Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 803 Can’t Hug

The reporter's face turned red after being scolded, but he said righteously: "I am now a citizen of the British Empire, so I must know my own Mandarin."

Ye Yuze smiled coldly: "Well, I am now the chairman of Xin Ngee On Group and the boss of 14K Xie Jiamin. This kind of organization does not exist in China, and it is also a specialty of the British Empire. Then you wait until they invite you to tea. .”

Ye Yuze had already begun to hate this kind of trash in his heart. Naturally, I won't give him any more face. A person who doesn't even care about his ancestors won't be able to understand what he says.

After hearing Ye Yuze's words, the reporter's face couldn't help but change. But You said stubbornly: "You dare to threaten reporters? Aren't you afraid of getting yourself into trouble?"

Ye Yuze looked at him contemptuously: "You will know in a moment if you are threatening me. If you don't disappear from me within a minute, I will make you not even recognize you by your ancestors!"

The reporter opened his mouth and wanted to say what? But looking around, he still didn't say anything. Turned away.

I thought that Yu'e would definitely blame me again, but I didn't expect that this girl looked at him with bright eyes, as if she admired him very much. Ye Yuze was confused. Didn't this girl hate violence the most?

Zhao Yazhi and others seemed to look at her strangely. Ye Yuze didn't understand what this meant? Is this worshiping me?

After dinner, it’s time for the auction. What surprised everyone most was that the biggest winners in this auction were not the champion and runner-up. But it was Yu'e who came in third place.

Four of her outfits were auctioned for a whopping US$500,000, while Jack, who was in second place, had six outfits that were auctioned for only US$150,000.

The shock level of this incident has exceeded the costume contest itself. There are even some organizers and judges of the face-slapping contest!

Because it is the representatives of these large companies who push up the price of Yu'e clothing. They want to buy out the copyright of Yu'e's design. After discussing with Sun Lanyu, Yu'e finally agreed.

Zhao Yazhi took the photo of the black dress, but she couldn't afford the copyright. After getting the clothes, she came to Yu'e and smiled apologetically at Yu'e: "Sister, I have too little money. I will make more movies to buy your clothes in the future."

Yu'e liked this star very much and said with a smile: "Sister Zhao, you're welcome. I'll help you design a set of clothes when you get back."

Zhao Yazhi's eyes lit up and she shouted in surprise: "Really, sister? But don't make it too expensive! Otherwise, sister can't afford it."

Yu'e was a little embarrassed. She didn't expect that her clothes would be so expensive. He quickly explained: "Sister is so beautiful, I will design a set for you for free, no money!"

Zhao Yazhi hugged her with a smile: "Sister, I don't dare to ask for money. Everyone's labor has its own value."

Ye Yuze opened his arms enviously: "Please hug me!"

The two women rolled their eyes at him at the same time and chose to ignore it.

At this time, Versace's second-place Jack suddenly ran over. Opening his hands towards Yu'e: "Ms. Yu'e, you are a genius. I will be your admirer from now on."

Ye Yuze stood between him and Yu'e calmly. He explained politely: "Mr. Jack, our Chinese etiquette prohibits hugging between opposite sexes."

Jack said "Oh" and looked around in confusion. He clearly remembered seeing Chinese men and women hugging each other just now? But now it's gone.

The two women covered their mouths and laughed. Zhong Chuhong on the side ran back playfully, hugged Ye Yuze, and kissed him on the face.

Jack looked at the two people's actions in confusion, and Ye Yuze explained awkwardly: "It's okay if you have the same skin color." Everyone couldn't help laughing.

In the next time, nothing will happen to Ye Yuze. Yu'e became a celebrity overnight, and reporters flocked to her. The clothing industry in China is still just about making clothes.

But in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, it has become a fashion. Elements that represent the development of the times.

Not only were there interviews from reporters, but also olive branches extended by major companies. Including the world’s top companies like Chanel and Versace.

Working for a company like this is every designer’s dream. Not to mention the favorable living environment and salary, the clothes sold every year include products designed by myself, which is a kind of pride in itself.

But Yu'e finally refused. It wasn't that she didn't know this, but that she didn't care. Maybe everyone’s pursuit is different?

When he got home in the evening, Ye Yuze took out the checks and handed them to Sun Lanyu: "You can help her open an account tomorrow and save the money."

Sun Lanyu stretched out her hand to take it, but Yu'e snatched it away. Looking at Ye Yuze seriously: I asked you to save it, not for me. Don’t you understand?

Ye Yuze was shocked. This girl had never spoken to him so seriously before? What's going on? Does winning an award make you feel better?

Sun Lanyu seemed to understand something, covered her mouth and turned on the TV. After a while, he said "ah" and then shouted angrily: "Ye Yuze!"

Ye Yuze looked up and saw that it was the fight scene between him and Yang Geyong yesterday. I don’t know who filmed it and put it on the TV station. Now it’s not just fighting, but also the host’s commentary.

"Yang Geyong is worthy of being a master at poking and calling the opponent. Look at this kick, it's called a lotus flower! No, it's a clutch kick. With a swing from left to right, the two strong men were swept to the ground."

The video was shot very professionally, and you can tell at a glance that it was not recorded by ordinary people.

As the scene progressed, the commentary finally reached the fight scene between Ye Yuze and Chen Jiamin. After watching for a while, Yu'e rushed up and untied Ye Yuze's clothes. Ye Yuze was shocked by her.

However, Ye Yuze generally doesn't resist these things very much. Although I was a little embarrassed in front of Sun Lanyu. Sun Lanyu also covered her eyes, but her fingers were wide enough to see her blinking eyes.

Yu'e looked even more anxious when she saw that the gauze on her arm was no longer wrapped by herself. She knew there must be something wrong with Ye Yuze's wound, but she wasn't sure yet, so she decisively started to remove the bandage.

Only then did Ye Yuze realize that his animalistic nature was not out of control, but that he had an occupational disease. Then he patted his little heart, which was heaving violently, and let her toss him.

Sun Lanyu also understood Yu'e's behavior at this time. He quickly ran over, gave him a glance and cursed: "No wonder Yu'e won't let you go out. You can cause such a big trouble if you go out in a short time!"

The two of them felt relieved when they saw that although the wound had collapsed, there was nothing wrong with it.

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