely submissive. If you chase them, they will only take a few steps. If you don't chase them, they will just stand there in a daze, as if they are missing their hometown.

Where has Ye Yuze seen such a herd of cattle? This guy is totally stupid! The Dutch don’t do this too, do they? Although he has never seen it.

Seeing that the cows were honest, Ye Yuze simply lay down on the grass and slept. These guys didn't know how to run anyway.


The task Cuicui gave him was not only to herd cattle, but also to guard against local scalpers with malicious intentions. If their innocence is stained by these guys, then the blood of the next generation of cows will be impure. If it was worth five thousand dollars before, then this kind of mixed-breed cow is not worth even one thousand yuan.

In the blink of an eye, it is already late August, and the weather in northern Xinjiang has begun to slowly turn cooler this season. The sun was good today and there was no wind. The warm sunshine made Ye Yuze feel very comfortable. Unknowingly, he fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes, more than two hours had passed. He looked up at the cows and suddenly jumped up. A few scalpers were acting recklessly among the dairy herd.

Ye Yuze shouted a few times, but the rogue cows ignored him at all. When he approached and was about to drive it away, the cow stared at him with its blood-red eyes, as if to say: "Boy, if you dare to do such an unworthy thing, labor and management will fight with you!"

Ye Yuze took a few steps back. He didn't want to fight against the cow. For the first time in his life, he was frightened by gangsters.

The bulls just finished their work calmly. Before leaving, he roared at the Dutch bulls a few times, as if to demonstrate.

Ye Yuze really wanted to teach them a lesson. He bullied his wife and taught his husband a lesson. Is this what us Northern Xinjiang cows should do?

When Cuicui and the others rushed over, it was almost dark. Several people drove the cattle back to the circle together. Cuicui looked at the cattle strangely and asked, "Brother, what's wrong with them? They seem to be in much better spirits."

Ye Yuze shook his head and said nothing, mainly because he had something to say to his sister-in-law.

At this time, the veterinarian also discovered something was wrong: "Cui Cui, look, these cows have started to eat grass?"

Ye Yuze took a look at the cattle, and it was true. These cows had been lazily gnawing a mouthful of grass for a long time, but now they were completely eating grass and walking!

Ye Yuze couldn't help but cursed in his heart: "These boring guys, could they just be moistened by the rain and dew?"

No matter why, the cows started to eat grass anyway. Cuicui turned her face and praised excitedly: "Brother, you are so powerful, you can even do something about a cow!"

Ye Yuze's face was full of despair, but he didn't dare to tell the truth. He was afraid that Cuicui and others would go crazy if they knew the real reason, which cost hundreds of thousands of dollars!

"Cui Cui, a bold experiment. Don't be afraid of any accidents. If you die, my brother will buy it for you. It's all small money. You don't need to pay for it from the development zone."

Cuicui nodded excitedly. She knew that what the elder brother said was not a lie. This little money was really not money to the elder brother.

When grazing the next day, the local cattle came again. Not only those few, but also a bunch of friends were recruited. This guy formed a group to fall in love with other foreign cows.

Cuicui was dumbfounded when she saw this formation, and started to drive away with two helpers. They just drove this one and that one back up again, and the Dutch cows became obviously unhappy and ran away one after another.

Ye Yuze quickly stopped them and said helplessly: "People need the nourishment of love. We can't destroy the ethics of cattle. Forget it, don't worry about it. If you do, run away!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything and no one dared to care. Not only were the local cattle extremely brave, but the black and white flowers were also full of desire. Taking coercive measures at this time will cause problems.

Cuicui also reacted at this time and looked at Ye Yuze speechlessly: "Brother, was it like this yesterday?"

Ye Yuze nodded? "Eat and sex, we can't control this matter. If it doesn't work, just buy another batch, fence the pasture in advance and don't let other cows come in. I'll pay for it."

After several days of carnival, the cows completely regained their energy. It seems that this mental joy can indeed restore physical health.

Then life for the cows finally returned to normal. Only the few bulls left were still looking dull and lackluster.

"If you can't, kill and eat meat!" Ye Yuze got angry when he saw these guys. Damn, I bought you here just to carry on the family line, but you ended up being the wilted brothers. What's the use of keeping them?

Cuicui was naturally reluctant to let go, Ye Yuze thought for a while and said to Cuicui. "Send them to the seventh company's cattle herd and see if the situation improves. If they are no longer useful, they will have to be killed. What's the use of keeping a few of them as waste?"

Cuicui finally listened to this. Ye Yuze said there was nothing wrong with it. It would be better to kill people and eat meat than to raise waste and waste fodder.

It is not known whether these bulls are aware of their own crisis or are interested in exotic breeds. After arriving at the herd of cattle, he showed great power. He actually defeated all the local bulls and began to show off his power among the scalpers.

Ye Yuze couldn't help feeling that he would get tired of everything if he saw it too much. Not as refreshing as something novel.

No matter what, the matter was finally resolved perfectly. As for the milk production of cows, it cannot be seen within a long time.

At least now they have started eating and playing happily. This is the greatest progress.

In his spare time, Ye Yuze rode around the grassland and concluded that the situation was still okay, if the grasslands of the two companies were merged. Establishing a dairy cattle breeding base is not a big problem.

As for whether it can be supplied to dairy plants, that is another question. At best, we just need to develop a few more bases, with such good grassland and air. If we do not allow all Chinese people to drink high-quality safe milk, we are not doing anything.

After returning, he still hadn't seen Zhang Jianmin and Chao Chi Naer, so he decided to go and have a look. It's not that he wants to find a place for Yang Geyong, he knows that Zhang Jianmin is a good hand in herding, and with Chi Na'er's assistance. He is probably the most suitable person to manage this base.

No matter how many changes there are in the world, the grassland will not change except for the prosperity and decline throughout the year.

Thank you Ji Mo Yimi and Sha Diao Erdai for the reward. I wish you a happy new year and all the best.

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