Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 821 Approved

For ordinary people, this is just a slogan. But for certain groups of people, this is already true. Because they have no private space of their own at all, they are faced with endless things to deal with every day.

Mr. Wang rubbed his sore brow. As age increases, physical strength becomes increasingly weak. Facing increasingly complex things, he felt increasingly powerless. I can only sacrifice my sleeping time to deal with government affairs.

He had read the application sent by the development zone last night. He just thought about it over and over for a long time, but in the end he couldn't make a decision. Looking at the watch, it's still early. I wonder if the old man is awake? But I still tried to make a phone call.

Soon he went out with the report and came back not long after. I called the secretary in. What did I want to explain? But after thinking about it, I still took the phone and broadcasted it.

Wu Tianming also didn't sleep all night. It should be said that he didn't sleep much for several days. Since the report was handed in, he basically hasn't had a good night's sleep.

Does he know what this report means? That was a truly historic change. If approved, one of the constraints hindering development will completely disappear.

At around five o'clock in the morning, the phone rang suddenly. Wu Tianming, who was sleeping on his desk, suddenly sat up and picked up the phone.

There is a two-hour time difference between Northern Xinjiang and Beijing. It doesn't get dark until eight o'clock in Northern Xinjiang, and the working hours are all ten o'clock.

"You haven't slept yet? This is not possible. You are still young, and your body is the capital of revolution." Mr. Wang, who had always been dignified, turned out to be so kind at this moment, just like his father.

"Yes, I understand, chief. I will pay attention to it in the future!" He stood at attention habitually, and then promised in a loud voice. This has all become a routine.

"The report you submitted has been approved, and the document will be finalized and distributed to the Corps. Tell the comrades in the development zone that they have done a good job, but they cannot be greedy for credit. The vital interests of the soldiers of the Corps must be effectively guaranteed!"

"Yes, the leader promises to complete the task!" Wu Tianming's voice was trembling. This information means that the development zone can take action in advance.

When the official document is issued, it can be used as a benchmark to set an example. The whole army is called on to come and learn.

After hanging up the phone, where could Wu Tianming still sleep? He knew that Ye Wancheng was accustomed to living in an office, so he called out. He couldn't sleep anyway, so he had to have a companion.

Sure enough, the phone was picked up within a few rings. Ye Wancheng asked vaguely in his pajamas: "Who is it? What's going on so early?"

"It's me. Your housing reform has been approved. However, this matter cannot be forced and must be based on the actual situation of the employees."

"Understood, we know what's appropriate!" Ye Wancheng also woke up from his nap at this time and immediately replied excitedly. He picked up the phone and called Liu Qinghua and Ma Quanyi. Anyway, if I don’t sleep with you, no one will sleep with me!

The three people got together and studied in detail how to operate this matter. Although Yang Geyong had explained it in detail that day, the national conditions and systems are different. Natural methods won’t be the same either.

Real estate projects in Hong Kong rely on bank loans, and land costs account for a high proportion. But the most indispensable thing in Northern Xinjiang is land, which is basically cost-free.

However, since property rights belong to individuals, they cannot take advantage of the state. This matter also requires documents from the headquarters.

What we need to do now is to conduct an investigation to find out how many employees and migrant workers need to buy houses. As for the lack of money, this is easy to handle. There is no need for bank loans. Each unit can advance the payment and deduct wages on a monthly basis.

The matter was settled in this way. The housing reform should be implemented within the development zone first, and the regiment headquarters should not be touched for the time being. After all, no unit can compare with this one in terms of economic strength.

Early the next morning, red notices were posted at the entrances of various factories in the development zone, indicating that houses could be bought and sold by individuals. Comrades in need can register with the factory first. After the New Year, based on demand, the management committee will build new buildings and sell them to these comrades.

The preliminary price of the property is tentatively set at 500 yuan per square meter, and the room is approximately 70 square meters. Of course, there are also 100 square meters and 120 square meters. These should be constructed based on statistics.

As for those houses that have been allocated to employees, they can also be bought and sold freely. However, employees need to buy a house from their employer first, and then they can buy or sell it if they have independent property rights. The price is tentatively set at 310 square meters. If you have no money or no intention to buy, the house is still yours to live in. Just keep paying rent.

This notice was undoubtedly like a hurricane, causing uproar throughout the entire development area. Because this form is unprecedented in China, naturally everything is available.

In fact, the housing allocation system does not mean that the house is yours. You need to pay rent to live in it. It's just that for the government subsidy, individuals need to pay very little.

But once you are transferred or die. In principle, the original unit of this house will be repossessed. If your children no longer work in this unit, they have no right to continue living in this house.

The ones currently reacting fiercely are the young workers, the second generation of the Corps. When they come to work, they are waiting to find a room and marry a wife. Now the house will no longer be divided, and I need to buy it myself. Can I not be anxious about this?

Immediately, groups of three and two started discussing this issue, some excited, some angry, and some sighing.

The happiest people are the migrant workers. They do not have local household registration, and owning a house is a luxury. But now it is stipulated that anyone who works in the development zone can apply, which makes their future finally brighter for those who had no way out.

Isn’t it just to endure more hardships and work more? As long as I can buy a house. They are willing to endure any hardship! Those who can travel so far to work and earn money rarely have good conditions at home. But in places with good conditions, who would abandon their family and career to come here to make money?

Zeng Zhiwei is a young worker in the automobile tire factory. The tire factory is an industry of the Third Regiment. In principle, he does not belong to the establishment of the development zone, but he is still a member of the Third Regiment.

But who of the people who came here would want to leave? Such good conditions and treatment are definitely not available anywhere else. Nowadays, the tire factory does not have a house, but only dormitories. Because no one in the factory is married yet.

But Eric Tsang is now 24 years old. Recently, I fell in love with a girl from Sichuan who came to work, and they were inseparable. We are going to talk about marriage soon.

He actually has a house in the Third Group. If he really wants to get married, he can just go back and get married. However, since the couple both work in the development zone, it is obviously unrealistic to return to San Tuan to get married.

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