Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 806 Golden Flower Mother and Daughter

Ye Yuze pointed at Yang Geyong: "You can ask my brother about this matter. You can tell me how much you want!"

Ye Yuze had always had a good impression of Wang Sihai, so he would naturally agree to this little thing. Yang Geyong wrote his contact information to him, and Wang Sihai carefully folded the note and put it in his pocket.

Then, Wang Sihai asked Ye Yuze about the purpose of his trip. After Ye Yuze told him, Wang Sihai patted his chest without hesitation: "Don't worry, I'll drive you there. There are many mountains over there, and many places are inaccessible. It's troublesome for you to go by yourself."

Ye Yuze thanked him, but Wang Sihai said with a grimace: "You have helped me so much, should I kowtow to you a few times?" Everyone in the room laughed.

Jinling is more than 300 kilometers away from Huaibei, and the roads here are much easier to travel than in the north. Therefore, when we arrived in HB City, it was not yet noon.

When he asked about Zhaojiawa, Wang Sihai grinned. It turns out that this place is in the mountains and has no traffic at all. But at least this village is close to the coal mine, so there is a road and cars can drive in.

There was no navigation in those days, so Wang Sihai drove a Santana. This kind of car still exists in later generations, and its main advantage is its solid leather. In addition, accessories are available everywhere, so it has dominated the domestic market for a long time.

HB City is very small, like a small town. The whole city is located on a mountain called Xiangshan. So Huaibei was named Xiangcheng.

Among the places of interest here are the Huangzang Valley where Liu Bang took refuge. Liu and Deng's army headquarters, as well as Chen Guanzhuang, who captured Du Yuming alive.

Ye Yuze was in no mood to visit these places. At this moment, he was very anxious and just wanted to see Uncle Zhao's family as soon as possible. The closer he got, the more anxious his heart became.

After climbing over a mountain, a small village suddenly appeared at the bottom of the valley. The three of them, Ye Yuze, are all from the north. Although they have seen mountains, they have never seen a village like this.

The infrastructure company is also in the mountains, but the hillsides can be used for farming and grazing. But the mountains here are steep and full of strange rocks. Not to mention farming, you can't even climb up to graze cattle and sheep.

Ye Yuze frowned and asked Wang Sihai: "How can such a village survive?"

Wang Sihai sighed: "It's hard to live in a village like this. Although the land it belongs to is very large, there are few places suitable for growing crops. We can only search all over the mountains and plains, and even the palm-sized flat land must be planted with crops."

Yu'e grew up in the plains and had never seen mountains. She asked curiously: "Then do they rely on people to cultivate the land and harvest food?"

Wang Sihai nodded: "The cattle can't go up, and the land has to be dug by people. After harvesting the grain, we can only carry it home. And we completely rely on the sky for food. The grain that we worked hard for a year is not enough. After all, there are many wild vegetables on the mountain, so it won't be a problem." Starve people to death.”

Ye Yuze's heart tightened. This situation indicated that Uncle Zhao's family would not have a good life. He hated himself a little, why didn't he come and take a look earlier.

The car stopped in the village. Ye Yuze got out of the car and asked a few old men squatting under the wall to bask in the sun where Zhao Dengxuan's family lived.

The old men all shook their heads in confusion, indicating that they did not recognize this person. Wang Sihai seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Is there anyone in your village who has served as a soldier in northern Xinjiang for decades and returned with his wife and children a few years ago?"

An old man was stunned for a moment, then opened his mouth with few teeth left and asked: "Are you talking about the Gou Sheng Wa? It is said that one of his two daughters died in northern Xinjiang, and he came back with only one daughter?"

Ye Yuze nodded eagerly. Only then did he realize that the people in Uncle Zhao's large village didn't know about it at all.

There was a hint of sadness in the old man's eyes, and he asked, "Who are you?"

"Our father is his comrade-in-arms, and we came to see him on behalf of our father."

The old man was relieved and pointed to a house at the highest point in the village: "That's his house. Go and have a look. That baby is pitiful!"

Ye Yuze didn't care to ask why the old man said Uncle Zhao was pitiful, and several people got in the car and continued driving towards Uncle Zhao's house. The village is not big, but Uncle Zhao's family lives high up, and the car can't drive up there for some distance. Several people got out of the car and ran towards home.

Before he entered the door, he heard a burst of yelling and a woman's pleading in the yard. Ye Yuze rushed into the yard in one stride, and then saw a scene that he couldn't bear to witness.

A short, stocky man who was blind in one eye was pulling Sister Jinhua's hair and beating her, while Aunt Li Zhen was holding the man's legs and telling her daughter to run away! There were three men surrounding the mother and daughter, not letting them leave at all.

Before Ye Yuze could make a move, Yang Geyong had already rushed over and kicked the blind man hard in the chest! Ye Yuze also came up to him at this time. He punched and kicked the men who were watching, and within a few seconds they were all lying on the ground!

Ye Yuze couldn't get out of his anger and rushed towards the blind man again. The kid was knocked out by Yang Geyong's kick and was lying on the ground moaning. Ye Yuze jumped up and stepped on his knee hard. The guy screamed, rolled his eyes and fainted.

Li Zhen and her daughter were stunned and looked at Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong in horror. Don’t know who these two young men are? Why would you help them?

Ye Yuze suddenly knelt on the ground and took Aunt Li Zhen's arm, and said with red eyes: "Auntie, I'm sorry. I'm late."

Li Zhen rubbed her eyes in confusion, then froze suddenly. She reached out and touched Ye Yuze's face with an unreal feeling and asked, "Are you Yuze?"

"It's me, aunt!" Ye Yuze's tears finally shed. Even if he were killed, he would never have imagined that Aunt Li Zhen and the others would be in this situation. At this moment, he was even thinking of killing himself!

Jinhua looked at Ye Yuze blankly, as if he hadn't reacted yet. She is the same age as Yang Geyong, but she looks ten years older than her peers. The haggard vicissitudes of life made her look nothing like a young man in his prime.

Yu'e walked over and helped her up, and Jinhua exclaimed: "Yinhua!"

Yu'e shook her head: "Sister, my name is Yu'e, and I am Ye Yuze's classmate. Just call me sister."

At this time, Ye Yuze also helped Aunt Li Zhen up and sat on the stool. Yang Geyong had already poured a ladle of cold water on the blind man's face, waking him up.

Yang Geyong held a stick in his hand, pointed at the blind man and asked: "Why did you beat my aunt? If you can't give me a suitable reason today, I will beat you to death today!"

Although Yang Geyong's voice was calm, the chill in his eyes could kill people. The blind man trembled all over and said in a trembling voice: "That's my wife. I came to take her home, but the old thing wouldn't let her go!"

Yang Geyong raised his stick and hit the blind man's legs hard. The guy screamed and fainted again.

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