Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 904 Behind bars

"If you really want to enter the American market, Auntie can help you make specific plans. Of course, you need to pay for these!"

Cindy is very candid, which is American style. Ye Yuze nodded: "Okay, auntie, I will arrange for people from your company to visit my factory later to see how to improve it and how much it will cost, and then we will discuss it in detail."

After sending Cindy home, Ye Yuze also returned home. But at this time, Ye Yuping encountered a crisis.

A bunch of young people drank too much, and youth combined with alcohol is usually a recipe for trouble. In fact, Ye Yuping has a reserved personality and is not a troublemaker. But there were more than twenty people in their group. How can such a team be so honest?

The conflict was not big at first, because Cynthia was outgoing and stimulated by alcohol. The movements on the dance floor were a little more unrestrained.

But there are not just them in this dance hall, there are also many young people who like singing and dancing. Especially some gangsters who want to find something to do when they have nothing to do, not to mention that this girl is so alluring now.

Several gangsters began to dance around Cynthia, making various provocative moves. But Cynthia was excited by this provocation. Dance directly with others.

I have to say that Cynthia’s dancing skills were very good and made several gangsters excited. But he didn't expect that there was a black girl among the gangsters. This guy always claimed to be the queen of the dance hall.

Now that you see your status being challenged, how can you bear it? He went up and pushed Cynthia to the ground.

Cynthia stood up and punched the opponent in the eye. Ye Yuping and others were all from the rugby team and had good physiques. When they saw Cynthia fighting with someone, they rushed inside.

They went up not to fight the dance hall queen, but to fight those little gangsters. For a moment, beer bottles were flying in the dance hall, and a melee broke out.

Until the end of the fight, you actually didn’t know who was fighting whom? Ye Yuping, because he was braver, rushed left and right in the crowd to save his friends.

The last few girls were pulled out by him, and he rushed in to find those teammates. At this time, the police came.

The most unfortunate thing was that someone died inside, killed by a beer bottle hitting his temple, so everyone involved in the fight was arrested and taken to the police station.

There were two to three hundred people involved in this melee. In such a chaotic environment, it would be really difficult to figure out who the murderer is in a short time.

Moreover, because of Ye Yuping's heroic performance, many people remember his face, mainly because his Chinese face is too conspicuous in it.

Therefore, he became an important suspect and was not allowed to be released on bail. This time the Ye family was completely in chaos. Meihua doesn't know anyone here, and those customers can't do anything to help you.

Ye Yuze finally found a famous lawyer through Old John. The appearance fee for such a lawyer is very expensive. It costs one million US dollars to open your mouth.

Ye Yuze was not a person who was stingy with money. He just said lightly: "To restore my brother's innocence, 100 million is no problem."

But at this time, Cindy came over and fired the lawyer. Ye Yuze was a little unhappy, and Cindy explained to him: "Don't worry, our company's lawyers are better than him. This person is only famous in Boston, but our company's lawyers are indeed famous all over the United States."

Cindy called her lawyer after her two daughters came home to talk about the situation. Others didn't know it, but she knew that Ye Yuping had just received an offer from MIT with a full scholarship.

Regardless of justice or conscience, she couldn't let this child be destroyed.

Now her two daughters are confined at home, and she is exploring all channels to learn about the whole case.

There are cameras in the dance hall, but because of the dim lights and flashing neon lights. In addition, the scene was too chaotic, making many pictures unclear.

And the most critical part is that the part where the deceased was beaten by who can't be seen at all. Only the surging heads and Ye Yuping's silhouette were seen passing by.

The only evidence that is favorable to Ye Yuping now is that Ye Yuping never has a wine bottle in his hand. But this does not rule out the possibility that Ye Yuze grabbed the wine bottle and hit someone.

And all the pictures showed that everyone else was concentrating on the fight, but only Ye Yuping was running around, punching and kicking people from time to time to save his companions.

In the detention center, Ye Yuping sat on the bed and pulled his hair with his hands. He really regretted it. Why did he come to the dance club? Wouldn't it be enough to stop them?

They are all seventeen or eighteen years old. Once something happens, they will be stained for the rest of their lives. As for the fact that he was a criminal suspect, he would never admit it to his death. Because he clearly remembered that he had not used any weapons.

He had been interrogated by the police several times, and he found that the police here were actually very unreliable, and there would be some little traps in every interrogation. But at least he had a clear head and avoided it clearly.

Until the lawyer came to see him, he truthfully stated to the lawyer everything that happened at that time. He assured him that he had never taken a wine bottle. Not only the wine bottle, he had never touched anything that could be used to hit someone.

He spent the rest of the day waiting silently for a few roommates, maybe because of his skin. At first, he wanted to bully him, but he just stuck a person's neck against the wall and almost suffocated him. This time he was completely honest.

He didn't worry too much about himself these days. The worst possible outcome was going to jail. He was worried about his mother. If something happened to him, she would probably collapse.

Fortunately, the eldest brother happened to be here, otherwise he would have even thought about escaping from prison. As long as I go out by myself and find a way to run back to China, nothing will happen to my mother.

As soon as the lawyer met him, he felt reassured and told himself that his family was fine. But after this incident, he has understood that it is better to stay away from some people.

It's not that a person who obeys the law will be fine, but your circle of friends may drag you into something you can't predict.

Cynthia was lying on the bed crying, and Luna walked in and held her in her arms: "Stop crying, he will be fine."

"Luna, it was me who killed him. He is about to start school soon? If he can't make it, he will be finished." Cynthia's body was shaking as she sobbed.

"No, definitely not. George is a good man, and nothing will happen to him!" Luna murmured these words mechanically, not sure whether she was telling her sister or herself.

Ye Yuze walked into this dance hall called "Dick", which is now closed. We are looking for someone to decorate it. Because of what happened last time, the entire ballroom was smashed.

Hey guys, where are the tickets? Why is there no movement? Don't abandon me

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