The sales of Warrior cars are in full swing. In fact, Ye Yuze was planning to go to CCTV to advertise. I didn't expect that this girl Wang Lina would be so capable and win the war with a human wave tactic.

Today's automobile factories are faced with the problem of expanding production capacity. Ye Yuze decided to take it easy first. It wasn't that he didn't like money. Money actually meant nothing to him now. He was considering Zhongqi Corporation.

The country has spent so much financial and material resources to build this behemoth. If the warrior car caused an impact to them, then this is internal friction.

If the time comes to start fighting for quality and price. This is a result he doesn't want to see. Therefore, after having an in-depth discussion with Liu Jianguo, he decided to build an assembly plant in Tangcheng and not develop other places for the time being.

He didn't worry about this branch anymore, he just asked Li Lindong and others to send someone over. As for the rest, he doesn't have to worry about it.

There is Liu Jianguo, plus Wang Shuqin’s father. It is enough to prevent the products of this factory from leaving the region in a short period of time. Tangcheng is a heavy industrial city, and its transportation capacity is slightly worse than that of Guangzhou.

While he was busy choosing a site to build a factory, he flew to Guangzhou leisurely. Now he has to run there often. That worried mother has gone away. Although Mao Doudou and Wang Lina are capable, their running-in time is still short, so he has to go there often to visit.

The second sister has now gone to the capital, and she is also a standard specimen of a strong woman. As long as there is something to do, Ye Yuze will not be taken care of at all.

Ye Yuze stayed with her in the capital for a few days, but ended up having to go to Laorou's house to eat, and he couldn't see the second sister at all. So he doesn't get involved in this anymore.

After flying to Guangzhou, Ye Yuze was surprised to find that the business at the clothing factory had nearly doubled. It turned out that the business of my mother’s American company was also started.

Mao Doudou was as busy as a top all day, and Ye Yuze admitted that he had really met a few crazy women. The second sister, Mao Doudou, Wang Lina. And the first career woman I met, Sun Lanyu, was a scumbag compared to them.

After staying in the garment factory for two days, Mao Doudou thought he was in the way and was kicked out. When he went to the car factory, Li Lindong had no time to talk to him. They were also constantly making innovations here.

They are exposed to more European and American products here, so although the interior accessories in the development zone are already very good, they are still not satisfied with them, and they are always making adjustments to some details.

Moreover, Ye Yuze discovered that this guy seemed to be doing something without telling him. But it seemed that the senior officials in Guangzhou knew about this and were just hiding it from him.

And Wang Lina was even more pampered and arrogant towards her. The elders in the development zone were more pampered to her than their daughter. If Ye Yuze dared to show her shame, she immediately called to complain.

As a result, he was scolded one by one there, which made Ye Yuze often wonder, who owns this factory?

If you can't afford to offend, you can always hide, right? He simply went to Hong Kong, and now his brother company is doing very well there. Little Apple and the others are very enthusiastic and can accompany him everywhere.

And Yu'e has already gone to Paris to participate in a fashion fair. After having enough fun, Ye Yuze simply flew to the United States and went to find his mother.

When he returned home, he found that only the third child was sitting in the yard in a daze. Ye Yuze was a little confused: "Why didn't you go to school today?"

"The college entrance examination is over. There is no big problem with my grades this time. I am working on a work-study program." Ye Yuping answered dully.

Ye Yuze can understand his third brother's actions. As boys grow older, they always have their own visions and plans for the future. It is not a bad thing to be self-reliant early, at least it is an opportunity to exercise.

"Well, that's good. What gift do you want to get into college? Big brother will buy it for you." Ye Yuze acted like a rich man.

It's not that he's pretending, although he doesn't spoil his brothers very much. But if the third child really likes something, he won't be stingy. Isn’t the money you earn just for spending on your loved ones?

Ye Yuping shook his head, looking worried. Not very talkative.

Ye Yuze now saw that his third brother was worried, and quickly asked: "If you have anything to do, tell me immediately, otherwise you won't have a chance to talk about it when mom comes back."

Ye Yuze's words moved him so much that he hesitated for a while. I still told Ye Yuze the whole story.

Ye Yuze was suddenly burnt on the outside and tender on the inside. Is there such a thing as mistaken identity? This younger brother of mine is truly unprecedented.

But he really has no experience with such things. You just want to pretend to be a life coach, but you don’t know how to guide others?

"Then who do you like?" Although he didn't understand, as the eldest brother, he felt that he needed to take an attitude. Right or wrong is not important, what is important is the tendency.

Ye Yuping raised his head and stared blankly at the passing clouds in the sky for a while, then rubbed the back of his head: "I like Luna."

"Why do you like her? What do you like about her?" Ye Yuze felt that helping him figure it out first and clarifying his thoughts would help him make the right choice.

"This is her first time with me, and she's still a virgin." Ye Yuze's open mouth didn't close for a long time. The key is, is this the reason? What about feelings? What about character? Aren’t we all talking about that?

After searching for vocabulary for a long time, Ye Yuze decided to give up. Well, this reason is actually strong enough.

"Then make it clear to them! Escape is not an option." Ye Yuze finally helped him get attention.

Ye Yuping thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll explain it clearly right now."

His character is actually very decisive, and he basically doesn't procrastinate on things he wants to understand.

"I'd better go with you." Ye Yuze started the car directly. He had no intention of riding a motorcycle with his third brother.

Ye Yuping didn't insist. He got in the car and directed Ye Yuze to walk towards Luna's house. Ten minutes later, the car stopped at the gate of Luna's house. Looking up, I saw two girls cutting grass by themselves in the yard.

I saw Ye Yuping coming in with someone who looked very similar. Cynthia waved her hands happily: "Hello, hello. George, why haven't you come to mow the lawn these two days? Don't you know you haven't finished your work yet?"

Ye Yuping was under a lot of pressure on the way here. If it weren't for Ye Yuze's encouragement, he really didn't know how to face the two sisters. But when I saw others acting like nothing happened, I couldn't help but feel ashamed, and the situation was too small.

"This is my brother Tyson." Ye Yuping introduced the two sisters.

Ye Yuze was also in a daze at this time. On the way here, he was still blaming his brother for his weak IQ, but now he understood that he really didn't blame his brother. The two sisters look so much alike!

Brothers, stop raising it. The author will sacrifice himself if he keeps a dog anymore

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