Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 863 Ye Yuping’s High School

Although only six people are employed, there is always a need for leadership. At first, Meihua did not accept her fate. She was waiting to see the abilities of these people.

After half a month of running, a white woman in her thirties named Mary stood out. For an order of one million, she took 600,000 by herself.

Meihua learned about it and found out that Mary was also a single woman with a child. Her ex-husband was driven away by her because he was drunk and neglected his job.

Although the welfare policy in the United States is not bad, she is not a person who is willing to be mediocre. She wants to give her daughter the best education.

Although schooling in the United States is free, that refers to public schools. They actually implement elite education. There are so many Ivy League schools in the country, do you think you can easily get into them?

Starting from junior high school, real high-quality resources begin to be concentrated in some private schools. Want to go to a good school? Bring the money.

It’s okay if you don’t have money, just enroll in school nearby. The closer the school is to the slums, the poorer the conditions. Teachers are human beings. When they meet good students, they will naturally teach them well, but if they really can't control them, they will give up treatment.

Schools near slums mostly have more black children. Our parents have been addicted to alcohol, drugs and other bad habits. How can these habits not affect our children? Therefore, most teachers in schools in these places have given up on treatment.

Naturally, Mary would not let her children enter such a school, so she worked hard to earn money and bought a house near a wealthy area. If you don't have the money to go to a private school, then going to a public school in a wealthy neighborhood is also a good option.

Chinese people don’t know much about the American education system and always think that it is particularly fair. In fact, it is a place where class differentiation is most obvious.

Now, although Mary has bought a house, she has also sent her daughter to the school here as she wished. But because she still has a mortgage on the house, she can only work hard.

After understanding these circumstances, Meihua directly appointed her as manager. Let her take care of the company's affairs as much as possible, and the condition is an extra $500 per month.

Mary also lived up to Plum Blossom's expectations and was very responsible. She has a strong personality. On the second day after taking office, she fired the most undisciplined employee, and the remaining few immediately cheered up.

In fact, international trade sounds very sophisticated, but in practice it is no different from ordinary business. It’s just that the people we deal with are different.

If an American company goes directly to China to negotiate prices with warrior clothing factories, they will keep the prices very low. Because the opposite side is Chinese, their products represent cheapness.

The situation is different when Meihua opens her company here. It means that she directly transports the goods here to sell them, which invisibly increases the price. If Meihua now says: "I am from China, prices and labor are low there, so we sell at a significant price reduction."

It is estimated that Mary and several other employees would not agree.

As sales gradually increase, Meihua is already considering whether it is time to terminate the contract with Wal-Mart because their purchase price is too low. It seemed okay in China, but according to their current sales price, it is a bit useless.

I called to inquire and found out that the contract with Wal-Mart was still for three months. He told Mao Doudou to notify them in advance that the contract would be terminated when it expired. They don't sell much anyway.

Ye Yuping is already in high school. Although he has been attending sports school, his cultural classes have not been delayed. And he was pleasantly surprised to find that after passing the language barrier, the courses here were much simpler than those at home.

As soon as you enter high school in China, you basically enter a desperate state. Teachers, parents, classmates. Basically everyone I know says cheers for you when they see you!

But the high school here is still leisurely and leisurely. Students can choose the university of their choice starting from the first year of high school. And work hard for it.

Students collect their transcripts, certificates and other study materials as application basis and submit them to the university they want to go to.

The so-called certificates are actually very broad, such as participation in social activities and competitions. Sports competitions, American universities attach great importance to these things.

There are also SAT and ACT exams to take, but some American universities do not require students to submit their SAT scores. This exam can be taken as early as the first year of high school. And you can participate three times, just choose the one with the best results.

This discovery made Ye Yuping very excited. He basically had no hope of going to college in China. My grades are average and I spend too much time exercising. But here, there is no such consideration.

Knowing all this, he already knew how to learn. After all, he is still a sixteen-year-old boy, and he decides to take the SAT and ACT exams every year.

After enrolling, he not only participated in the school football team and football team. I haven’t given up training in track and field events yet, I just rely on these to get my certificate!

The reason why I joined the rugby team was actually speculation. Xiaoye Yuze saw that he had a good physique, so he taught him his own pile skills, as well as platoon fighting skills.

In fact, rugby, to put it bluntly, is collision, the collision between people. This is currently what he is least afraid of. He is not afraid even if he is naked, let alone wearing protective gear.

Of course, joining these teams is not something you can just do if you want to, you have to go through some tests. But these are little KS to Ye Yuping. Coming from a professional sports school, how could you be afraid of this?

The United States pays more attention to sports. They finish school at three o'clock every afternoon. But after school only refers to cultural classes, and the next time is physical exercise. Generally speaking, if you don't exercise for an hour or two, you can't even think about going home, even for lazy cancer patients.

Ye Yuping trains for at least four hours a day. Each class in the school has its own various teams, then grade teams, school teams, city teams, even regional teams, and finally the state team.

Every time you advance, you will get a certificate. If you can make the state team in high school and place in national competitions, then all universities will extend an olive branch to you.

Ye Yuping has just become a member of the class rugby and football teams. We will participate in the grade competition on Saturday. This competition is a qualifier for the spring sports meeting. If you perform well, you can join the school team.

Of course, this is a bit difficult for high school students. After all, compared with the children in the third year of high school, their physical strength is not on the same level at all. But Ye Yuping is not afraid, he wants to give it a try.

Ye Yuping had just finished training for the rugby team, and his whole body was soaked with sweat. He wiped his sweat with a towel and walked to the track and field again. Prepare to practice shot put and discus.

"Hey, George, drink water!" Ye Yuping looked up and saw a blond girl with blue eyes walking over. Her name was Avril. She was Ye Yuping's deskmate, a very beautiful white girl.

I have to admit that the nutrition of Americans is really good. At the age of fifteen, domestic girls are just growing up, and this Wei'er is already quite large.

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