Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 787 Injured again

This huge power was clearly a shotgun bullet. Yang Geyong reached out and fired a shot at the place where the gun sounded. Then his body shot out like an arrow.

Sure enough, I saw an old man in his sixties, but energetic, covering his shoulders. He sat behind a huge boss's desk, facing the door. There is a double-barreled shotgun on the boss's desk.

Yang Geyong raised his hand and was about to shoot again, but Ye Yuze stopped him: "Don't kill anyone."

Only then did Yang Geyong wake up, walked over, grabbed Zhu Mingshan's shoulders, pulled him out from behind the boss's desk, and threw him to the ground. Then he raised his leg and stepped on his head.

"Old bastard, you always want to kill people. Do you believe that I will crush your head into a rotten watermelon?"

Suddenly, Ye Yuze found that a side door next to the house was quietly opened, and a gun barrel was exposed.

"Be careful!" Ye Yuze rushed out in one stride and threw his whole body on Yang Geyong. Yang Geyong had already reacted at this time, the muzzle of the gun passed under Ye Yuze's ribs, and he pulled the trigger.

"Bump!" Two gunshots sounded almost simultaneously.

Yang Geyong quickly moved Ye Yuze to his side and fired two more shots. The door slowly opened from the inside, and a figure appeared in front of everyone, holding the door handle.

He was thin, short, and wore a beret. The long hat brim covered his eyes, and Yang Geyong was hit on his left shoulder and right hand. The pistol fell to the ground, and now he was struggling to hold on to the door handle, trying to bend down and pick up the gun.

Yang Geyong fired another shot without hesitation, hitting him in the leg. The guy swayed and finally fell to the ground.

Yang Geyong walked back to pick up his gun, and then stepped hard on his right hand. Then he looked back at Ye Yuze. It turned out that his right arm was bleeding, which shocked Yang Geyong.

At this time, Little Apple had already grabbed Ye Yuze's arm and checked the injury. Ye Yuze groaned at her rudeness.

Yang Geyong quickly opened Little Apple and took off Ye Yuze's coat. He was relieved when he found that it was just a penetrating injury and no bones were injured.

But he was also afraid in his heart, if Ye Yuze hadn't pounced on him and led him astray. The shot hit him right in the head.

He tore a strip of cloth and wrapped it around Ye Yuze's wound. Yang Geyong walked towards the gunman. At this time, Little Apple was asking him: "Liu San, tell me who asked you to kill my father? If you don't tell me, I will kill you now!"

Seeing Little Apple's red eyes, Liu San pointed at the boss on the ground: "The president asked me to do it. Your father and I have no grudges. Why kill him?"

"Boom!" At this time, the door was pushed open again. It turned out that Tietou came over with a group of people. Seeing Zhu Changming on the ground, he went up and kicked him:

"You old bastard, if you dare to let someone kill our boss and destroy our sect, you are seeking death!"

Zhu Changming was still holding on to his boss's authority through gritted teeth. After all, his people are here, and they will arrive soon. These people will definitely not be able to escape.

Unexpectedly, the people from Xin Nghe An came first. With so many people, he was sure that his people had been dispersed. He couldn't escape today, so his attitude became more honest.

Tietou glanced at Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze, and said to Little Apple: "Take them away first, otherwise the police will come and cause trouble later. I'm here!"

Little Apple nodded, she understood this. No matter what happens, the boss can't get involved. She had to handle many subsequent matters, so the three of them left quickly.

When the people from Xin Nghe An rushed up just now, they had already smashed up the nightclub. They also picked out the clients and prostitutes from each room, and they didn't even let them wear their clothes.

This is their usual tactic so that they can take advantage of it when the police come. Don't worry about whether it's true or not, there's nothing wrong with doing harm to the people anyway, not to mention they didn't hurt anyone.

And those people with 14K have been beaten away long ago. When the time comes, just put the shit basin on them.

As for why they smashed up someone else's nightclub? There are many reasons for this. Just ask a few people to come and say that your wife or sister was caught prostitution here. I guarantee that it will all be true.

As for the person who was shot, they didn't know about this Tietou. They didn't see him. Who knows which hero who was generous and generous saw 14K doing evil and punished him?

Zhu Mingshan and Liu San will not pursue this matter too closely. Fewer people will be bitten, and fewer things will be exposed. Otherwise, if they anger Xin Ngee'an, they will know a lot of things, and they won't be able to figure it out in this life.

Zhu Mingshan, an old Jianghu, is well versed in this. Although Liu San is young, he understands this better. Anyway, he can't be sentenced to death, and he will be able to come out sooner or later.

Little Apple didn't dare to take Ye Yuze to her home, because it was too eye-catching. However, Ye Yuze's gunshot wound needed to be treated. After thinking about it, Ye Yuze asked him to be sent to Sun Lanyu.

Yu'e is over there, a medical student. Isn't it just a piece of cake to treat a wound? I found a pharmacy that was open 24 hours a day, bought some trauma medicine, and went to Sun Lanyu's apartment.

Asked to open the door, Sun Lanyu and Yu'e were not asleep. The two of them are still studying clothing styles. Sun Lanyu acted as a model, and Yu'e kept gesticulating on her body with a piece of clothing.

Seeing three people coming so late, Yu'e's expression suddenly changed. "Did you get into another fight?"

Ye Yuze smiled bitterly, how could this girl always guess so accurately? But is it my fault?

He took off his coat and immediately saw the cloth soaked in blood. Yu'e immediately laid out the medicine they bought, and then cut the cloth strips with scissors.

There was no scab on the wound, and as soon as the cloth was loosened, blood poured out again. Yu'e quickly disinfected, applied medicine, and then bandaged it with gauze. The bleeding finally stopped.

She had just observed the wound. It was not big. No stitches were needed. As long as it didn't get infected, it would be fine.

It’s almost dawn after all the hard work. Yang Geyong took a look at the somewhat cramped apartment and asked for a hotel break. Just two rooms, one for two women. They can't live here.

Ye Yuze also wanted to go back, but was firmly stopped by Yu'e. She needs to monitor her temperature. If she has a fever, she needs antibiotics.

They all knew what happened just now. Yu'e's attitude towards the little apple is very cold.

A woman wanted to encourage Ye Yuze and the others to fight and kill, so Yu'e was naturally not happy. Sun Lanyu was naturally not happy either, and Little Apple could certainly see that. He had no choice but to leave with Yang Geyong in embarrassment.

Sun Lanyu scolded angrily: "You are a college student, why do you get involved in these things? If someone is killed, isn't this a stain for life? Don't get involved with these people again in the future!"

Yu'e also joined in, "I almost lost my life last time because I got involved with these people. Why can't I change it?"

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