Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 916 American Branch Factory

Li Lindong and Wang Lina were excited all day after receiving the call. Then the two teams had a dinner party together in the evening, and many people were drunk.

Maybe Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong have been involved in international trade for a long time, and they can't quite understand the symbolic significance of the export of cars to the Chinese people. Just like Liu Qinghua said, I will sell even if it doesn’t make money! The meaning of striving for success is greater than making money itself.

The production line started in Northern Xinjiang, and Ivan used all the improved performance in this equipment this time.

Li Lindong and Wang Lina also came to the United States and started doing their own things. Li Lindong brought two assistants, but Wang Lina did not wait. If you don't understand the language, you won't be able to do sales. So, she rented an office and started recruiting people.

In fact, she still had no psychological bottom at this time. Although she was an international student, she really didn't know anything about the car sales model here.

Soon, she recruited four people. When she told everyone about her sales methods in China, she was completely rejected. The new employee told her clearly that if you give an unknown car like yours to others, they won’t use it. Because no one dares to risk their own lives.

This made Wang Lina depressed. I turned around a lot in my mind but still couldn't figure out a perfect method.

There is a dormitory in the factory area, and Li Lindong and the others live there. Now that the factory has begun to be renovated, Wang Lina Meihua loves her as a girl, so she lets her live at home. At least the food aspect can be smoother.

Ye Yuze sighed a lot about this. This girl is so good at acting. After living abroad for so many years, I ate more hamburgers and steaks than Chinese food, but in front of my mother, I pretended to have never eaten Western food.

In fact, this can't be entirely blamed on Wang Lina. The main reason is that the fourth child often cooks, and the little guy's cooking skills are getting better and better, making this greedy girl very picky about food.

Yang Geyong didn't come back from the factory that day. Ye Yuze wanted to go over and have a look after eating, but was stopped by Wang Lina.

"Boss, you don't care about me! I'm your subordinate!" Ye Yuze looked at this girl inexplicably, wondering why she was going crazy?

"Why don't I care about you? Do you have a crush on someone, or have you been ruined by someone? Tell me and I will make the decision for you!" Old God Ye Yuze is here. You can't be soft-hearted with this woman. If you are soft-hearted, you won't know what to eat. deficit?

Wang Lina rolled her eyes at him: "Does a woman as beautiful as me still need to have a crush on someone else?"

Ye Yuze nodded: "That's right. No one wants it if you give it away for free, so why do you have a crush on it?"

"Auntie, Ye Yuze bullied me!" Wang Lina's voice immediately raised an octave and shouted.

"Brother, why did you bully her?" Meihua cleaned up the house and didn't hear. Ye Yuji and Ayi Jiang heard the sound and ran out, looking at them curiously.

"Don't pay attention to her, she's mentally ill." How dare Ye Yuze talk nonsense in front of the little girls. I quickly wanted to send them away.

"Your brother is the worst, he often bullies girls." Wang Lina said bitterly.

Ye Yuji shook his head: "There are so many girls looking for my brother, but my brother doesn't pay attention to them. Why do you want to bully you?"

Wang Lina hesitated, not knowing how to answer. Ye Yuze immediately smiled and touched his sister's head, which was a kiss.

"Auntie, maybe you're not good-looking. Boys don't bully good-looking girls." Ayi Jiang made a stab at the side.

Ye Yuze put his other hand on Ayi Jiang's head, and the niece also kissed him.

Ye Yuze was deeply moved. It seemed that even though women were young, they were attracted by the same sex. Wouldn't these two little girls not see anyone harassing them?

Wang Lina pouted, her chest bulging. But the fire can't come out, and the two children combined are a little younger than her. There's no place to file this complaint?

"Ye Yuze, I can't figure out how to sell it! This damn place is free and no one cares about you." She had no choice but to tell the story angrily.

"It's free and no one wants it, so just spend it. There are so many TV stations, why don't you just sponsor a program to compete with those big manufacturers?"

Ye Yuze really thought about this, either because of his car or because he occasionally watched a car crash challenge program and thought of his car.

He is still very confident in his car, and he has stopped looking at the data for a long time. With eyes closed, it is better than many of the world's big brands, but people's eyes are always fixed on those big brands, and no one pays attention to this Chinese brand.

Including at home, some units blindly believe in the quality of foreign heavy trucks. If there are equivalent products in China, they won't even look at them. In short, even if you talk about Potian, I will also look at foreign products.

Ye Yuze was helpless against such people. It's useless even if you put the two cars together and let him drive the test himself. To put it bluntly, he is used to being a slave.

Wang Lina's eyes lit up after hearing Ye Yuze's words. She sat there blankly thinking for a long time, then stood up, hugged Ye Yuze, kissed him, turned around and ran towards the house.

"Brother, you are being bullied. Uncle, you can't be afraid of women." Two little girls commented on the side.

Ye Yuze wiped the lipstick on his face and scolded the two little girls: "You know you can't imitate her when you grow up? You're too crazy to get married."

"If I can't get married, I will stay with my mother." Ye Yuji did not hesitate.

"If I can't get married, I will stay with my father!" Ayi Jiang immediately answered.

Ye Yuze discovered that this Ayi Jiang had completely turned into Ye Yuji's little follower when he arrived at home. This saves worry. Anyway, they are about the same age.

Ye Yuping wiped his sweat and sat in the stands. The spring competition is about to begin, and he is currently training in his spare time.

Although he just entered school not long ago, his strength is there, and he became the main force as soon as he entered the school team. Weier has become estranged, including Cynthia. Girls who are too casual like that are not suitable for him.

Then Luna gave him a surprise, she was also a student at MIT. It's just that he majored in computer science and was one year ahead of him.

"Drink water." Ye Yuping knew that Luna was coming without raising his head. She has been coming to see him a lot recently, and every time he trains Luna will come to stay with him for a while.

"George, I didn't like football before, but since I watched you play, I found that I have fallen in love with this sport."

Ye Yuping also likes this girl, she is beautiful and smart. And has a reserved personality. If compared with Cynthia, then Cynthia is fire and Luna is water.

Ever since he discovered that Luna was still a virgin, Ye Yuping had decided to take responsibility for this girl. I just want to figure out how to end things with Cynthia.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, everyone is starting to take a holiday, right? If you are far from home, buy your tickets early to avoid delays in your trip.

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