Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 937 Preparing for the Wedding

Ye Yufan finally graduated. Because of his excellent grades, he should have stayed in the corps. But he insisted on going down to the grassroots and to the national borders. Be a border guard.

In that era, there was a special branch of the border guard force. Border guards are soldiers stationed on the border. Most countries in the world have border guards. There are two types of border guards in our country, one is the People's Liberation Army border guard force, and the other is the armed police border guard force. The main function of the border guard is to protect our country's borders from external threats and is the first barrier to defend our country.

Leaders naturally like young people who demand progress. After some research, it was decided to assign him to Xiaobaiyang Post.

He had more than a month of vacation before taking office. Ye Yufan decided to go home once, but he hasn't been home for four years.

Wei Yucui stayed at school to work for a year, and now Ye Yufan is coming back. She also made a transfer report to her boss and asked to return to her original unit. The boss actually couldn't bear to part with this studious and capable girl.

It's just that she insists on leaving, and it involves a life-long event, so who has the nerve to stop her? I had no choice but to let him go.

After the two people set foot on this land that recorded all their memories, the mixed feelings in their hearts were naturally indescribable. I was also shocked by the huge changes in my hometown.

Ye Wancheng naturally knew the news that they were coming back. After calling Wei Yuxiang over for a discussion, they decided to take advantage of this holiday to hold their wedding. Otherwise, after Ye Yufan goes to the army, time will be very tight.

Ye Wancheng first called Meihua and asked her if she would come back? Meihua flatly refused. She has decided that she will never set foot on this land again in her life.

When Ye Yuze heard the news, he was extremely surprised. Finally, someone in the Ye family was getting married. At least no one will force him to continue the family lineage. No, no one seems to have forced him.

After asking about the house, Ye Wancheng told him to rest assured and said everything was ready. As the director of a development zone, how is it possible that his son doesn’t have a house even when he gets married?

Ye Yuze had no choice but to settle for the next best thing and be responsible for all the furniture. In fact, he wanted to renovate his brother's house, but many materials were not available there, so he had to spend some time on furniture and appliances.

Ye Yuze called Erhong and asked her to buy some imported home appliances and consign them back to the development zone. As soon as Er Hong heard that Yu Fan was getting married, she immediately went to arrange it without any delay.

However, the woman was attentive, and after thinking for a while, she asked Laorou to take a few decoration workers with excellent skills, and also brought some decoration materials that were not available in China at present, called a truck and set off.

Of course, people can only go there by train. The second sister today is different from the past. Not to mention buying a sleeper berth, even the air ticket is just a matter of words.

Although Meihua couldn't go herself, after thinking about it, she decided to let the children go back. During this period, American students were on vacation. There happens to be time.

So, Meihua helped the children book their air tickets, but she still stayed with Ayi Jiang and Xiao Yefeng. Ayijiang needs to attack the language barrier, and Xiaoye Feng is a landmine. It will definitely explode if he goes to the infrastructure company. Only his stupid son can't see it.

Yu'e recently returned to Hong Kong. In order to further her career, she participated in several world-class fashion design competitions and gained a lot. Nowadays, with her fame, even in the fashion capital Paris, there are countless companies competing for her, with an annual salary of at least one million.

It's just that she refused. Many people often cannot stick to their true intentions when it comes to money, but Yu'e is an extremely calm person in this regard.

Everything she did was actually just to prove her worth, not to earn how much money. Because after reaching a certain level, money is just a number, not to mention Yu'e's life has always been very simple.

It's not that she did this deliberately, but that her family environment since she was a child meant that she couldn't afford luxury.

After hearing the news that Ye Yufan was getting married, Yu'e called Niva and asked her to measure the two newlyweds. She wants to design their clothes herself.

After two days of non-stop work, the drawings finally took shape. Yu'e went to ask a senior sewing worker in Hong Kong to rush them out, and then booked a flight back to China.

Sun Lanyu did not follow. She made such a decision after hesitating for a long time. She is also about to get married and has to worry about many aspects. After all, the person she married into was also from a famous family.

Ye Yuping led his younger brothers and sisters onto the plane. The plane would take more than ten hours to arrive. His mother had given her many instructions, but he didn't dare to slack off at all.

He had just arranged his younger brothers and sisters, but when he looked up, he saw a pair of sisters looking up at him with smiles, which surprised him: "Why are you here?"

It turned out to be Luna and Cynthia sitting in the chairs behind him.

Cynthia raised her chin proudly: "We are going to attend my brother's wedding. Do you think we won't know if you don't call us?"

Luna naturally knew about the wedding, and also revealed her idea of ​​going to China with Ye Yuping, but Ye Yufan refused. Unexpectedly, the two sisters followed secretly.

This time, Ye Yuping felt that the burden on his heart was heavier. Originally, it was enough to take care of two people, but now it became four.

As a result, after arriving in the capital, as soon as I exited the airport, I saw someone standing at the exit holding a big sign with Ye Yuping's name on it. Ye Yuping didn't know this person at all. After asking, I found out that it was my eldest brother who arranged it.

This person is Sun Lanxiang. After receiving the call from his sister, he was naturally not only negligent. Is this a relative of Ye Yuze? But what's going on with those two foreign girls who look the same?

As soon as she asked, Cynthia told her without hesitation that they were Ye Yuping's girlfriends. Sun Lanxiang was so shocked. I just heard that Western countries are open, but are they open enough for sisters to fall in love with the same person at the same time?

But it actually had nothing to do with her. According to her sister's instructions, she took a few people to visit the capital for two days.

Along the way, I could only hear the tuts of the sisters. As a young man from a country with little history, I could admire the ancient castles and stone bridges in Europe for a long time. What's more, facing this ancient capital with hundreds of years of culture.

In fact, it was Ye Yuping's first time visiting the capital. Sun Lanxiang, who knew the capital, naturally tried his best to entertain them.

However, Ye Yuping and the others were still eager to go home, and after playing for two days, they made a fuss and left. It had been ten years since he left the infrastructure company, and the fourth child had no memory of that place. And there was only a vague shadow left in Ye Yuping's heart.

They also took the train back home. Now the train can reach Tacheng, and it should be able to go directly to the development zone next year.

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