Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 943 Happy Life

I have to say that Uncle Amir, Ye Yuze was originally stronger in some aspects, but was forced out by Dasha. Today I was forced to drink again and it was another super performance.

Even though Erhong was in good health, he could not withstand the impact of the torrent again and again. It had long since collapsed and turned into a puddle of mud.

On the other side of the curtain, Aunt Amir raised the corners of her mouth and her ears stood up like a rabbit. She looked like someone who had just passed by, and occasionally when she heard no movement inside, she muttered: "Hey, XJ son doll, you can't say no!"

Ye Yuze, who roared like a wild beast all night, finally fell asleep. Er Hong lay there, even though he couldn't seem to move his fingers, he felt very satisfied inside. There is a feeling of a phoenix rising from the ashes and rising from the ashes. It seems that the world is no longer the same as before.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, all three of them woke up and were awakened by the movement outside. Amir, who originally visited the house, came back and let the sheep out.

After finishing the work, Amir came into the house and scolded his wife: "You are as lazy as a lazy mother-in-law. What time is it and you still don't get up to cook?"

Aunt Amir pointed inside and whispered: "Don't shout, the two dolls are still sleeping inside."

Amir was full of doubts, mainly because if his family came, there would be no need to hang the curtains? What's going on? It wasn't until his wife told him the truth that he suddenly realized it. He smiled and asked his wife to make milk tea while he went to kill the sheep.

At this time, Ye Yuze and the others also got up, but Er Hong's body was still weak. Some didn't dare to meet Aunt Amir's eyes.

Aunt Amir glanced at Er Hong approvingly. I couldn't help but praise: "Good physique, as strong as a cow!"

The first thing you do when you wake up is to empty your body of waste. But Erhong went around and came back. Ye Yuze, who was brushing his teeth, asked quietly in his sleeves: "There is no toilet? Where can I find it convenient?"

She just saw Ye Yuze peeing. The guy came out of the yurt and took out his penis and solved it, but she couldn't do it herself?

Ye Yuze held a toothbrush in his mouth and said nonchalantly: "It's such a large prairie, just find a place. The dog will be eaten by you."

Erhong hesitated for a while, but finally couldn't resist and found a place to solve the problem in a hurry. But she really couldn't bear the feeling of exposing her butt in front of the whole world in the wilderness.

A big dog came to her convenient place, sniffed it first, and then ate it despite being disgusted. The Han doll cake has too little meat flavor and is not tasty.

After eating a few pieces of naan with milk tea, Erhong began to resurrect with full health and pestered Ye Yuze to teach her how to ride a horse. Ye Yuze didn't dare to let her yell at Lightning. Although Lightning was old, his temper was still there. He had no choice but to put a saddle on one of Amir's mare's horses and help her up for a slow walk.

Mares are docile, just like cows. After telling her the essentials, Er Hong rode it around slowly. Ye Yuze, on the other hand, helped Amir kill the sheep.

Horseback riding is actually not a difficult task. First of all, you must overcome your fear. As long as you are not afraid, you have already learned half the story. The rest is to master the essentials, such as being sure to relax and not holding the horse's reins too tightly.

Because the horse is directed by the reins, pulling to the left means turning left, and pulling to the right means turning right. Pull both of them together to brake.

People who have never ridden a horse often brake directly because of their nervousness, making the horse confused and it would be strange not to throw you off.

Also, in fact, the faster the horse runs, the more stable it will be. But you must follow the horse's rhythm, and the most bumpy time is when you canter. If there is no saddle, your butt will split into four parts in a short time.

Ye Yuze told Erhong all these things. But telling is telling, and you have to experience it yourself to truly master it. Whatever you do requires a skilled process.

Anyway, Erhong is smart, and Ma is more honest. By the time the meat was cooked, Erhong could basically ride a horse and trot for a while. When Ye Yuze called her to eat meat, she was already able to run back on horseback.

As soon as he got off the horse, Erhong staggered, grinned a little, and felt pain in his buttocks and inner thighs. Ye Yuze patted her on the butt and said with a smile: You are already very good. Kazakh dolls even get thrown when riding horses.

After eating the meat, Uncle Amir rode away again. This was the most leisurely day for Kazakhs. After the men drive the sheep out, they can go to the house and have a drink.

In the afternoon, Erhong practiced for a long time and the horse was able to run. Although his whole body hurt, the joy of success made Erhong forget the pain, and he happily took Ye Yuze to go shopping with her on the grassland.

Ye Yuze looked at the sky, it was getting dark again. He told her to go back tomorrow and she would soon have to drive the sheep into the pen again.

At this time, Yu'e was helping Niva design clothes in the clothing factory. During the conversation between the two, Niva's tone revealed a lot of dissatisfaction with Xuelian.

It turns out that girl has become a little confused since she felt that the clothing factory's sales depended entirely on her. Every time a new model comes on the market, the first thing to do is to negotiate the price with the factory.

Now she gets one-third of the net profit from the clothing factory. Although the little kidnapper didn't say anything? But Niva was already unhappy. After all, every design was produced by Niva, and she didn't get a penny of commission. This was going too far for Xuelian.

The factory's products require complex processes from design to processing. As a result, this series of operations was only done to achieve sales, and no one felt comfortable.

It's not that Niva is small-minded, she means that sales are indeed important, but you can't be too greedy just because of this. The factory should reserve one-third of its profits as reserves to prepare for updating equipment and purchasing raw materials.

In the end, the total profit shared by all workers in the factory was as much as yours from one sale. This is really too much.

Yu'e has seen all the products in the factory, and they are actually very good. After all, Niva is also a talented person.

She thought for a moment and said: "Okay, Niva, you entrust the sales rights to my company. My sales price in Hong Kong will be higher. And the commission will never be that high."

One of the reasons why Yu'e did this was to be grateful for the help Niva had given her. In a sense, Niva was her master. Without Niva's help, she wouldn't be where she is now.

Furthermore, this is the property of the Infrastructure Company, and the Infrastructure Company is Ye Yuze's root. No matter what her relationship is with Ye Yuze? Yu'e regards Ye Yuze as the most important person in her life. No one can replace it.

"Okay, thank you Yu'e." Niva was very excited. Yu'e hugged her: "Don't say stupid things. If you say that, how should I thank you?"

Two updates on the last day, normal updates will resume tomorrow

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