Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 922 Cross-country venue

The first obstacle is a river. The road set up by the heavy truck is different from the off-road road. The off-road vehicle makes a lot of noise, but once the water reaches the exhaust pipe, it is basically useless.

But heavy trucks do have a lot of exhaust pipes pointing upward, just like tractors. If you want to flood such an exhaust pipe, you will have to remove the roof of the car.

I saw the Scania heavy truck rushing out with a roar. As soon as it entered the river, the entire car body suddenly lifted up. This is when the automatic lifting equipment is turned on.

The river water had already covered the huge wheels of the car. Just because the body was raised, this water never caused any trouble to the truck, and it drove past calmly.

But just after crossing the river, there is indeed a swamp on the other side. It was muddy, full of puddles and bushes. For such a heavy truck, it is easy for an empty truck to sink in when encountering such terrain, let alone a truck full of cargo.

Everyone clenched their fists and looked at the truck worriedly. If the terrain sinks in, even a crane cannot get in, unless it is lifted by a helicopter.

The Scania driver is a bald man in his forties. One look at his driving style shows that he is an experienced driver.

The terrain clearly troubled him as well. Because there were traps everywhere, he didn't know where to drive.

Today's game does not actually set a road, but it is just such a landscape. You just have to go from the starting point to the end point, and the rule is whoever takes the shortest amount of time to sleep wins.

The bald man hesitated for a while and did not choose the depression. Instead, he chose a plot of land where the road was higher than the ground level and rushed over.

But what I didn't expect was that although those plots of land were high, they were still soaked. Fortunately, the bald man opened the accelerator to the fullest and had full momentum, and finally rushed over without any danger.

The scene immediately burst into cheers, this bald man is so amazing. A real macho man!

After rushing through this swamp, the last step is to climb the mountain. This hill is not high in altitude, but it has a dirt road. The crew set up a total of three road sections. These three sections can be seen by a discerning person at a glance. The slopes are 16°, 20° and 30° respectively.

People who don't understand don't see much difference, but people who understand know it. The climbing angle of heavy trucks is that general models can only climb a slope of 16 degrees. Those with better performance can only climb 20 degrees.

But only trucks with off-road capabilities that are specially designed for the military can have the ability to climb a 30-degree slope. A 30-degree slope may be considered a gentle slope in our imagination, but when sitting in the car, you can already feel that the car has stood up.

Although the bald man is braver, he is obviously cautious in his actions. He only hesitated for a moment and chose the 20-degree slope. The truck rushed to the top of the mountain while puffing out black smoke.

There was a burst of cheers, and the bald man climbed onto the roof of the cab, unbuttoned his pants and peed. At this time, even the people in front of the TV were excited. Damn, macho!

Scania is a Swedish car, and the Swedish audience raised their glasses to congratulate each other. Many companies specially organize their employees to watch this game.

Especially the employees of Scania Company, the boss gave them a day off whenever he got excited. Just treat it as a holiday.

The next few cars were not so lucky. Unlucky enough, the engine stalled right after the first pass in the river. Three cars got stuck in the swamp, and two cars couldn't climb up even though they chose a 16-degree slope.

Before each car sets off, Mercado will personally introduce the performance of the car, the company and the driver. American language style inherently likes exaggeration and exaggeration. As a result, these successive failures have made Mercado’s previous praise a joke.

But the next car that left the factory shocked people again, it was a Volvo heavy truck. Most people only know the Volvo brand for its sedans, but in fact its heavy trucks are more famous than its sedans. But it is mainly famous in the European and American markets. At least the Chinese people don’t know much about this brand.

But what is surprising is that the Volvo brand is also Swedish. This country with a total area of ​​only 450,000 square kilometers once again surprised everyone.

The driver is a young man in his twenties who moves cleanly. Rivers, swamps, and mountain climbing are like flowing clouds and flowing water. But when climbing the mountain at the end, he still chose the 20-degree slope, which disappointed everyone. That thirty-degree slope has become everyone's expectation.

Next, several more cars were eliminated, and even the famous Renault and Taita failed to escape the fate of being eliminated. Of course, to be fair, some cars were eliminated not because of poor performance of the car, but because of poor driving skills of the driver.

But this explanation is meaningless. The driver chose himself, and he really can’t blame anyone else if he can’t drive.

What deserves praise is RB's Hino truck. Although it took a long time, all the projects were finally completed. Even if you choose a 16-degree slope for climbing, once you complete it, you have already crushed most of the famous cars in the world.

The president of Isuzu Corporation stood in front of the TV and threw the cup. The team leader who was sent to participate in the competition was just a pig, otherwise the Isuzu truck would definitely be the one to reach the top of the mountain. He wouldn’t dare compare with other cars, but they could crush the Hino truck!

"Baga!" The president grabbed another cup and threw it out. There is nowhere to vent the anger. Just wait for the captain to come back and clean it up.

Next is Mercedes-Benz. This car brand is basically known all over the world. Whether it's a truck or a car, they all represent two words: "Top!"

The driver did not disappoint everyone. The powerful power and off-road performance of the Mercedes-Benz made these obstacles not a problem for him.

But in the end, the driver didn't try the 30-degree slope, perhaps because he was afraid of falling short. This choice is understandable.

The last one to leave the factory should be the Warrior truck. Merck shouted, but there was still no movement. Mercado walked directly to the Warrior car with the camera in hand.

Unexpectedly, when I got closer, I found three people quarreling. It turns out that Wang Lina is going to compete. How could Yang Geyong and Jiang Buer let her go? Although she has good driving skills, it is difficult for men to drive in this kind of terrain. Isn't this a girl trying to destroy her own brand?

"I am the director of the sales department, and the event was initiated by me. I have the right to decide who will participate!" Wang Lina argued with her eyes wide open.

"Woman, do you know how to drive? If you wet your pants in this kind of terrain, there is no place to change." Jiang Buer was obviously very angry with the woman and spoke indiscriminately.

Yang Geyong was so calm and acted like an elder: "Okay, don't make trouble. This matter is related to the fate of our Warrior truck. If you drive less, it will be too late to regret if something goes wrong."

Mercado smiled as he watched several people quarreling without saying a word.

Tickets, I want them

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