Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 874 The technical school has started

After a few days, Ye Yuze really couldn't figure out why Grandpa Wang brought him here? Is it completely different from the Africa you imagined? What about the grassland? What about the lion? What about giraffes? And what about those black brothers who are living in dire straits?

How can I suffer if this continues? It's almost like fattening. Eat well, drink well, and don’t exercise much. It's not that Ye Yuze is lazy, but that he goes out to exercise every morning or evening. A crowd of people would gather around to watch, so it was just a matter of selling tickets. It's just a monkey trick.

Moreover, it is not convenient to make international long distance calls here. You have to travel far to find a place with a telephone. He was not a diligent person, so he simply stopped fighting.

After Wang Honghua arrived at the development zone, she started recruiting students. The high school and college entrance examination scores of all the junior and senior high school students of the entire Corps are listed there. She and several teachers sent by the Education Department were reading through it together.

Each student has a file and they are selected one by one. As long as the grades are about the same and there are no bad records on the file. She would basically call people to inquire about their wishes. Are they willing to go to a technical school?

Today's infrastructure companies are not comparable to those of the past. XPCC First Development Zone, automobiles, steel. Moreover, they will be assigned jobs after graduation, and the salary will be no less than 200 yuan per month. Don’t talk about children with these temptations. Even parents can’t resist it!

In the end, more than 5,000 children signed up. It is obviously unrealistic to enroll so many students in the first class. Wang Honghua secretly regretted that she informed too much.

I had no choice but to take the exam and use my academic performance to get through. In the end, 500 people were retained. In other words, the first batch of freshmen at the Technical School in the Development Zone is divided into ten classes, with each class having fifty students. We only have to wait until September 1st for the semester to start, and then we can all enroll in the school. ,,

Wang Honghua kept all the new Hebei University of Technology students in school, and asked Wang Shuqin and Zheng Lanzhi to come over. These two people, Wang Shuqin, became the vice principal and Zheng Lanzhi became the teaching director. Became her right-hand man.

Because of this, she even had a little quarrel with Zhao Ling'er, and she refused to let Wang Shuqin go. In fact, she also wanted to promote Wang Shuqin to be her deputy.

In the end, Wang Shuqin could only make her own choice. But Wang Shuqin still chose to go to school. Wang Honghua asked her why? Wang Shuqin blushed and whispered: "As long as you say you are Teacher Ye Yuze, all the students in our school will run away with you."

Next, Wang Honghua began to visit factories, mainly to select those masters with excellent skills and clear expression skills to be the school's intern teachers. Of course, there are also Soviet experts, but these people still need translators to give their lectures.

By the time all these things were finished, it was already late August, and school would start in a few days. At this time, the school has been built and is entering the final stage.

In order to reduce the humidity in the house. Wang Honghua immediately started the boiler. Turn on the heating so that the inside of the house can dry out faster.

Everyone was surprised to find that the school heaters were still those bulky cast iron radiators. But the entire pipe turned into a white plastic pipe.

Many people wonder, is this thing strong? The water in the heater is very hot. Will it get burned? However, these things need to be tested in practice. Anyway, they are already there.

The school built an eight-story teaching building with two dormitory buildings behind it. The entire school can accommodate more than 5,000 teachers and students at the same time.

There are not only ordinary classrooms, but also practical classrooms equipped with various machine tools and equipment. The ten classes are divided into five types of work, and each type of work includes many projects. Anyway, the entire automotive industry chain and metallurgy are included.

Wang Honghua’s school philosophy is that every student who goes out here must be a qualified technical worker.

The time finally arrived on September 1st. From early in the morning, students came one after another to report. Wang Honghua personally led the teachers to welcome the students.

When parents saw this group of teachers, they immediately felt relieved. The class teachers are all mainland college students, and the principal is an American student. This kind of lineup can only be seen on university campuses. It’s strange that the students taught by such people are not promising!

News spreads too fast, China is a sentimental society. Immediately, many people began to seek connections and use the back door to send their children in.

Wang Honghua did not refuse. Anyway, there is a shortage of people. It's better to give him enough face, but the ugly words will come first. The academic system lasts for three years, and those who fail the annual promotion examination will definitely be dismissed. This rule applies to every student.

When she was still in the United States, Wang Honghua had already conducted detailed deductions on the operation of this school, but now she was just implementing it. So there is no difficulty.

Dong Zhaohua has also been guarding the school these days. She has worked hard for this technical school. Now that school has finally started, how could she not come?

The campus, which is full of young people, is full of vitality. Wang Honghua is another principal who has accepted Western ideas. This school is destined to be different from ordinary schools from the beginning.

The teachers' lectures are lively and lively, and the interactions with students in class are extremely frequent. It is also very refreshing for these students who are used to listening to lectures with their hands behind their backs.

There are no students who cannot teach, only teachers who cannot teach. Although this sentence is not so absolute, it is basically correct. Anyway, the current atmosphere of the Technical School in the Development Zone is very good.

Wang Honghua also implemented a reward and punishment system in the school and informed parents. That is, the top three students in the class will receive scholarships. Students who fail to pass must pay a fine to the school. If you don't pay it, you will drop out of school.

Moreover, the school also has various invention awards, which are for innovating the technologies learned. Once it can be adopted, the bonus will be based on the benefits it can produce. The maximum can reach 200,000.

These regulations deeply stimulate the students' nerves. They definitely won't be able to invent anything when they first enter school, but they will definitely be able to invent it in the future!

Cultural courses, theoretical knowledge, practical operations. These are taught closely together. Each class also has to go to various factories for one day of internship every week depending on the subjects they study.

How can students taught in this way not know anything after leaving school? Once they enter the factory, they must be like technicians. Because ordinary workers have naturally not received these systematic and detailed studies?

As the days pass by, the students' level improves at a rapid rate. Even Ye Wancheng often abandoned his hospital and went to school to stay. This is the future of development zones.

Not to mention the factory directors, who wish they could pay for extra meals for these babies every day. I am afraid that they will starve and lose weight.

Of course, there are also those who are unhappy, and that is Ma Rong and Xiao Guaizi. I have protested several times because there is no relevant major for them.

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