We are all in the system, who can not understand what Ye Yuze means? In addition, although the people who came to the platform today were all children, which child could they afford to offend?

After just a glass of wine, an engineer from the design institute took out a dozen drawings from his bag. He smiled and said to Ye Yuze:

"This is a work that I was inspired to design when I was inspecting Europe. I just never had the chance to implement it. Boss Ye, take a look at it. If you like it, it will be yours."

Ye Yuze was happy when he heard it and quickly took it to take a look. The appearance is nothing special, but the design inside is very reasonable, which is what Ye Yuze likes.

He didn't dare to try those weird shapes and designs of later generations. Damn it, it was so shameless to be seen by others.

Big buildings are in Ye Yuze's perception. Just be solemn and dignified, try not to be unique.

Since you like it, the matter is settled. There were also people from the Construction Committee sitting there, so Ye Yuze didn't need to worry about this matter. Sun Lanxiang passed over with a wine glass, and with a few polite words, the matter was settled.

There is an official saying in China that special cases should be dealt with. Now that Ye Yuze has all the documents and favors in place, no one who is ignorant of current affairs will make things difficult for him. Otherwise, it would be a slap in the face. No one in the system would do such a stupid thing.

After half-drinking, Liu Yafei walked down the stairs. At this time, Ye Yuze had just reached here to toast, and he didn't notice and blocked his way.

Maybe it was because he felt better after drinking. Liu Yafei was originally a gentle and gentle person. I rarely fall out with people face to face, but now Ye Yuze suddenly blocked the way, so he said impatiently:

"Why do you have such a lingering presence? I can meet you wherever I go? Get away quickly."

Ye Yuze had no intention of causing trouble today. He was scolded by Grandpa Wang yesterday. This is in the capital again, so just take a step back. Just looking back, I felt angry.

Because there are too many tables on the first floor, they are placed closer to the stairs. But this is only on the left side. It doesn’t actually hinder people walking on the right. This Liu Yafei made it clear that he drank a little to look for trouble.

Before Ye Yuze could say anything, Han Xiaojing walked over with a glass of red wine. As a result, he accidentally stumbled and a glass of red wine spilled all over Liu Yafei's tunic suit.

Liu Yafei quickly scratched it with his hands and kept muttering: "My clothes, my clothes. This is gabardine fabric! You compensate me."

Han Xiaojing didn't care. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Okay, you can take them off. I'll give you the price, but you have to keep the clothes, right?"

"I..., what should I wear when I take off my clothes?" Liu Yafei's face turned the color of pig liver and he shouted with eyes wide open.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, no wonder you are wrapped up so tightly in the summer? It turns out you have no clothes to wear? How about I borrow a tablecloth from the restaurant and you can just wrap yourself up and go?"

Ye Yuze watched Han Xiaojing's antics with interest and spent a year together. It's just that this girl has a big heart and has never known fear. But I didn’t expect the mouth to be so powerful. I guess it was because of the language barrier in Africa that I basically didn’t talk nonsense there.

Liu Yafei froze there, not knowing what to do for a moment. But he was obviously unwilling to leave just like that.

At this time, several more people came down from upstairs. There is also an acquaintance among them, Liu Wenda. It's been two or three years since I last saw him, and this guy doesn't seem to have changed much. There was no restraint in that domineering look.

Seeing Liu Yafei's embarrassment, Liu Wenda was unhappy and shouted: "What's wrong, Brother Fei? Who bullied you? Did you tell me your name? I don't believe there are people in these four-nine cities who don't give me face?"

Ye Yuze was furious when he saw this guy. If it had been someone else, he would have given in, but this guy couldn't do it. Inexplicably, his brother got him sent to the military camp to compete in the ring, and he almost didn't get beaten. This place must be recovered.

"He reported it, but as soon as I heard it was you, I really gave him a hard time. What do you think?"

When Liu Wenda saw that he was his enemy, his head immediately grew bigger. To be honest, he is not afraid of Ye Yuze. According to his logic, he can strangle Ye Yuze to death several times every minute.

But there is always someone protecting this kid, and his background is astonishingly large. This Liu Yafei was actually his distant relative. Before leaving for Tangcheng, Liu Wenda paid a special visit to ask him to take care of Ye Yuze.

Liu Wenda was very satisfied with the matter and forced Ye Yuze away from Tangcheng. Unexpectedly, Liu Yafei drifted away, then used too much force and brought himself back.

After being on the bench for a while, Liu Yafei was a little reluctant. Today I heard that Liu Wenda was having dinner with friends here, so I came over to buy the order and get close to each other to see if I could find another chance for myself. As a result, he had a bad year and collided with Ye Yuze again.

The reason why he wasn't afraid of Ye Yuze was that he felt that rubbing this boy before was like rubbing plasticine, and he didn't find it difficult. So he didn't take him seriously.

The result was unexpected. Unexpectedly, why did this puddle of mud become hard when seeing Liu Wenda? Is he not crazy? But it was just right to be crazy and let Mr. Liu vent his anger.

Liu Wenda saw Ye Yuze's expression stiffen for a moment, but returned to normal in an instant. Without raising his head, he lowered his head and walked out, as if the matter here had nothing to do with him.

"Young Master Liu." Liu Yafei shouted aggrievedly, but no one could hear him. Continue to go.

"Liu Xiaosan, stop! You went out without your eyes or your ears? Go home and get them, right?" Han Xiaojing shouted coldly.

Liu Wenda's body instantly turned to stone, then he turned his head with difficulty and forced a smile: "Sister Jing, are you there?"

"Auntie, did you also call me Sister Jing?" The expression on Han Xiaojing's face was calm, but her eyes became colder.

"Auntie, you, why are you here?"

Ye Yuze was also petrified instantly. What is the seniority of this guy? It is obvious that Liu Wenda is older than Han Xiaojing. Instead of calling her sister, she has to call her aunt. What is the background of this girl?

Han Xiaojing pointed at Liu Wenda: "Did you bring this person? Don't bring out such a guy who doesn't understand the rules to embarrass himself in the future."

Liu Wenda quickly nodded and bowed to admit his mistake. Seeing that Han Xiaojing didn't seem to be angry anymore, she asked, "Auntie, can I go?"

Han Xiaojing glanced at Ye Yuze's guests and said to Liu Wenda: "To show your sincerity, go and settle the account. My sister is tight these days."

Liu Wenda felt like he was being pardoned and hurried to the bar. Then it turned to stone again. Damn, three thousand, two months of pocket money gone.

He glared at Liu Yafei, who was following him, and cursed angrily: "Is this money going to help you with the thunder? Pay it back to me later."

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