Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 876 Tropical Rainforest

In fact, wild peony is a tranquility here. Every summer, it blooms all over the mountains and plains. It is dizzying to see, but unfortunately the flowering period is too short, which has always been a regret for girls.

I don’t know what method Zhang Feng used to make it bloom again in this late autumn.

Ma Rong's eyes lit up, she picked up the flower pot and placed it on the windowsill. The bright red petals are still stained with water drops, shining in the sun. Ma Rong's heart couldn't help but tremble.

She turned her head and said "Thank you" to Zhang Feng. After knowing him for more than a year, this was the first time she expressed her gratitude to this boy like this.

How could she not understand Zhang Feng's thoughts? It's just that feelings are something you can't control. From the moment that boy returned to the Infrastructure Company more than ten years ago, Ma Rong's heart had been taken away by him.

But love brought Ma Rong only pain, because the boy never loved her.

Until Yinhua left, she thought she had a chance. As a result, he also left here and never came back.

She understood that the boy's heart was completely broken, but who could have known that her heart had long been broken into pieces. But she couldn't express it yet, because she would be laughed at, and because everyone knew that the boy had never loved her at all.

In the days to come, I just miss you. Imagining everything about him and occasionally working up the courage to make a phone call would satisfy her for a long time.

In fact, when I contacted Zhang Feng, I also wanted to hear stories about him. Listening to him was thrilling and peaceful.

Sometimes she would think, how nice would it be if he had nothing? Now that I have a lot of money, I can call him back to marry him. I don't need him to do anything and just do what makes me happy.

And she will accompany him when he wants to do something, no matter what, as long as he can be happy.

However, all this is a fantasy, because he still has shares in this plastic factory, and he is working for him.

"Zhang Feng, did Ye Yuze say anything to you when he left?" Ma Rong shook her head and asked a question she had asked many times.

Zhang Feng shook his head: "He was not surprised when he received this notification. He seemed to know something. But Professor Liu was looking for people, but it was useless. I wonder which department gave him this order? I simply can’t refuse.”

Ma Rong raised her eyes, her eyes were so empty that she didn't know where she was looking. Where is Africa and what does it look like there? Is he okay there?

No one can answer this question because no one knows. At this time, Yuze, the frontal lobe, was suffering. Two boxes of medicine were carried on a pole and they were struggling in the swamp.

They had arrived in Tanzania at this time, and they came out this time because of Su Qianqian. This girl has a very strong personality. After staying in Algiers for a period of time, she went to the necessary places with the organization several times. She did not come to Africa to enjoy the blessings.

Just as the medical team from Pemba Island in Tanzania was evacuating, their superiors sent them over.

Ye Yuze had objections to this transfer, not because he was afraid of danger and hardship, but because the people who came this time were mainly women. The five nurses and two doctors were all women.

In fact, we can't blame our superiors for making such arrangements. The main reason is that the most sick people on Pemba Island are women and children. The conditions here are extremely harsh, and pregnancy and childbirth have become a nightmare for women.

Coupled with the rampant epidemics of infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever, this island has become a nightmare for many people. But there is no shortage of food here because the forest resources are rich.

The most accurate description of this place by a foreign tourist is: "We have two pieces of cloth, we rely on big trees for food, and we rely on aid for our economy."

There are absolutely no industrial products here, not even workshops. All resources must be imported from outside. Where can medicines come from such a place? In addition, if you don't know how to pay attention to hygiene, catching a cold can easily kill you.

The name Su Qianqian is very bourgeois and somewhat out of tune with that era. But beneath her slender appearance, there is a strong heart.

At this moment, they are rushing to a tribe in the southeast of the island. They are the Lugulu tribe, and they are also one of the poorest tribes on the island.

There was no road at all in this place, so the car just gave way and went back. Not to mention the car, the road ahead was always steep and shallow when walking, and you would fall down if you were not careful.

Although Ye Yuze is a doctor, it is because he is a man. And he is a young man, so he carries the same burden as the five young people in the logistics team.

As for the few bodyguards sent to them by the Tanzanian government, they basically couldn't get anything. The men here don't seem to be very good at working, and those who participate in the labor are all women.

Later, after repeated requests from the translator, they reluctantly carried a box on their heads. They could not carry the load.

Su Qianqian and the other women were each carrying a box, and some of them were weak and had fallen many times. His whole body was covered in mud, and the original color of his clothes had long since been lost.

Although Ye Yuze didn't have much physical strength, he was also very unaccustomed to this journey. Men who grew up in the north rarely encounter this kind of southern rainforest environment.

There are trees everywhere with tangled roots. The trunks are obviously not thick or tall, but the tops of their heads are blocking the sky and the sun, and the roots of the trees are bulging in the muddy water. People can trip up if they are not careful.

Several men were grabbing the box on the girl's back, even though they couldn't actually walk. Currently, only Su Qianqian and a female nurse from the capital are still carrying their own boxes.

Su Qianqian set an example and had to persevere even though she gritted her teeth, while the nurse seemed to have better physical strength than ordinary people.

The boxes on Ye Yuze's load had already changed from two to four. The local guide and translator refused to take the items because he wanted to explore the road.

Ye Yuze followed the guide closely, and behind him were Su Qianqian and the female nurse named Han Xiaojing.

"Plop!" With a sound, Ye Yuze knew that Han Xiaojing had fallen again without looking back. He sighed and put down the burden, and pulled up Han Xiaojing, who had not been pulled up by Su Qianqian for a long time.

Then without any explanation, he unloaded the box from her back. Han Xiaojing was still struggling, but she was so frightened by his glare that she didn't dare to resist.

Looking at Su Qianqian, whose face was as pale as paper, Ye Yuze reached out to untie the rope on her chest.

Su Qianqian was startled and immediately understood what he meant. He quickly said: "You have already carried so much, you can't add any more."

Ye Yuze was too lazy to argue with this woman. You always have a stern look on your face, don't you know how many bowls of rice you have eaten?

"Be good and be obedient, otherwise you won't be a good boy." Ye Yuze uttered these words and already untied the box.

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