Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 823 Things about Ruyi’s family

Ruyi lowered her head and entered the house. Not many people in the village spoke to her. Maybe it's because the widow has a lot of troubles at home, and my mother seldom pays attention to anyone in the village except for a few relatives.

When I opened the door, the light in the house was very dark. Because of the cold winter, the windows inside the house were covered with newspapers. Therefore, even though it was only three o'clock in the afternoon, the room could not be seen clearly.

"Mom, where are you? I'm back." Ruyi shouted, and a faint reply came from the east room. "I'm in the house."

Ruyi hurriedly entered the house and saw her mother lying on the kang covered with a quilt, with a scarf wrapped around her head and her face was pale.

"Mom, what's wrong with you?" Ruyi threw the thing on the ground and rushed forward. He walked closer to his mother and observed nervously.

"Son, mom is fine, don't worry. It's the same old problem." Mom reached out and touched Ruyi's thin face and replied kindly.

Since Ruyi started studying medicine, she already knows what her mother’s illness is? It is rheumatoid arthritis, but because there has been no effective treatment, complications have already occurred.

Nowadays, not only the joints are swollen and deformed, but also the heart and kidney functions have been affected. So my physical condition is already very bad.

In addition, now that rural land is contracted, she has to do all the work herself, and her body is severely exhausted. Especially in winter, the pain tortured her all the time. So I spent most of my time on the kang.

Seeing her mother's forced smile, Ruyi felt even sadder in her heart. She didn't have a deep understanding of it when she was in school, but she had dealt with patients a lot during her internship in the infrastructure company, so she naturally knew how painful they were.

Moreover, rheumatoid arthritis happened to be the next topic of cooperation between the school and the infrastructure, so the hospital also admitted some patients with rheumatism. This time she also brought back some medicine for her mother to take.

"Mom, let me boil some medicine for you." Ruyi hurriedly returned to the outhouse. There was a small stove and a casserole at home, which her mother specially used for boiling medicine.

The mother forced herself to get up. She was worried that her daughter would light the fire. This girl has been restricted by herself since she was a child. She can only do anything but study.

But I finally became a college student, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to survive in the countryside with this physique.

As soon as my mother stood up, she felt flustered, then swayed a few times, tilted her body, and fell to the ground.

Ruyi heard the sound in the house and ran in quickly. When she saw her mother lying on the ground and there was no movement, she cried anxiously in her heart.

After crying for a while, I calmed down when I saw that my mother had not moved. I started to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on my mother, and kept pressing on her chest and abdomen to get her heart to start beating.

Ruyi's shout just now alerted the eldest daughter's family in the yard next door. My father has only one brother, and this aunt is the wife of my father's cousin. My father’s cousin is no longer here either. It's just that the three sons in the family are all adults, so life is pretty good.

After Ruyi pressed for a while, her mother Cuilan finally opened her eyes. "What's going on? Are you doing your old habit again?"

The aunt's loud voice rang in the room. Cuilan smiled at her sister-in-law: "Oh, it's not because of this unsatisfactory body that makes my daughter worry about suffering as soon as she comes back."

The aunt also had a sore nose. The man left early, and Cuilan still had her husband's pension at least. She did not hesitate to help her. She knew best that it was not easy for a woman to raise a child.

"Mom, let's go to the hospital." Ruyi packed her things without hesitation. She really didn't know that her mother's illness had reached this point, otherwise she would have taken her to the hospital last time she came back.

Heart failure caused by rheumatoid arthritis is very dangerous, especially if the mother is the only one at home. Once an attack occurs, it will be difficult for others to survive without timely rescue.

My mother has never been to the hospital for her illness, so she must take good care of it, or at least use necessary means to treat and alleviate it.

Seeing her daughter packing her things, Cuilan smiled bitterly: "Daughter, we only have more than two hundred yuan at home, so I'll keep it for your living expenses. Which hospital should you go to?"

Ruyi's nose felt sore and she insisted: "No, I have to go and have a look. If you go to our school hospital, some of the fees can be waived!"

The aunt also advised: "Listen to the child and go and have a look. If your health is better, you still have to help look after the grandson. If you leave early, who cares?"

The aunt's words had an effect, so she went back to arrange for her eldest son to drive a walking tractor to take the mother and son to the hospital.

Before leaving, the aunt put five hundred yuan into Ruyi's hand: "Don't worry about having too few children. Your three brothers got married, and the family's wealth was emptied. This is all the money that the aunt has."

Ruyi nodded with tears in her eyes: "Thank you, aunt. I will pay you back the money after I work."

The eldest brother helped send Cuilan to the hospital and left. Ruyi pushed her mother to do various examinations. As soon as the results came out, the doctor scolded her with a dark face: "Why did you delay it until now? If you don't treat her, you won't need to treat her. You are still a medical student."

Ruyi's face was filled with tears and she made no excuse. It was because she had neglected her duty. What could she do to defend herself?

The hospital asked for a deposit of 1,000 yuan, but Ruyi only had more than 700 yuan in hand. She thought of Ye Yuze and knew that if she spoke to him, he would definitely take care of it.

But the call got through, and it was Aunt Meihua who answered the phone, saying that Ye Yuze had gone back to his hometown to deliver something. I wonder if he can come back today?

In desperation, she thought for a long time but couldn't think of anyone else to look for? Wang Shuqin will definitely help, but she doesn’t know their home address or phone number, so there’s no way to contact them?

In desperation, she called the logistics office of the development zone. She thought of her master. As long as he is here, there is nothing that cannot be done.

Liu Qingshan picked up the phone and just said "hello" and was about to ask who was looking for him? There was a suppressed sob coming from inside.

"Ruyi, what's wrong with you? Don't cry, tell the master if you have something." Liu Qingshan knew it was Ruyi as soon as he heard the voice, but Ruyi should be at home by now? What's going on here?

Under Liu Qingshan's repeated questioning, Ruyi finally told the whole story. Liu Qingshan thought for a while and then told Ruyi:

"You go to the ward and wait carefully. You don't need to worry about the money. Just stay with your mother. Trust me, I will take care of it for you right away."

Ruyi felt much more at ease when she heard Liu Qingshan's voice. Now that I heard that he had left me alone, my heart suddenly became enlightened. He said: "I have five hundred given by my aunt here, and I still have seven hundred at home. Just ask them to take three hundred less."

"Don't pay the money yet, keep it to buy some delicious food for mom. Just leave this matter alone."

A woman's attachment and trust to a man are unconditional. Ruyi never thought about what Liu Qingshan could do thousands of miles away?

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