Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 871 Beidaihe

Tangcheng people have always had the tradition of visiting Beidaihe, mainly because it is close. The train arrived in two hours.

Beidaihe Beach, sunrise at the top of Pigeon Mountain Park. Shanhaiguan Old Dragon Head is also the starting point of the Great Wall. This small place is overcrowded every summer.

After they arrived, they almost couldn't book a hotel. At least Ye Yuze had a lot of money. Therefore, everyone will not sleep on the beach.

In fact, there is another place to stay, that is, people in nearby villages have also started to open family hotels. Although there were no formalities and they solicited customers secretly, the people of that era were honest and it was rare to rip off customers.

Ye Yuze booked the Wanghailou Hotel, the most upscale hotel in Beidaihe, because it was the tourist season. The room price here has increased from fifteen to thirty-five per night. This price is equivalent to one month’s living expenses for an ordinary family. This is also the reason why he can settle down.

Moreover, the hotel thoughtfully moved their rooms to the first floor, which made everyone very happy. However, hotels in this era had rules and regulations posted on the wall of each room.

For example, swing dancing is not allowed on the street, and you must be back in your room before nine o'clock. Ye Yuze was so dizzy looking at it that he thought he was back in school again.

Ye Yuze had a separate room for himself, mainly because he was not used to living with people of the same sex. There is no one of the opposite sex living with him, so he can only stay alone.

He opened the door and asked the waiter what the rule was. The waiter told him that this was a few years ago, and no one takes it seriously now. The management here used to be very strict.

Mainly because at that time Beidaihe was still a resort area for central leaders. For example, in Xishan Park, you can see their villas everywhere. So the management here is also stricter.

Ye Yuze really didn't know about this, and thought to himself, would Grandpa Wang be vacationing here? If you can't, call and ask. After thinking about it, I decided to forget it and just play for a day. I have to go back to attend the graduation ceremony the day after tomorrow. The old man is still going to cause trouble for him, so it’s better not to send him to his door.

Because I only got on the bus in the afternoon, it is already evening. Ye Yuze asked Wang Shuqin and the others to discuss what to eat for dinner. As a result, a group of people couldn't eat it and were attracted by the sea water.

Ye Yuze simply told them to go play in the water directly, and he took Zhang Feng and the other boys to buy food. Yu'e glanced at him. Still followed him.

Since the last time they won the award, the two have rarely seen each other. The main reason is that Ye Yuze is rarely in Tangcheng. In addition to her internship, Yu'e was designing clothing. After the Warrior Factory was vacated, she went to the District Garment Factory. Lived with Xie Xiaorong.

In fact, Ye Yuze told her once that since she didn't plan to engage in medical work, there was no need for an internship. He can help him tell Lao Liu that it is completely possible to get a diploma. As a result, she was rejected by Yu'e.

She just said: "I passed the exam based on my ability. I must complete what I need to do."

This answer left Ye Yuze speechless, and he said, "Then you go to work in the hospital? That would be complete."

As a result, Yu'e stared at him and asked, "Do you want me to go to the hospital to work? Where? Just tell me."

Then Ye Yuze retreated. He didn't doubt this girl's words at all. As long as he dared to say it, she would definitely dare to go. He really didn't dare to say the key! It's better to let people design clothes properly, that is their talent.

Wang Shuqin looked at Yu'e walking side by side with Ye Yuze from a distance, sighed and turned around.

Zheng Lanzhi touched her shoulder: "Forget it, he can't belong to you without Yu'e. Just find someone who loves you."

Wang Shuqin rolled her eyes at her: "Do you think you are the same? You can be deceived by just one song."

Zheng Lanzhi nodded and said solemnly: "It sounds like you were not deceived by a song. Do you still think of the diary you wrote yesterday..."

Looking at Zheng Lanzhi's bouncing back, Wang Shuqin suddenly felt so envious. When will I be able to be as free and easy as this girl?

"Where are you going?" Yu'e looked at Ye Yuze and asked. Zhang Feng and others had their heads held high and became tool men, unable to hear anything.

Ye Yuze shook his head: "If I say I don't know yet, do you believe it?"

Yu'e nodded: "I only believe that you will not go to graduate school with Professor Liu, and I don't believe anything else."

Ye Yuze's face fell: "Am I so unreliable?"

Yu'e nodded again. It's not that you are unreliable, but that your heart is unreliable. Never willing to settle down.

Ye Yuze was ready to have a good talk with this girl and started to educate him. It would not be good to continue like this, but the hotel had already arrived.

In those days, there were no takeout lunch boxes, and it was not easy to bring cooking dishes. Ye Yuze simply bought a bunch of cooked food and a lot of steamed buns. There are also more than twenty bundles of beer. At least there are so many people here that we can still carry these things back.

When we came to the beach, the students were all letting themselves go on the beach. People in the class brought several cameras and put them in various poses to take pictures.

Young people are young people, and when large quantities of food arrive, the aroma is overwhelming. Only then did these guys feel their stomachs growling. No need to say hello at all, he just pounced on me like a wolf.

Ye Yuze smiled and said: "Originally, we should have seafood for our first meal, but you guys don't go to the restaurant. Let's wait until noon tomorrow."

The boys opened their beer caps one by one, while the girls went straight to the braised pork. The usual reserve on campus was gone. Some female classmates just picked up beer bottles and poured them into their mouths. Ye Yuze rubbed his eyes.

Yu'e looked at all this with a smile, she couldn't do those things. Ye Yuze is even sure that if he can play with restraint. Then she will definitely be the one who can persevere until the end.

Thirty people formed a circle, with food and drink placed in the middle. Everyone was talking and laughing, eating and drinking, and the small conflicts and arguments that had happened disappeared with the sea breeze in the laughter. A few years, although they are nothing in the years of life? But who can deny that this could be the best time in life?

University is no better than primary school or middle school. Even after graduation, those classmates will still be there. Just say hello and you can come out to hang out at any time.

Once a college student graduates, it means a complete separation. From now on, we are far apart. For some people, today's gathering may be the last time we see each other in this life.

What does youth mean? Passionate, indulgent. So, the thirty young people sitting on the beach today were completely crazy. Saying things that you usually don’t dare to say, and doing things that you usually don’t dare to do.

Drinking and talking dirty. Fighting, even confessing. Anyway, I did all the things I haven’t dared to do in several years.

Their movements attracted some onlookers, who were either envious or contemptuous. But no matter what the look is, who else cares?

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